Someone please tell me im not addicted lol



  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    Are you perchance part cat?
  • BVannillie
    BVannillie Posts: 140

    Plus mercury poisoning?? Lol. Thanks for the laugh at least.

    Yea, I guess wiki, the FDA and sites like Got Mercury? are all wrong and you're right.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    Plus mercury poisoning?? Lol. Thanks for the laugh at least.

    Yea, I guess wiki, the FDA and sites like Got Mercury? are all wrong and you're right.
    Wikipedia should never be quoted as a source for any kind of scientific debate.
    The FDA is wrong about a lot of things.
    Got Mercury sounds the teeny-weeniest bit biased.
  • BVannillie
    BVannillie Posts: 140

    Plus mercury poisoning?? Lol. Thanks for the laugh at least.

    Yea, I guess wiki, the FDA and sites like Got Mercury? are all wrong and you're right.
    Wikipedia should never be quoted as a source for any kind of scientific debate.
    The FDA is wrong about a lot of things.
    Got Mercury sounds the teeny-weeniest bit biased.

    Wikipedia is right 99.9% of the time.
    The FDA is right 99.9% of the time.
    Got Mercury? is a site run by people trying to raise awareness after research found the risks, and because people think they know better even when facts are presented to them.

    If you choose to believe it's false then good for you, have fun poisoning yourself.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    Plus mercury poisoning?? Lol. Thanks for the laugh at least.

    Yea, I guess wiki, the FDA and sites like Got Mercury? are all wrong and you're right.
    Wikipedia should never be quoted as a source for any kind of scientific debate.
    The FDA is wrong about a lot of things.
    Got Mercury sounds the teeny-weeniest bit biased.

    Wikipedia is right 99.9% of the time.
    The FDA is right 99.9% of the time.
    Got Mercury? is a site run by people trying to raise awareness after research found the risks, and because people think they know better even when facts are presented to them.

    If you choose to believe it's false then good for you, have fun poisoning yourself.
    1. I don't particularly like tuna.
    2. You sound like you're on a crusade.
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    And I thought my stash was getting too big. I currently only have about 10 cans of tuna in my pantry. Looks good to me! :happy:
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Sorry, YOU are ADDICTED!
    And that's a great addiction to have - :drinker:
  • sweetpotatofry
    sweetpotatofry Posts: 209 Member
    haha I love this
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member

    Plus mercury poisoning?? Lol. Thanks for the laugh at least.

    Yea, I guess wiki, the FDA and sites like Got Mercury? are all wrong and you're right.
    That's why I eat dolphin... less mercury.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I don't like canned tuna that much but its a different story when it comes to fresh or frozen tunas. Tuna & salmon are my top two food addictions so much so that I can eat it raw & appreciate sashimis :tongue:
  • utahgirl247
    utahgirl247 Posts: 370 Member
    oh my....yup, addicted. lol:laugh:
  • cls_333
    cls_333 Posts: 206 Member
    That pic is driving me insane.
    the tuna needs organized by brands. Then all labels facing front. And everything needs straightened and organized ....
    Can I come over and satiate my OCD? Please??!
    To celebrate the successful reorganization we can have a can of drained tuna in water with mustard. Zero fat!!
    Please come organize my cupboards any day. Takes me 20 minutes to find the can I'm looking for!
  • leserpent
    leserpent Posts: 27 Member

    Plus mercury poisoning?? Lol. Thanks for the laugh at least.

    Yea, I guess wiki, the FDA and sites like Got Mercury? are all wrong and you're right.
    Wikipedia should never be quoted as a source for any kind of scientific debate.
    The FDA is wrong about a lot of things.
    Got Mercury sounds the teeny-weeniest bit biased.

    Wikipedia is right 99.9% of the time.
    The FDA is right 99.9% of the time.
    Got Mercury? is a site run by people trying to raise awareness after research found the risks, and because people think they know better even when facts are presented to them.

    If you choose to believe it's false then good for you, have fun poisoning yourself.
    1. I don't particularly like tuna.
    2. You sound like you're on a crusade.

    Big fish are likely to have higher conc of metals because they are higher up in the food chain...
    If you eat a lot of sashimi, you are also likely to be ingesting mercury.

    Wiki is not a reliable source but you can always check the original source, if you can be bothered.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I think that means u are addicted! I only eat tuna twice a week tho because of the mercury.
  • KayeeDaisyBee
    I LOVE TUNA!!!!!!!! Tuna's awesome. Mercury poisoning, lol. Yeah, probably if she's eating that entire cupboard everyday.
    Always a health scare, hey? Always something wrong with whatever a person is eating. Btw, don't eat egg yolk, you'll gain 500 pounds in a day. Don't go near bacon, the salt content will almost certainly give you an instant stroke. Don't go anywhere near bananas, you'll poison yourself with potassium and step away from diet soda because the government have this conspiracy to combat over-population so what they do is put ACTUAL CANCER IN EACH CAN and watch us all drop likes flies.
    Can i get a resounding PSSSHHH.
    Enjoy your tuna, i'm jealous.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm not a big fan of tuna. but when it comes to those laughing cow cheese wedges. that is another story.

    Me too but Weight Watcher ones are cheaper. Just had my LC French Onion with Trader Joe pretzel thins! Yum!!
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    I LOVE TUNA!!!!!!!! Tuna's awesome. Mercury poisoning, lol. Yeah, probably if she's eating that entire cupboard everyday.
    Always a health scare, hey? Always something wrong with whatever a person is eating. Btw, don't eat egg yolk, you'll gain 500 pounds in a day. Don't go near bacon, the salt content will almost certainly give you an instant stroke. Don't go anywhere near bananas, you'll poison yourself with potassium and step away from diet soda because the government have this conspiracy to combat over-population so what they do is put ACTUAL CANCER IN EACH CAN and watch us all drop likes flies.
    Can i get a resounding PSSSHHH.
    Enjoy your tuna, i'm jealous.

    Winning post of the night.
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    holy tuna batman!! i did notice that u only have 1 package of extra gum lol :) but hey it's alot better than the snack isle!!!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I LOVE TUNA!!!!!!!! Tuna's awesome. Mercury poisoning, lol. Yeah, probably if she's eating that entire cupboard everyday.
    Always a health scare, hey? Always something wrong with whatever a person is eating. Btw, don't eat egg yolk, you'll gain 500 pounds in a day. Don't go near bacon, the salt content will almost certainly give you an instant stroke. Don't go anywhere near bananas, you'll poison yourself with potassium and step away from diet soda because the government have this conspiracy to combat over-population so what they do is put ACTUAL CANCER IN EACH CAN and watch us all drop likes flies.
    Can i get a resounding PSSSHHH.
    Enjoy your tuna, i'm jealous.

    I believe if you ate too much, it could add up but *shrug* better safe than sorry. I think the egg yolk thing is more ab cholesterol than anything. I eat egg whites just to be safe. I like whites better anyways. I don't eat bacon either, actually I just dont eat pork lol I never heard the banana thing tho. I used to eat a couple bananas a day for a while. I do think diet soda and artificial sweetners are bad for you. But hey, that's just me.
  • KayeeDaisyBee
    I LOVE TUNA!!!!!!!! Tuna's awesome. Mercury poisoning, lol. Yeah, probably if she's eating that entire cupboard everyday.
    Always a health scare, hey? Always something wrong with whatever a person is eating. Btw, don't eat egg yolk, you'll gain 500 pounds in a day. Don't go near bacon, the salt content will almost certainly give you an instant stroke. Don't go anywhere near bananas, you'll poison yourself with potassium and step away from diet soda because the government have this conspiracy to combat over-population so what they do is put ACTUAL CANCER IN EACH CAN and watch us all drop likes flies.
    Can i get a resounding PSSSHHH.
    Enjoy your tuna, i'm jealous.

    Winning post of the night.
