I need a support group!

BossyGirl Posts: 173 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been having trouble lately with my weight. I always have. As of now Im 5'5 and about 145 lbs. I know that im not overweight but i like my body best when its around 130. im 21 years old
This is my life
-Full time healthcare worker
-full time college student
-mother of a toddler

My issue is my eating. I eat healthy foods all the time, but at the end of the day I eat lots of junk because Im an emotional eater and im always stressed.
Its almost to the point where I binge eat at least 4 nights a week.
with the last 6 months iv gained about 8 lbs that i cant get rid of.
Because of my busy life i have little time for social life and therefore have no support group.
I know if I can get my emotional eating under control I can lose weight because Im very active and hardly sit down at all during the day.
I go to the gym at least 3 times a week.
My life is stressful right now and its going to be because i cant quit school because im in a nursing program that is very strict and very expensive, and i cant cut back on my job because i have a son to support.
If anyone can help give me some advice.
im at my breaking point and my confidence is way low.
Thanks ---:brokenheart: Sarah!


  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    Have you tried going to the gym at night? I'm a "bored" eater. I take a class at my gym at 8 or 9 PM. It stops me from eating later, and I know I'll be sick if I eat too soon before the gym.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hey Sarah,

    You should come join us at "A New Me"! We are in this same forum section and we always welcome new members. It is a really supporting group.

    The title is "A New Me - Let's Get Started!". I think we are on part 3 now.

    You can do this! With some supportive and motivation comments, you can reach your goals! It sounds like your life is crazy right now. Phew.
  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    I dont know if i can help you but i just wanted you to know im going through the same thing. I work 35 hours a week at a job an hour away. im a full time college student mostly online. I have a 3 monthold and a 2 year old. i also have RA. but ive been soo stressed out falling behind in my classes hardly getting sleep. i realy want to quit my job but my husband cant afford to support all of us.My husband and i alos work opposit schedules because we cant afford child care. Im realy lost at this point idk what to do.

    im an emotional eater too. im having a hard time losing my baby weight. every time i think im doing good i have a major setback. My husban and i love to drink beer not even to get dunk just to try new kinds. wheni get home he is always drinking a new kind of dark brewedbeer. its hard for me to say no. We also have alot of junk food around the house. when i get home at 1030 pm my husband is drinking great beer. i been working allday i still have large amounts of homework to finish and i ate a protiene bar for dinner. All the chocolate cookies and having a beer or 2 seems nice.

    i dont know how to help you i just wanted you to know yur not alone
  • I too am an emotional eater and every time I feel stressed I crave a large banana splits and French fries. My husband is not much help because he eats nothing but junk food. His favorite time of day to eat junk food (white castles, McDonalds, Wendy’s, Culvers, ect.) is past eleven at night and he always thinks of me and brings me something, like an apple pie or the for-mentioned ice-cream and French fries. Two months ago I went on a vacation with his family, I was so stressed out that I ate and ate and ate and in less than a week I ate myself in to a 10lb weight gain. It was so drastic that my doctor freaked out and started checking my thyroid and liver for problems. I still feel the need to chew something when I am nervous but if my stomach is not growling I pull out the pack of sugar free gum and chew it until my jaw hurts. Then I call a friend and leave a message or bug my husband until he tells me the same thing I tell my students when they are freaking out. “It will be alright”
    “So hang in there it will be alright, because this too shall pass.” ~Wise words from a music teacher of mine.
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Food is a drug....we medicate ourselves with "feel good" foods when were stressed. Maybe try to substitute the junk for fruit. Bring some fruit with you so when these attacks comes on (I'm right there with you) we can eat those instead. This is how it starts...being a mother & working so the only thing we can do for our selves is eat in the 5 minutes we get to our selves. You need to start now or you'll end up looking like me 10 years down the road. I am also 5' 5". and use to weigh 145lbs. Glad your here & caught this in time. :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    I was an emotional eater myself. I had to learn that instead of eating when I am stressed or upset or just plain bored, and depressed to access the reason I wanted to eat and then one I knew whether it was truly because I was needing nutrition or just because of issues I then learned to address the problem head on and resolve it or if I could not then let it go. I also suggest outside of dealing head on too exercise or take up a hobby that I really enjoyed or even call a friend and get my mind off the things I could not change. Go for a walk if all else fails an if you still want to eat then choose veggies to munch on. God Bless, Brenda
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    I am SO with you hun.. I used to be a heavy drinker and a smoker, I know do not smoke since July 1st (yay!) and I drink a beer or two during a packer game. And I am also an emotional eater, especially with the chocolate and carbs. I tend to do it more so when my husband and I aren't quite seeing eye to eye. I'e found that after an argument I'm off stuffing my face... and it only ends up hurting me. That's how you have to look at it... when your upset for some reason... what does stuffing yourself with bad calories do but make you more upset in the long run. Instead go for a walk, do some squats holding your toddler! (you REALLY feel the burn). Excercise releases indorfins and those are the feel good hormones!
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