I just ate 30 minutes ago, why am i starving again?



  • danimal5867
    danimal5867 Posts: 390
    Eat more protein and fiber. Protein and fiber help you feel fuller longer. They are also essential to building lean muscle and removing all the garbage.
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    When that happens to me, I go to sleep. Then I can't feel it and I wake up fine.
  • kmf2278
    kmf2278 Posts: 1
    When I feel the hunger again, I drink Metamucil and water.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Water water water.. and WHAT you are eating makes a difference. Try foods higher in fiber!
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    Did you happen to eat anything greasy recently? Sometimes that can cause what feels like hunger pains when it's really just stomach pain...
  • liquidfitness
    liquidfitness Posts: 1 Member
    What are you eating for your primary meals? I've found that balancing my intake of carbohydrates/proteins/fats in something like a 40%/40%/20% ratio helps keep me from getting hungry. If you're sticking to a strictly low-fat or low-carb diet, you might want to try something different.

    Also, instead of eating dense carbs like rice or grains, I prefer to eat more vegetables and fresh fruits (and, just like your parents always said, eat those FIRST). I find that if I eat a lot of vegetables before I tackle the main course, I get a lot less hungry overall.

    Well, that's just what works for me, so take it with a grain of salt (unless you have hypertension; then better not :P ).
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    We're in the same boat. I feel your pain. I had dinner less than 2 hours ago and I could eat an entire second meal right now if it were in front of me. Ugh. I don't think 1550 calories is enough for me.
  • zophiel67
    zophiel67 Posts: 181
    A few folks have suggested looking at what seems to cause the cravings, and I agree. I have the same problem with too much sugar but discovered when I tried using substitutes and diet drinks that the fake sugar made it worse. Try natural sugar in low amounts mixed with protein (ie honey-roasted peanuts). Also, eating lots of simple starches makes my meals digest too fast. Try whole wheat pasta and brown rice instead of the usual culprits. And cut down on potatoes. There is no complex carbohydrate option for those. Adding a good multivitamin may be helpful as well.
  • mattness09
    mattness09 Posts: 18 Member
    You need carbs. Shrimp is great, but not enough. Also, the sauce might have sugar in it, which might be making you crave more
  • linrevil
    linrevil Posts: 9
    i'm seriously wondering if its just stomach pain. these pangs aren't the same as the hunger i feel when i haven't eaten, like in the morning. no stomach growling, just feeligns of hunger.

    could i be addicted to eating?

    every time i eat it sems to make it worse. of course i'm only eating small snacks. like a banana or a few almonds. i've already exceeded my daily goal of both fiber and protein, and i am -still- hungry. i'm actually craving protein----acording to what mfp says i should have---- right now. all i have left is carbs and fat. i'm still low on my calorie intake for the day, but i really haven't done much today.
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    right before TOM I get it BIG time and ya know I just give in to it and listen to my body..... Drink water first and if you are still hungry then eat.
  • ChrisFitPro
    ChrisFitPro Posts: 32 Member
    I bet your lacking some kind of vitamin or mineral, pay attention to anything your craving, if so. But I would get checked by a dr. to be on the safe side, do some blood tests. Best of luck!


    Usually our bodies will auto-regulate and give us cravings for things it needs. Some of the things it thinks it wants, it doesn't really need - but some times, deficiency in a particular vitamin or mineral can cause intense cravings.

    You also might just be in a state of combustion. Combustable foods don't "stick to your ribs" in the same way. Being hungry while dieting is not a bad thing.
  • ocukor1
    ocukor1 Posts: 66
    3oz of shrimp doesn't seem like much, it's a good food high in protein and fat, but it is not a complete meal without some complex carbs like sweet potato or brown rice. Have you had those, you would have definitely had felt fuller. See what's in the cocktail sauce as well and how are those shrimps made because if there is some sugar in it it may spike your insulin and create a sugar high, and then a little bit later the opposite which makes you hungry again...and fatter.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,668 Member
    About 2 hours ago i ate dinner. It was very satisfying. About 30 minutes ago I started getting hunger pangs so I just ate a very small meal, like 3ozs of shrimp and a tablespoon of cocktail sauce. It satisfies me and destroys my hunger pangs.

    30 minutes later i'm feeling hunger than i was before, hungier than i've felt all day. So much so that i want to just eat and eat and eat until i feel completely full.

    This also happens after i eat meals on occasion. I never feel this way if iu eat until i feel bloated, but i feel this way if i eat until i feel satisfied.

    Does anyone else have this problem? I've heard its indigestion, or acid reflux, but i can't be sure. I'm drinking water right now trying to keep from having to eat something else.
    Probably because you still have 400+ calories to consume according to your diary.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • linrevil
    linrevil Posts: 9
    3oz of shrimp doesn't seem like much, it's a good food high in protein and fat, but it is not a complete meal without some complex carbs like sweet potato or brown rice. Have you had those, you would have definitely had felt fuller. See what's in the cocktail sauce as well and how are those shrimps made because if there is some sugar in it it may spike your insulin and create a sugar high, and then a little bit later the opposite which makes you hungry again...and fatter.

    it wasn't a meal, it was a snack. i had a meal like 2 hours before the shrimp. that meal filled me up and left me feeling satisfied.

    i only ate the shrimp because i was getting hunger pangs

    i can't possibly be thirsty either, i drank like 40 oz of water in the last few hours. i drink sometimes 100 oz of water a day. i knopw that can't be healthy but i'm always thirsty
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Maybe because you are supposed to eat about 1700 calories but you total is a little more than 1200 ( your diary is public). You seem to be about 400 calories below your goal and I think that you body is telling you that.

    Try to increase your protein (your protein seems to be too low) and reduce carbs from cookies and/or brownies. If you add some brown rice, sweet potato or quinoa to your dinner, plus some lean protein, you may feel more satisfied. Just MO.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I would drink a glass of water, exercise a bit, and see if it helps. If you are still truly hungry, then eat! I have days where I'm starving and I feel like eating everything in sight and then I'll go several days with barely and appetite. I think your body goes through cycles, especially when you are changing your eating habits and losing weight. Listen to your body's cues. Also, I have found that if I'm not eating enough fiber or carbs with my meals I tend to get hungrier sooner. Shrimp alone doesn't satisfy me long either lol
  • Sarena3
    Sarena3 Posts: 49 Member
    All calories are not created equal. I find if I eat processed foods, selections high in sugar and low in fiber my blood sugar fluctuates more and leads to more hunger. When I eat fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains I can eat more, feel satisfied throughout the day (I get hungry right before it's time to eat again) and I lose more weight. But I do notice one other thing. If I've been on a plateau I will get very hungry right before a new weight loss occurs. Good luck. Hope you find your answers.
  • ocukor1
    ocukor1 Posts: 66
    3oz of shrimp doesn't seem like much, it's a good food high in protein and fat, but it is not a complete meal without some complex carbs like sweet potato or brown rice. Have you had those, you would have definitely had felt fuller. See what's in the cocktail sauce as well and how are those shrimps made because if there is some sugar in it it may spike your insulin and create a sugar high, and then a little bit later the opposite which makes you hungry again...and fatter.

    it wasn't a meal, it was a snack. i had a meal like 2 hours before the shrimp. that meal filled me up and left me feeling satisfied.

    i only ate the shrimp because i was getting hunger pangs

    I feel you though, I just about raided the refridgerator today, still hungry lol. My wife was complaining earlier that she can't get enough to eat today, some days are just crazy like that, and I gotta tell you I haven't been sparing my stomach lately.
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    Maybe because you are supposed to eat about 1700 calories but you total is a little more than 1200 ( your diary is public). You seem to be about 400 calories below your goal and I think that you body is telling you that.

    Try to increase your protein (your protein seems to be too low) and reduce carbs from cookies and/or brownies. If you add some brown rice, sweet potato or quinoa to your dinner, plus some lean protein, you may feel more satisfied. Just MO.
