How do you react when someone notices you have lost weight?



  • Zalovar
    Zalovar Posts: 92 Member
    I try to just be as nonchalant about it as possible with a comment like "yeah, I've lost a couple pounds, its amazing what eating a little better and excercising a little more can do". Most people follow that up with a 'well, you look great' so all there's left is to say 'thank you' and that's usually the end of the conversation.
  • Bellren
    Bellren Posts: 14
    I think I may be the most awkward person in the universe.

    Person: woah have you lost weight?!
    Me: What? noooo
    Person: You sure you look tiny!
    Me: Pfftt I wish I eat like a pig... *head goes down and I start fiddling with something*
    Person: Well you look good
    Me: *Changes subject as quick as possible*...

    I'm a bit like this too - I don't mind close relatives or friends noticing and complimenting me as I am happy to talk openly to them about it, but I really dislike it when acquaintances, work colleagues or distant relatives ask me this. It makes me uncomfortable.

    Even where they originally intend it to be complimentary I have found that in about 80% of cases where I openly acknowledge it, they will go on to try to caution me against 'losing too much weight', and 'you don't want the weight to come off your face, dear'.

    This sort of cr@p is the very last thing you need to hear, as someone with several stones left to lose. I also have found that the same folks then seem to go out of their way to encourage me to eat fattening stuff at get-togethers :laugh:

    My strategy (up until the point at which it becomes blatantly obvious that my weight loss is part of a determined effort on my part) is to try to shrug it off by smiling and stating that I cant say as I have noticed, then abruptly change the subject so as to leave them under no illusions that I dont want to talk about it, now or in the future.

    In society in general I think there is too much running commentary on who is fat/thin/who has put on weight/lost weight etc, and as a rule I try to avoid those sorts of conversations. I appreciate the possible irony here, in terms of my joining MFP where we acknowledge and commend each others' weight loss, but here there is anonymity and privacy for those who want it, no judgement, and we are all in the same boat; I have encountered nothing but help and supportiveness here.
  • staceybe58
    I smile and say thank you. I have a hard time seeing my own weight loss so when others notice it makes me happy and shows me that my hard work is paying off.
  • WiegandS
    WiegandS Posts: 99 Member
    I guess I'm so used to putting myself down I continue to do it even though I'm smaller now. I always tell people I still have 30 more to go, or when I see myself in the mirror all I see is fat. I guess I developed slight body dysmorphia? Realistically I know going from a 12 to a size 6 is a huge difference, but I still constantly see myself aiming to get smaller and smaller. I guess the self-deprecation will never end, huh?
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    Personally I love it! I also smile and say thank you!
  • miss_believer
    Weight loss is such a weird thing. I want people to notice my hard work but I clam up if they mention it. Haha!
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I simply say thank you, I have.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    I don't mind when they notice it, usually I just say thanks. It's easy and we can move on,

    It's when they ask me 'how much' 'how long did it take' or keep making more comments and all that, then I get all embarrassed and mumble that I don't know. hahahahahaha....
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    I simply say thank you, I have.

    Me too. Keep it short and simple, and nice. :flowerforyou:
  • mavrick7
    mavrick7 Posts: 1,607 Member
    I think I may be the most awkward person in the universe.

    Person: woah have you lost weight?!
    Me: What? noooo
    Person: You sure you look tiny!
    Me: Pfftt I wish I eat like a pig... *head goes down and I start fiddling with something*
    Person: Well you look good
    Me: *Changes subject as quick as possible*...

    And yesterday someone greeted me with Hi Kim, aw looking good! .. and I just completely ignored the comment and was awkward again. -.-

    I dismiss any and all hard work I put in to losing weight. I need to learn to just say "aw thanks yeah I have" :D

    How do you react?

    @kimmianne - Why deny the work that you have put in?

    Friend - Have you lost weight recently?

    Me: yes, I lost 32 pounds.

    Friend - really? What is your secret?

    Me: 1. start a food log (MFP)
    2. cut out sugary drinks, snacks, chips, and fried foods. That is your first ten pounds
    3. work out at least once a day, don't eat back calories.
    4. gradually increase the intensity.
    Friend - that's it? don't you have a get a gym membership or take supplements.

    Me: Nope, thats it.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I haven't had anyone notice yet.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I love hearing people tell me that they've noticed.