


  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I eat half a slice (which is really the size of a slice) of Costco pizza almost every weekend. I go by the calories listed on their website. The good thing about Costco is that you can order by the slice and then not have the temptation of a whole pie in front of you. If you like to get your pizza out, find a place that serves it by the slice.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    Another thing you can do is make whole wheat English Muffin mini pizzas. Then you can control the toppings and satisfy your craving :)
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    I eat pizza maybe once a week. I chug as much water as I can first so that I can stop at one piece. I live in chicago. We have really good stuffed pizza and deep dish. One piece is about 500 cal.
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member
    Pizza is a trigger food for me. I don't know if I'll ever be able to eat it in moderation. :cry: But I'm likely to keep trying to on occassion lol
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • heis4u2004
    heis4u2004 Posts: 176 Member
    Pizza is my weakness too. Thankfully the nearest quality pizza place is a 45 minute drive. This keeps me from eating it often. I had one from domino's the other day and even though I ate it, it really wasn't worth it. It did put me over my sodium levels for the day. My only suggestion for myself and anyone who is a pizzaholic is to limit it to once a month and make sure it is the one you really want. Ask yourself, is pizza hut or domino's worth it?
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Yep, I just modify it a bit. for instance:

    1. get thin crust
    2. go easy on the cheese & sauce
    3. I personally don't get any meat. Most of it is too processed and it makes me thirsty, which then makes me grumpy, LOL
    4. try the whole wheat or multi grain crust. I haven't liked it at my local pizza joint - and all my breads are whole wheat or multi grain, but the crust was too dry/bland for me.

    I don't allow myself to eat the entire large pizza in one sitting :noway: anymore. Nor do I order any of the extras like chicken bites or dipping sauces etc.
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    NY Style or Chicago Style?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I love pizza and have it at least once a week. Whether I buy take-out, make my own, or heat up a DiGiorno, it's usually between 800-1200 calories for the amount I eat. That's what I normally eat for dinner anyway, so there's no problem "fitting it in."

    I don't bother with thin crust or limiting my toppings, either. If I want some vegetables on a cracker, I'll put some vegetables on a cracker.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    The thing with calories is, most of the time, you're just trying to keep track as best you can. Everyone is going to be over or under on their count almost everyday. You can make it yourself and weigh every single item, and even then you are likely to be off. The whole point of calorie counting is to be aware of what you are eating and how much. You can take the same two products off the shelve and they will both have the same calories listed, but if you have them actually test in a lab, you will most likely find that they are both incorrect.

    Bottom line, if the pizza you are eating is listed on the company website, go by those calories. If it's not, go with something in the database that closely resembles the pizza your eating. Fit them into your day or go over once in a while just for fun.

    Eating pizza, or any food that you enjoy, is not giving in. When you look at it like that, then you're just making it harder for yourself to stick with whatever plan you have. Pizza has been the reason for me to be over 1500 calories in a day, and yet, I'm still making decent progress.

    Think of this as a long term thing. What you want in the future is what you can have now, if you plan on cutting something out forever...for whatever reason...then cut it out now. Personally...

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    NY Style or Chicago Style?

    how about a chicago style stuffed with a ny style?

    or would that be like dividing by zero?

  • krouse83
    krouse83 Posts: 182 Member
    I love pizza, but I tend to make it on my own. If I do order it from a place, I make sure its from a shop that has its nutrition facts online. Its not 100% accurate but it gives me a rough idea of what to put in MFP. Hmm... now I want pizza for dinner...
  • CoffeeLover2
    When I make pizza at home I usually go for the Boboli crusts for when it's for both me and my husband. But, when I make a single pizza for just me I tend to use a flour tortilla, either a generic pizza sauce or a couple of tablespoons of BBQ sauce, reduced fat mozzarella cheese and veggie toppings. This keeps it a little healthier and you can eat the whole tortilla yourself. I usually buy the taco size, it's usually enough to eat for a meal. I also tend to add a fruit to my meal as well so I don't burp up the pizza all day. lol
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    most of the time you can find out by searching for the brand, what is on it and size. If you make your own go by ingredients you put on it and divide by how many pieces you cut it into.
  • MsSassyassApril
    MsSassyassApril Posts: 2 Member
    I honestly love pizza.. i know i cant eat it all the time. I would have a slice or two every month but in between i eat healthy everyone deserves a cheat day!! I have lost 50 pounds since February and still more to go.. you dont have to be miserable while losing wieght doll :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I love pizza so much that even though I'm lactose intolerant, I still manage to work it in a couple times a month at least. I take lactaid to help combat the

    Now, unless you are making your own pizza, trying to be exact is going to be hard. A lot of places will list their breakdown, like Dominoes, Pizza Hut and I think maybe Whole Foods does too, not sure. But if not, no need to panic. Just choose the closest pizza in the database that you can find and log that.

    You can't always be exact. but just because it "could" be off by a bit doesn't mean you should stress out and then deprive yourself. Food is meant to fuel your body and be enjoyed. It isn't the enemy and the combo of bread, cheese, veggies or/and meat isn't going to magically make it bad for you or destroy your progress if you can't find the exact calorie count for it :)
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    I don't really care for pizza unless it is VERY good pizza. I live in TN and there is a place that serves AUTHENTIC NY style pizza that tastes like what I've had in NY.

    My husband and I eat there sometimes on our "splurge day" but I still look for one with healthier toppings.

    I use the calorie count from an average of similar pizza nutrition info that I've found on MFP.
    Hopefully that helps. :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I don't really care for pizza unless it is VERY good pizza. I live in TN and there is a place that serves AUTHENTIC NY style pizza that tastes like what I've had in NY.

    My husband and I eat there sometimes on our "splurge day" but I still look for one with healthier toppings.

    I use the calorie count from an average of similar pizza nutrition info that I've found on MFP.
    Hopefully that helps. :)

    I'm curious...what toppings aren't healthy? From my experience, the topping choices are usually cheese, meat and veggies.
  • MrPrezWins
    Pizza is a trigger food for me. I don't know if I'll ever be able to eat it in moderation. :cry: But I'm likely to keep trying to on occassion lol

    Having a trigger food is a sign that you are probably eating a restrictive diet.