How are you all losing?



  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    You are definitely not eating enough. 800 calories a day? NO WAY!!!

    I keep sayin' it... you wouldn't put half a tank of gas in your car and expect it to take you across the country. You can't half fuel your body and expect it to take you ANYWHERE.


    I have my daily calories set to my BMR (1470), and then I eat all or most of my exercise calories. This puts me up to anywhere from 1800 to 2100 (sometimes more) calories a day. You gotta fuel your body!
  • feellikerain
    feellikerain Posts: 46 Member
    Mix up your exercise and add in some strength training, I'd say probably every other day. Building up some muscle will help give your metabolism a boost. Keep in mind, muscle weighs more than fat though, so by doing more exercise than you feel you've ever done before, this could negate any scale movements, so even though you're technically losing fat, you're gaining muscle! And that's GOOD!!

    Are you getting enough protein in your diet? If you're exercising a lot like you say you are, your muscles need protein to function properly, grow, and repair themselves. Seafood, chicken, yogurt, peanut butter, eggs, etc are all high in protein.

    I know there's a controversy around whether or not to eat back your exercise calories. Personally for ME, I don't generally find it necessary except on days where I do some crazy exercising (like a 5k or hiking for 4+ hours) and my body needs the extra fuel just to keep functioning.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    i'm trying to be painfully honest with my logging. i know i've had some outrageous days. But my log is 98% accurrate

    you are starving.


    Go into your mfp settings and change your activity level to active, assuming it's at sedentary since most people falsely choose that, change your goal to "lose 1 pound a week" and EAT WHAT IT SAYS for a month WITHOUT looking at the scale.

    With it at active and 1 pound, I wouldn't concern yourself so much with LOGGING exercise, just keep moving your body and EAT. You should be set at about 1500 or 1600 I am estimating, looking at your goals...
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    Running high mileage
  • Ervie317
    Ervie317 Posts: 179 Member
    I am entering my foods and exercises. I don't always eat my exercise calories back! I think the exercise cals are over what I really burn! I know that I didn't see any results for almost 2 weeks... I still haven't seen much in inches yet. I have dropped 12 pounds so far and I kinda took 2 weeks and wasn't logging much in....

    Be persistent! Muscle does weigh more than fat so take that into consideration. When I was working out with a trainer I barely saw the scale move...But I lost 19 inches overall in the first 2 months!

    This is great insight but I did want to point out that muscle does not weigh more than fat and pound is a pound regardless of what it is made out of. Muscle is however, more dense than fat so you will see inches lost where you might not see pounds lost.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    1. Weights
    2. by EATING! 1500+ calories a day even into the 2000's sometimes.
    3. clean food helps rid the cravings
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Did all of you lose just by counting the calories and entering exercises on MFP? Or did you all do something additional? I'm a skeptic. I've been using MFP consistently for 2 weeks and the scales are moving in the WRONG direction for me or not moving at all. I've been exercising more than ever. 1 hour on the stationary bike 4 - 5 times a week. And I've just started 1 hour on the elliptical starting this week :( I want to see results!!!! Help!! Any suggestions?

    Two *whole* weeks?!

    Sorry I couldn't help myself, two weeks is not very long. But the answer for me was that yes I was doing something other than MFP, but no it wasn't another diet. I changed my habits. As corny as it sounds, 300 calories of grilled chicken and veggie and yogurt sauce (delicious btw) are really different than 300 calories of cheeseburger.

    Eat well. Eat a lot. Be patient. Don't worry about the scale. Get lots of sleep. Watch your energy soar and be happier.

    Screw low calorie. Screw living by the scale or your weight. Use MFP to help you live happier and more healthily. Don't just jump from one extreme to another.
  • txlissa62
    txlissa62 Posts: 128
    In taking a quick look at your diary, I'd also add that you seem to have little to no fruits or vegetables in your daily diet. I'd recommend cutting back on processed/fast foods, and add lots of fresh fruits and veggies to your diet. (This is the perfect time of year to get in that habit, with all the produce available at farmers markets.) I'd also make sure you get enough protein.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    I've just followed the MFP daily calories, logged everything I ate, and exercised a lot. Nothing magic, no hidden secrets.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Have won't happen over night.

    I watched what I ate (ate less and better), and worked out more. Kept my body challenged with new and different exercises.

    EDIT: And drank A LOT of water! (ESSENTIAL!)
  • shmiracles
    shmiracles Posts: 105 Member
    In taking a quick look at your diary, I'd also add that you seem to have little to no fruits or vegetables in your daily diet. I'd recommend cutting back on processed/fast foods, and add lots of fresh fruits and veggies to your diet. (This is the perfect time of year to get in that habit, with all the produce available at farmers markets.) I'd also make sure you get enough protein.

    agreed, more veggies and less hot dogs. also some days you only ate 650 cals?
    and some days you didn't even eat dinner. your body probably won't react well to that.

    eat more.

    eat 1500 cals.

    eat more.

    your body will thank you.
    and then it will become stronger. and expend more awesome energy! and get stronger still! and be awesomer still!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I lose minimum 4-6 pounds a week. I only use MFP to track my macros, i eat whatever the fk i want. I'll splurge eat, gain 20 pounds in a week and lose it all in 2-3 weeks because i can lmao. You're probably eating too much, also you are over thinking. Eat healthy, eat less, train more. it's as simple as that.

    It's incredibly dangerous to say she's probably eating too much - several people on this thread have commented on how LOW her calories are, they are at 800 a day :/ Did you look at her diary before you commented?

    I was just about to say that I can't even tell weather he's joking, because it was such a stupid response. Sorry dude, but you're an a$s for even putting that kind of advice without even looking at the situation.

    This. Also his pic says started in Feb. That's six months ago. Only lost 18 pounds? That's not 4 - 6 pounds a week on anyone's calendar. Ridiculous.
  • giftieetcetera
    giftieetcetera Posts: 96 Member
    I lose regularly if I stick to my calorie goal (1,800 for me, but I'm starting out obese) and workout 6 days a week (at least 30 minutes, mixing up running, walking, weights, yoga, pilates, hiking, etc.).

    I recommend you up your calories to at least 1,400 so your body doesn't think it is starving and vary your workouts a lot more, including strength training.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    2 weeks is not enough, be patient. And for Pete's sake..EAT!!! Starving yourself is NOT the answer. If you've noticed, we're all telling you to eat because it's obviously working for all of us. Please eat more. Keep exercising and eat..simple as that. The weight will come off.
  • pennyrtyler
    pennyrtyler Posts: 79 Member
    It took me about three months to actually lose pounds when I started because

    1) I was on a pretty rapid gaining trend
    2) I started exercising, which causes muscle gain

    But I did notice less cellulite, a smoother silhouette, and my clothes looked better on my body. Now the pounds are dropping off at a nice, steady, slow pace that I love because it means that my new habits are making me healthier (and thinner/prettier).
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    High protein diet
    Cutting back the junk/processed food and sugar
    Don't drink your calories - watch alcohol, soda pop and fruit juices from concentrate
    Train hard - but don't go crazy straight away. I've been adding more mileage on my bike every 2 weeks, gradually, so I don't get burned out/injured.
    Strength training - circuits, weights, bodypump, kettlebells, whatever floats your boat
    Fuel your body properly for your workouts. I tried low calorie craziness before - I got headaches, migraines, mood swings, low blood sugar, and I had no stamina. Now I am on TDEE-15% and I'm much better. My body is happy. The weight loss has slowed, but I'm losing around half an inch every week-10 days. I don't go crazy eating back exercise cals any more on my exercise days, because I'm not thinking, if I don't cram it in now I'm back down to 1200 cals tomorrow. I eat some back, and try to make sure I don't go below BMR.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    eating right, exercising (cardio & strength training) and MFP have helped me lose 114.2lbs since January 2011
  • ewhirly02
    ewhirly02 Posts: 31 Member
    I have to agree with a few of the others. You are not eating enough. You don't expect a car to run without fuel, you can't expect your body to run on that little food with that much exercise. You should net at least 1200 cal a day after exercise. I would suggest you look up your BMR and TDEE and see how many calories you burn a day just from normal activity. I would also suggest you drink more water. Your water consumption is way to low. You should drink at least 8 glasses a day or more! Water helps flush out your system and keep you hydrated of course. The only other thing that might help is less processed food. Try to eat more basic fruits and vegetables. Your body will thrive more on them than on processed food with not as much nutritional content.

    Good luck!!!
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    I watch my carbohydrates!
  • Pmillen88
    Pmillen88 Posts: 11
    Okay, I am not into any sort of "diet" plan. I did weight watchers years ago and lost 80 lbs, but have since had 2 kids and am needing to get 50 lbs off. My sister came back for Christmas this past year and looked amazing! She had lost over 50lb doing The Seventeen Day Diet. It is basically eating very little carbs and more vegetables and protein. There is a book. I have it and have lost 10 lbs on it. I have fallen off of the wagon and need to get back on. I am hoping this will help me to lose the rest of the baby weight.