What did you do for your last cheat meal?



  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    Rasta Pasta.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Mac n' cheese with turkey chili mixed in. Yum!
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    Went to a Chinese buffet for my daughter's birthday and then had cheesecake at home. The next day I had one and a half pieces of birthday cake from my grandson's party. Gained three pounds from that fiasco and still have one of those pounds hanging around. This was last weekend...:ohwell:
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    You cant cheat if your not on a diet!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I don't really do cheat meals, I don't like the word cheat anyway.
    I just have bits and pieces I crave on a daily basis, in moderation as part of my lifestyle.
    Tonight I had 3 mini cream cakes adding up to around 370 calories, the rest of my day was pretty clean.
  • supermumincanada
    supermumincanada Posts: 59 Member
    Scampi and chips in Sainsbury's restauarant and a fresh cream apple turnover from greggs, 1300 calories later... xo
  • TMarieB30
    TMarieB30 Posts: 24
    I had the triple dipper from Applebee's with boneless honey bbq wings, steak quesadillas, and spinach/artichoke dip. OMG! It wasn't even all that good either.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I don't do cheat meals. If I want to reward myself I'm not going to make it food. My past choices are what made me fat so I can't let myself go back there
  • makenziewhicker
    makenziewhicker Posts: 29 Member
    Sushi! I had a crystal crunch roll! num num!
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    my cheat/off/relax day is Sunday, so last week I had

    fried chicken wings w/hot sauce
    a big salad (didn't measure the salad dressing just POURRRRRRRRRRRRED it on yummy)
    cheese popcorn
    watermelon with lime chili fruit seasoning
    tamarindo lollipops (2)
    peanut butter cookies (4, i think)

    this Sunday I want to have:

    T bone steak
    french fries
    nice salad with olives and as much salad dressing as i want
    i might have the cheese popcorn again, or i might have one of those Extra Butter microwave popcorn bag that comes with the big *kitten* packet of "mystery butter sauce" that is totally delicioso

    i fix all this at home, i don't usually go out to eat

  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Hahaha. I "cheat" every weekend (aka I allow myself an extra 700 calories on those two days). Lost 75 lbs doing this and I'm still going. You only live once.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    You cant cheat if your not on a diet!

    ^^This. Lifestyle change, ftw.
  • janelleross
    janelleross Posts: 61 Member
    Starbucks - Venti iced chai tea latte with 2 pumps of hazelnut ...... yum!

    This is my treat every Friday. I call it "Friday Chai Day"
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I don't have cheat meals...I just eat what I want.

    Yesterday I went to Olive Garden and ate all my calories at lunch...wasn't hungry the rest of the day, so no harm, no foul.

    Last time I went over calories was the day before that because we went out with my uncle we never get to see, and he insisted we have ice cream after dinner. The ice cream did me in, but I woke up the next day a couple of ounces lighter.

    I see no need to think of anything as cheating when I'm not on a diet.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    When I hit goal I ate 1500 calories in oreos :D (aka the entire box)
  • Numptcakes
    Numptcakes Posts: 145 Member
    I've just come home from the Harvester where I tried the chicken and chorizo skewers. Also had half a Rocky Horror Dessert. The dessert was so worth it - the skewers not so much!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Cheat meals? I don't really do that. But I did just have a 22oz Titan IPA with lunch.
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    Many many many concoctions of misc. liquor. The hangover was not pretty.
  • Belligerent_Wombat
    Belligerent_Wombat Posts: 63 Member
    <b>A shot of Patron with a pickle juice chaser,<b> an Angry Orchard cider, a glass of white wine, huge slice of veggie pizza, and a vegan chocolate peanut butter bar from Pizza Luce (for you Minnesotans who know about Pizza Luce, you know that their vegan chocolate peanut butter bars are the sex).

    Ah, yes! A Puerto Rican hooker! My favorite shot! :O)
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    I had a glazed donut this morning! But it totally fit in my macros and I'm still under for the day! I'll run it off tonight at the gym...