Tracking 1st 30 days on DNA-customized supplement



  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Here is something else from their website regarding how the DNA is analyzed ... does this make more sense? Still waiting to contact the company. I appreciate your helping me understand this stuff.

    Once at the lab:
    •All DNA samples are analyzed bi-directionally; meaning that both strands are tested in both directions and must agree
    •Very few labs, if any, test both strands of DNA. This ensures our repeatability to over 99%.
    •Sentinel samples & Coriell cell lines samples are included in every batch to insure quality control. These results must agree before our systems allow any batch results to be uploaded.
    •Labs are Certified by CLIA & CAP

    Sentinel samples and Coriell cell lines, does that mean something? sounds impressive but I don't know.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Here is something else from their website regarding how the DNA is analyzed ... does this make more sense? Still waiting to contact the company. I appreciate your helping me understand this stuff.

    Once at the lab:
    •All DNA samples are analyzed bi-directionally; meaning that both strands are tested in both directions and must agree
    •Very few labs, if any, test both strands of DNA. This ensures our repeatability to over 99%.
    •Sentinel samples & Coriell cell lines samples are included in every batch to insure quality control. These results must agree before our systems allow any batch results to be uploaded.
    •Labs are Certified by CLIA & CAP

    Sentinel samples and Coriell cell lines, does that mean something? sounds impressive but I don't know.

    We had sentinel mice that were used as controls, so that's probably what they mean (not mice specifically but controls of some kind). Hm....DNA replicates only in one direction, so I'm not sure what they mean by that actually. Also, the term 'repeatability' has nothing to do with accuracy or relevancy. It just means they'll get the same result twice, not that it's right. Tricky! :laugh: While their genotyping may be repeatable and even accurate, I still don't see how they can quantify the expression. That's what I'm curious about.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    thanks, will research Reliv.

    I notice that the postings go up in West Coast time, so that makes it even more interesting to me that I wasn't hungry before I ate lunch (which was at 2pm east coast time ....)

    So far, ate lunch but am still not hungry.

    do you find you have less hunger on Reliv? than no supplement, or other supplements? is it vegan, is it whole food? I am just learning about categories. I was pleased to learn about ORAC values and that the supplement I am trying is like having 8 or so fruit and veggies per day in antioxidants and ORAC values, etc. Still learning what that all means.

    I know very little about the scientific nature of it. It's soy based, considered a food, manufactured outside of St Louis, facilities checked out by FDA (maybe voluntarily, I dunno). It's billed as the perfect blend of vitamins in one powdered form. They have the classic (base) and then other additional products you can add to boost levels of fiber, stuff for arthritis, other stuffffff....

    I'm sorry, I'm just not into nutritional supplements so when my mother starts talking to me about it, I tend to zone out! :laugh: I truly believe it works wonders for a lot of people, helping to increase their nutrition and allowing their bodies to heal (I could tell you amazing stories from the short time I took it), but I hate listening to sales pitches for ANY product.

    I agree, I don't like sales pitches either. Happily I am not trying to pitch the product, but understand it and it's implications to myself. Should it turn out to be very successful for me, that is all I care about. I am less concerned with the money as they have a 90 day return policy, but still my sister-in-laws father has felt big improvements and since I know him and trust his opinion I thought why not try it.

    I do feel more energy today and I am also eating better so there are so many factors. But I am pleased about less cravings and less hunger, that can be an issue for me in general. I will look into Reliv, I know nothing about supplements so this is all very educational. Thanks for your thoughts!!!!!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Day 3 on supplements ...

    I again was not hungry during the night, but I was hungry after dinner and since I had over 200 calories left I ate some cereal.

    I do seem to have a lot of energy, and wonder if part of it is taking 5 supplements with breakfast and then 5 more supplements with dinner. Spreading out the taking of the supplements is interesting and not something I had done before.

    It is 10am here in the East and so far I am ready to make breakfast but not particularly hungry yet, that also is unusual.

    Yesterday was my last day on prednisone so I think soon my appetite might go back to what it nornally should be, so less hunger while on prednisone was amazing.

    Day 3 ,... still too soon to tell if the supplements are the reason for feeling more energetic and less hungry, less cravings at night.

    Wishing all a wonderful day,
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Day 4 on supplements ...

    energy is up
    am sleeping better (didn't need cough syrup to sleep)
    am less hungry in general
    less cravings in general

    doctor has okayed beginning exercise tomorrow, will start again, then judge whether I can build beyond 30-33 lengths in pool.

    Think I feel better taking supplements 2x a day (breakfast and dinner) than just once a day. Heard Dr. Oz recommends cutting multi vitamins in half and having half with breakfast and half with dinner, I think this makes sense.

    If anyone is following this, do you have any questions, or suggestions for how I can tell if these supplements are effective versus any other kind? Value your ideas.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Day 5 and 6 on supplements ...

    I am much more energetic. Today I am going to go to the pool ... my coughing is much reduced from being sick ... still a little asthma in the mix but a lot better.

    I am also sleeping better, got up only once last night. I am hoping the supplements will help with sleep over time, but too soon to judge that.

    One thing is true, I continue to be less hungry and have less cravings. Now that didn't stop me from eating some poorer choices yesterday on a day trip with my husband, but I did eat less and I did not crave these items, just enjoyed them. Perhaps that is a subtle difference but there is a difference.

    I can't say if it's because these are "customized" for me in a broader sense, because the DNA method is still in question as to how specifically it is customized to me, but I can say I think I wake up with more pep and am benefiting from the additional nutrition.

    I am also pushing vitamin C to get rid of the cough, which is also a good thing to help rebuild my immunity. I don't know about anyone else but I have the type of asthma that comes on when I get sick and September is usually the worst time of the year for me. Unfortunately my "September" broncitis hit in August and then again in September (thanks to my husband's cold). Anyone else out there with this problem, the extra vitamin C seems to help the cough go away once the illness has passed, otherwise I can cough all winter, ugh.

    Enough dribble on my part ... hope everyone is having a great weekend. I still haven't been told who I can chat with at the DNA supplement company to ask songbyrdsweets questions, but I won't give up on that.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Day 7 and 8 on supplements.

    I think these are helping me. Sunday I was able to begin exercising again and did 40 minutes in the pool (10 lengths swimming, 30 minutes water walking and aqua jogging).

    today I was able to do 50 minutes in the pool, 30 lengths swimming, 10 minutes water walking, aqua jogging.

    Tomorrow I will see if I can sustain and add on.

    I feel a tremendous amount of energy today. I also slept better last night then I have in a while. I did get up once (bathroom run, small bladder I guess) but I did not want to eat anything and I was able to get back to sleep. In fact, I slept so well my husband had to drag me up to get ready for swimming.

    I am very hopeful this may help my sleeping issues. I am being (dare I use the term) religious about taking the supplements twice a day. I thought it would be difficult to swallow 5 pills two times a day but these capsules go down easily even though they are large.

    I am very jazzed about exercising again. Perhaps Wednesday weigh in will show me something good.

    Do you all eat your exercise calories, or do you just track them and ignore the additional calories. Do you lose better if you eat them or if you don't.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    Do you all eat your exercise calories, or do you just track them and ignore the additional calories. Do you lose better if you eat them or if you don't.

    I eat more on days I exercise, but not all of the calories. My success has been seeing myself become less fat, but the scale doesn't move too much.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Day 9 on supplements

    energy level is very high, so high I didn't try to go to sleep last night until 11:30, and I am a 9pm, let's go to bed kinda of gal

    I slept pretty well, also a change

    I woke up refreshed, now going to get ready to go to the pool to exercise (after a nibble)

    I am definitely less hungry these days, less cravings, just a general feeling of well being and energy

    I lost 3 pounds this week for a total of 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks, so that is going well.

    My friend commented last night that I am definitely back exercising faster than when I have been sick in the past, we are both figuring it has something to do with the supplements. If I continue to feel this good I think I might stay on these supplements forever. (can only compare to multivitamins, so don't know how good these are compared to other supplements).

    Have a wonderful day today, I will post pool / exercise results later to track against yesterday's good outcome.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Day 9 continues ...

    I am definitely higher energy, less hunger ... hope this continues.

    Today I succeeded with 33 lengths swimming in the pool ... and a few minutes of aqua jogging.

    I am going to try not to eat the exercise calories and see what happens.

    It's been longer then I can think when I lost 4 pounds in two weeks, usually I am lucky when I can get off half a pound, so this is wonderful so far.

    My husband is giving thoughts to trying these supplements too, we just need to see where we can get the money for both of us.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Day 10 on supplements ...

    I am feeling very good.

    Definitely less hungry, which makes eating within my calories much easier.

    I am sleeping well, soundly except for bathroom breaks during the night, guess that's a byproduct of weight loss, so I can live with that

    Energy level feels good today

    I stepped on the scale today and was down from yesterday but I don't want to count it because next Wednesday is my week and things have away of going up and down sometimes. I am wondering if I am losing faster on these supplements though because I usually do not lose 4 pounds in two weeks. But I haven't been on the supplements two weeks. Yet the first week I lost 1 pounds and the second 3 pounds. I will have to see how that progresses because it would probably be a stretch to attribute faster weight loss to the supplements.

    I was reading a bit more about these supplements last night on their website and they say they are plant-based, rich in whole foods, extracts, phytonutrients, and antioxidants to help you achieve and maintain optimal health and well being. The customized formula is supposed to have an equivalency of 5 to 8 fruits and veggies in ORAC values.

    Exercise will be later today, am working on a deadline for work. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

    (On a completely different topic, if anyone is looking for nice mens dress shirts, like the type they sell at Brooks Brothers, check out Costco, they now sell some under the Kirkland name that are wrinkle free and comparable to the $80 shirts from Brooks Brothers for $17 each. My husband bought 4 last night for less than the cost of one shirt from Brooks Brothers.)
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Day 11 on supplements ...

    I slept so well last night, a nice change I see happening. I still get up for bathroom breaks, probably always will but there were no long stretches awake and a nice deep sleep. I don't know if it's related to supplements, but I have read about other people sleeping better with them. Really too soon to judge that.

    Energy level is still high. Have been up since 6:30am and already have done one project for work, colored my hair, and have laundry going while I work. That is really good for me as it's only 9:37am. (I work from home so that lets me multitask, but I don't always do it as I should.)

    I did not exercise yesterday, too much work, and don't know if I will be able to get to the pool today. But I do love swimming.

    I am continuing to be less hungry or not at all hungry between meals and snacks, and I can't think of when I had a craving last time. I do think this is directly related to the supplements. I also have been getting on the scale in the mornings and I am seeing it move down like I haven't before. I read someone's post about calcium playing a role in additional weight loss for them and I wonder if that and the other ingredients in the supplements could be helping speed mine too. I am very curious to see what next Wednesday's weight shows. I know a lot of people can lose 2 pounds a week if they work at it, but it has been my experience that I can work hard for that 2 pounds and be lucky for a half pound (which adds up but is much slower). For two weeks now I have lost 4 pounds, and more if I go by the scale this morning.

    I would love to hear anyone's thoughts, if anyone is reading this.

    If you are interested in reading the ingredients in the supplements, in general, I believe that info is somewhere on the website where I purchased the supplements: I know that Karen (on that site) is good about tracking down answers if you have any questions I can't answer. (some people emailed me questions, please feel free to do that, even if I don't know the answer I can find out, if you're curious about something).
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    It would take a miracle for me to get up that early and do anything! I am not human in the morning. I think its great that you are having improvements in sleep and apetite on this stuff!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    day 12 on supplements ...

    I am definintey having sleep improvements. Last night I was up to go to the ladies room and noticed my husband was up at the middle of the night watching TV (in the other room). Not me, him. I said hi and then went back to sleep. So I have now slept through the night nicely for the last few days. (I hope this continues).

    Energy level continues to be high

    Hunger continues to be less,cravings almost non-existent now. It's funny, it's the absence of the hunger and cravings that I notice, since being hungry and craving was almost normal for me.

    My eldest other (not the one married to the sister in law who recommended the supplements to me) asks me how I can spend around $100 a month for these supplements. I thought about it and told him that I am feeling good on them and will continue to try them out. I think he mainly takes a multivitamin. He does eat nutritiously and does not have much of a weight problem (like I do). He cannot relate to the concept of cravings, although he can relate to being hungry ... he was born hungry and is always hungry (but slim).

    Someone else asked me if it could be a placebo effect that I am feeling good on these supplements, or sleeping better. I am not sure how to answer that. I will continue to track how I feel. Can't imagine a placebo effect would last very long if it is that. But I don't think so because I tend to be a skeptical person about these things and would be the first to look for a problem with the supplements, especially when it's $100 a month. (I am Coupon-girl ... I like to buy on sale and don't part with a $100 a month easily ... I watch what I spend, especially in this economy). I look at it this way, if I feel better and it is a good support for losing weight then the money spent is not important. I would spend any amount of money to have real help with weight loss. Can't wait until I weight myself on Wednesday and see if I am still losing well (a novelty for me).

    How about you? Anyone trying anything new that is making you feel good, or helping lose weight, or sleep better, or anything? I am glad to be tracking but would love some people who are reading this to say hi, if you feel like it.

    Have a great day.

  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    day 12 on supplements ...

    My eldest other

    Must laugh ... correction ... I meant my eldest brother above (not eldest other). So much for accuracy on a Saturday morning.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Day 12 ended up being the most tired day I've had in the last 12 days. Perhaps because of the dark skies, or the very heavy rain and thunder. Could be the massive walking we did at two different Costco locations hunting down shirts for my husband.

    We went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch and I ordered the Naked Tenders, but they are so bad, they taste burnt, perhaps mine were overcharred. I would have loved just some plain chicken with the sauce. The wings were too fattening to try.

    I discovered a new product today ... Yoplait makes a Triple Berry Smoothie that Costco carries. It's not bad, must say.

    Chat with you on Sunday after the pool.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Day 13 on supplements ...

    not as energetic as last week, but slept well

    knees are hurting, hopefully this is from the heavy rain we had ... arthritis and all that

    they say the supplements are supposed to help the joints, but perhaps that is to help further damage rather then heal the damage already there. I was hit by an SUV as a pedestrian in 2005 and so there are certain times when my body just still hurts.

    Even with that I did the pool today for 30 minutes, so that is good.

    Also, am still less hungry than before the supplements, so that remains a real plus.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Day 14 on supplements ...

    I definitely am sleeping better every day, which is most welcome. I am even up early today rested and about to go to the pool to exercise ... also a nice welcome change

    I ate more this weekend then I wanted too ... too much snacking at Costco and eating out, but my appetite was basically in check, so I guess that is a small improvement, would prefer my husband not to bring things home to tempt me, like he brought home a Dunkin Donuts croissant just for me and told me it was just for me. I went ballistic and told him not to choose my calories for me, so that didn't go so well as he was hurt. But really, isn't it for me to decide if I want a croissant or how I want to spend my calories? I took one taste but didn't eat the rest. (It wasn't even that good)

    ok, enough ranting and ravings ... off to swim. Have a great day my friends.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Day 14 on supplements ... continued...

    I succeeded with 45 minutes in the pool doing breast stroke and crawl. I am recording it as leisurely swimming instead of fast or moderate ... I don't know how to judge my speed and guess it's better to be conservative. It seems wacky to me that that is over 600 calories ... do you think that is accurate? I mean I sure feel like I worked out and all but I wonder how that is measured.

    anyone have any thoughts?

    Off to drink lots of water today ... holding salt from the weekend.

    Happy Day to everyone.