SAHM 9/20-9/27



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi ladies! feelin' sore today--whew. and so unmotivated to do my household tasks. :indifferent:

    i just wanna rest a bit...took little one to the park this am and had a school mtg. now he's off to nap--2hrs till the "afternoon shift". kwim?
    i'm gonna rest and then get all the things organized for that sxn of the day. :yawn:

    hope y'all are havin' a good one :flowerforyou:
  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    Gym: Check
    Water water water: Check
    Food: Check

    Today is good! :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    following angie's lead

    water: check
    cardiox: check
    food--good all day till dinner--mcd dblchs mighty kids (w/water), kfc biscuit, ranch and carrots
    my problem is not having good satisfying fast meals on hand. i know all the advice and rt steps, just executing it day after day is really hard for me.

    btw, so so stinkin' sore from core yesterday. that afternoon nap helped tremendously.

    off to finish and shower. g'night all--see you tomorrow! :heart:
  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    Stacey, do you guys have an Arby's? They have a Chopped Farmhouse Salad with grilled chicken. It's REALLY good and won't destroy your day (250 calories for a nice big salad). :flowerforyou:
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Salads are great! Low in Calories. I recently found out the Mcdonalds side salad only has 20 calories. I was surprised.
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    Angiered----nice Tatt! I have a snowman holding a melting heart on my ankle and a celtic eternity cross (I am part Irish) on back of my shoulder (hubby has the cross too! we are dorks!)

    I am actually going to try and work out today! I will ease into it so that I can move tomorrow. Just going to do some different squats, curls, presses and lats. I am trying to drink my water :grumble: must make myself do this.

    I am going to get back to tracking my food too, I had stopped while I was sick. I am still on antibiotics but barely coughing! Woo Hoo!!!

    Silver good luck in therapy! It is great that you are going, hope you feel better soon :smile:

    Stacey----you go girl! You are really doing well on all of those workouts! Wish I could find the time for more. I felt like I spent the entire day in the car yesterday. I have got to get the oldest a car!

    Have a great day!!!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Lettuce, good luck with getting a work out in. I'm not very hungry lately and with feeling down I've been very bad about working out. I haven't worked out in a week. Well, a week and 1 day.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello! I wasn't able to post anything yesterday. I kept up with reading them, but was too busy to go ahead & post. Unfortunately, I didn't make any of my goals yesterday. I'm doing a little better today so far. I'm not going to be able to walk to pick up the kids today since my son has his 7 year check up this afternoon right after school. I'm hoping to have time after they go to bed tonight to walk on the treadmill. I absolutely LOVE my custom orthotic inserts! :heart:

    Silver - good luck with your therapy!

    Angie - Nice tattoo! I am too much of a coward (fear of needles) to get a tattoo. I am the one, however, who went to get her belly button pierced in 1996 before it became so popular. Yup! Still have it! I was able to keep it in through both pregnancies!

    Lettuce - I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm glad to hear you're going to ease back into exercising. Easing in after an illness is the best way!

    Stacey - Whoo hoo!! Great job on the exercising!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Amypyr, sorry you can't walk to pick your kids up after school. Good luck getting in some time on the treadmill. I have to get up at 5 am for therapy tomorrow so I'm gonna try and walk up and down my stairs for 20 minutes before I get picked up. Wish me luck on pulling my bum out of bed! :grumble: :laugh:
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    I made it!!!
    I got in a really good all around strength training workout today....burned 235 cals just lifting (was wearing my hrm). I am going to be really sore tomorrow though :grumble: that always happens when I haven't lifted in a couple of weeks.

    Forgot to take my medicine though....oops!

    I have drank about 4.5 8oz glasses of water today too! That is really good for me!

    Silver--hang in there and you will get back to exercising :heart:

    Amy--glad you like your orthotic inserts, I love mine.
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I've got my 8 glasses of water in today. I just need 3 more to be at half my body weight in water. I was using these little blue plastic cups and I was filling it up pretty good and chugging the whole thing in one sitting then filling the cup up again and setting it on the counter. So it was there I could be "gee, well it's sitting there so I really should drink it" Turned about they around 16 oz cups! And I've had 4! Geeze I didn't realize when I drank like 6 of um yesterday that I was going over the 8 glasses of water I try for everyday. So I got in 12 glasses yesterday. I'm gonna do my best to get my water in tomorrow while I'm at therapy. I"m just hoping they will let me refill my bottle as needed, I'm gonna take 2 bottles of water with me and hopefully just refill them alot.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    silver--good planning ahead with the water. good luck with therapy. it all takes time so focus on that and eating nutrient dense food (espec since you don't have much of an appetite rt now). exercise will come in time. eat rt, drink water and get sleep and get talking---you will be better, it won't always feel so miserable ((hugs)) :flowerforyou:

    lettuce--yay you're much better!! and being smart about easing back into it. driving around all day probably not much fun.

    amy--hang in there! you can do this! just take each part of the day as it comes and make those good choices. walking has been great for you--and i hope son's appt went smoothly.
    try to figure out what's the roadblock and brainstorm ways thru/around it. is it afternoon snack? is it taste of water? is it going too long b/n eatings? we're here to help and give suggestions. we want you to reach your goal!!

    thanks all for the congrats on my exercise! i feel so good that i'm doing it. and i have the time to do it b/c i have 2 kids in school all day and 1 who naps and a husb who gets up at 5, and NO PUPPY, and my floors are sticky again, bills not paid, bathrooms scary gross, and kids who watch too much tv, and dinner as mcd and kfc and then pasta (ie nada cooked much by me)

    so you too can have plenty of time for exercise if you just follow those helpful tips :tongue:

    ok, so now i gotta go pay attn to the munchkins. later girls! :heart:
  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    Amy: My husband says the same thing. He's TOTALLY happy to throw ME under the needle though. :laugh: He's cute, so I keep him. :heart:

    Stacey: Good job!! Your life kind of sounds like mine. LOL One in Karate, one in art classes, one in Ballet (that's the big one. 4 days a week. :noway: ). Sticky floors and all! hahahaha

    Silver: You can do it! :flowerforyou: Good luck at therapy. ((hugs))

    Lettuce: Glad to hear (see??) that you're on the mend!

    Today is a rest day from the gym for me (tomorrow too) and I SO needed it. :laugh: I'm impatient to get back to it but I'm fighting the temptation not to take a 'gym weekend.' I know my muscles need recovery.

    Did great for food, and had a SUPER yummy dinner. (Turkey burger grilled in teriyaki sauce with a slice of american cheese and a grilled pineapple slice. 354 calories. It was EPIC. :heart: )

    Tomorrow is another rest day (I go to the gym Sat/Mon/Wed) so I'm going in to work for a little bit in a desperate attempt to finish the new cape for one of our Nutcracker characters. My biggest hurdle in the next few months is going to be to learn how to stay w/in my calories, and not fall WAY under or forget to drink water. Things get really insane during production time for Nutcracker and I'm not a champ at planning ahead. lol I'm learning though!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    angie i forgot to say thanks for the arby's suggestion! there are a couple nearby and i never thought of them for salad. i know mc'd has them, but i don't care for theirs. anyway, thanks for the info!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    and angie you lost another pound i see! yay you!
  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks and no problem! I ADORE that salad. LOL It's my one serious splurge. I spend WAY too much on Arby's. :blushing: :laugh:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    morning ladies! what are your goals today? do you have your weekend planned out with success built in?
    silver--you're probably off at therapy already, but i hope it's a good start to getting better. :flowerforyou:

    i'm still kinda skitter skatter in my head. just having a hard time concentrating and executing....

    did my walk/jog this am
    will drink my h20
    made a good dinner and now have to buy lettuce to go with it
    laundry not out of control
    minor cleaning left to do


    planning on doing legs and back p90x today
    tomorrow walk outside and stretch
    sunday walk, arms and shoulders and ab ripper x
    monday--fast for yom kippur (and rest)

    i'm writing it here and my to-do list so i'm accountable. i want to report back + results!

    have a great morning all :happy:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    interesting link

    about glycogen storage and water and using glycogen and wt loss; not a scammy article as it quotes reputable journals like J of Clin Nutrition

    i've been at this plateau and bounce up and down 135-137. i know i need to be more consistent in my dietary choices, but i'm also interested in the science of what's going on.

  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! Well I didn't get all my water in yesterday, but I got in 5 glasses so I increased by 1. Even with eating hot dogs and fries 2 nights in a row, I lost almost half a lb yesterday. We had the kids' "Meet the Class Night" at Nathan's Hot Dogs/Bruster's Ice Cream. Will's was Wed night & Samantha's was last night. I was able to get on the treadmill last night. My plan was to walk the 1.4 miles I would have walked if I had walked to pick them up from school. I was listening to music & watching a movie on TV, looked down and noticed I was at 1.5 miles, so I thought maybe I could make it to 1.7. I ended up walking 2 miles! :noway: I was feeling it for a while after I sat down on the couch w/ my water. But I'm feeling pretty good this morning! :happy:

    I haven't really made a plan for eating/exercising this weekend. Monday is a Teacher Workday for the kids, so we're going to mil's cabin in the mountains tomorrow morning. The kids call it "Nana's camp house". :laugh: I'm hoping to get some exercise walking up & down the side of the mountain.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    amy--hang in there! you can do this! just take each part of the day as it comes and make those good choices. walking has been great for you--and i hope son's appt went smoothly.
    try to figure out what's the roadblock and brainstorm ways thru/around it. is it afternoon snack? is it taste of water? is it going too long b/n eatings? we're here to help and give suggestions. we want you to reach your goal!!

    Stacey, my biggest problem is not planning for / having enough time at home for breakfast. I run around getting the kids ready for school, which includes cereal for them for breakfast. Then I get ready for work; wash dishes; do some laundry, etc. By the time I leave, I realize I haven't eaten anything. So then I either don't eat anything until lunch, or I grab McDonald's or Chick Fil A on my way from the post office/bank for the church. So of course, I'm either starving and eat more for lunch/dinner/snacks, or I'm way over my cals right after lunch. Any suggestions for a quick, easy, on-the-go breakfast (that doesn't include cheerios) would be greatly appreciated!
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