Still want some soda???

SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member

These are cases of 95% High Fructose Corn Syrup. They're going to be used for a new Coke Freestyle machine in a Burger King and they're expecting to go through 3 of these every week. That's 3 in an only moderately busy restaurant...

Oh yes and the top 3 cases are "non-nutritive sweetener" AKA aspartame. How would you like a big mouthful of that?

UGH! All that corn syrupy goodness straight to your veins.

ENJOY! because I certainly won't be.


  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Looks delicious, I can't wait!

    Huh, I thought freestyle machines used cartridges, but I guess it really would need syrup too.

    LOVE the freestyle.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Looks delicious, I can't wait!

    Huh, I thought freestyle machines used cartridges, but I guess it really would need syrup too.

    LOVE the freestyle.

    They use cartridges for the flavoring and syrup for the sweetener...

    I took this picture at what *was* my store (my last day was yesterday- on to something better than being an assistant manager). They're getting it installed on the 16th.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Ah, takes me back to my days at McDonalds.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    Yummy yummy! Drink up! :drinker:

    LOL I kid. I rarely drink soda anymore and when I do I only make the exception for Barq's Red Cream Soda. Since I can't find the junk here in Kentucky other that at ONE gas station in the entire fricken state... I don't drink it unless I go to Mississippi to visit. haha!:happy:
  • prism3
    prism3 Posts: 10
    Ewwwww...not to mention the high levels of acid.. O_O Good post, shared on my FB too.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I worked at Carmike Cinema's when I was 16...I remember getting gooey stuff all over my hands when I had to go change those.. we would always find bits of bugs in there. Mmm Yummy. Have that big yummy soda with your neon orange salted popcorn. =p
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Looks delicious, I can't wait!

    Huh, I thought freestyle machines used cartridges, but I guess it really would need syrup too.

    LOVE the freestyle.

    They use cartridges for the flavoring and syrup for the sweetener...

    I took this picture at what *was* my store (my last day was yesterday- on to something better than being an assistant manager). They're getting it installed on the 16th.

    Congrats on the new job.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    that's why i don't drink anything diet.. i saw on the dr's yesterday about diet soda and ICK..... glad i have never gotten into that addiction. I will however drink a regular soda but it's in moderation....
  • cskalaj
    cskalaj Posts: 94 Member
    I'm not sure where you are getting your information, but I used to work in a fairly busy fast food restaurant and it would take us over a month to get through that stack. Anyway, everything in moderation, right? :)
  • Sugarhoneyicedtea
    Blech. I might have a soda once a month, and I've never liked diet. Aspartame is terrible, terrible stuff.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Pouring a glass of Coke right now.
    Gulp gulp gulp
  • noweightfisherj
    noweightfisherj Posts: 220 Member
    I want some; where do I sing up?
  • KatiD83
    KatiD83 Posts: 152 Member
    Scary to think how many soft drinks I've had in my life. Probably way more than what's on that pallet. Makes me glad I gave them up for New Years this year. Seven months later and I'm still not craving them!
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I have nothing against diet soda. I drink diet coke, so I can eat regular cake.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Yummy yummy! Drink up! :drinker:

    LOL I kid. I rarely drink soda anymore and when I do I only make the exception for Barq's Red Cream Soda. Since I can't find the junk here in Kentucky other that at ONE gas station in the entire fricken state... I don't drink it unless I go to Mississippi to visit. haha!:happy:

    Moderation is key... looks like this drink has been moderated for you :laugh:
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    Sounds good to me. If you really wanted to turn me off you'd have bathed a chihuahua in the machine's reservoir. Mind you, I once got a green egg from McDonalds. Was so irritated that it was on the sausage muffin rather than the bacon else I'd have spent the day telling everyone about my green eggs and ham for breakfast.

    Yum, now I want a large Coke and a sausage and egg muffin. Breakfast of champions!
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Ewwwww...not to mention the high levels of acid.. O_O Good post, shared on my FB too.

  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    This does not disgust me in the least. And I took a quick nosy peak at your diary and I'm really surprised it disgusts you?
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    OMG! There is sweetener in soda???

    Seriously. Soda is not the devil. Too much soda is.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i will still drink my diet pepsi max.

    everything is bad for you these days /eyeroll