Does Anyone Workout at Home?



  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I do!

    We just built a new home two years ago and built a gym in the basement... no excuses! In the nice weather I get outside more and try and take advantage of the sunshine. I try and follow a program and let the results motivate me. I am thinking about doing another round of P90x or doing my first round of Turbo Fire in the Fall.

    Good luck!
  • bluemistyd
    I workout at home with P90X, I have been doing it for 45 days and love it. We have a motivation group with our online coach its great to have so many people to get ideas from. Taking photos of your progress helps to, sometimes you can't tell your doing any good but you can see it in photos that motivates me too!
  • EnergyYesPlease
    Check this link out
    They have AMAZING workouts that you can watch from home and follow their program! I love them
  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    I workout when my kids are napping/resting. There is no time for a gym right now.
  • gingerlynnlove
    gingerlynnlove Posts: 89 Member
    I work out doing turbo fire/turbo jam while my 1 year old naps. If he is awake he tries to work out with me.. so funny to watch!
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    This girl!

    I do a lot of DVDs and run. I recently got a trainer once a week and do two hours of zumba once a week. If you're working out alone just make sure you maintain good form! If you decide to do DVDs I suggest watching them through once (I fast forward because they're BORING to watch) so you know what's expected of you and you can actually see the correct form of each exercise.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I do sometimes. I have an exercise bike, elliptical, several sets of dumbbells, and some DVD's. I also go walking/running about every morning. I have a gym membership, but when I can't get there (I haven't been in almost two weeks now because of sick kids), I just do home stuff.

    The walk/run I like to knock out first thing in the AM before any of the kids are awake. That way, if I get nothing else accomplished as far as exercise goes, at least I've done that.

    Then I either hit the gym or do a home workout a couple hours later.

    It all boils down to: how bad do you want it? You'll only need to make yourself do it for a little while... then it'll become an addiction, and you'll fit it in anyway which way you can because you'll feel like pooh if you don't! lol
  • shesquats
    shesquats Posts: 91 Member
    Hi! I workout at home in a pinch...whatever it takes to get a workout in. For me, it's hard to workout during the day when my 10 year old is awake so if i can't get to the gym, I get up before everyone else. I throw in a DVD, do a workout on demand, or jump on my treadmill. I also have printed lots of excerise routines (online) with dumbbells and sometime mix that in with the treadmill. When the son was younger, I would take him for walks or walk/jog while he rode his bike. Again, whatever it takes to get it done!! :) Good luck with your plan. Erica
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    I work out at home.... Jillian Michael's dvds are my staple, day in and day out for a year. I have done her 30 day shred, Ripped in 30, and 90 day Body Revolution multiple times, they are great! Whatever you choose, you DEFINITELY can do this just working out at home! Good luck!
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    I begged my husband for an elliptical machine for my birthday, so I'm back to using it at home for 30 to 45 minutes, five days a week. I purchased a few at home workouts, i.e. Julian Michaels, plus I use the onDemand TV channels that are provided by my cable company. It offers a variety of workouts!
  • halejr23
    halejr23 Posts: 294
    I get up at 4:30 Monday thru Friday to get me workout in before I go to work. Only way I can do it. And I cannot workout in a gym or club because it takes at least twice as long due to waiting for the chatty Cathy's to stop talking and get off the machine or weights I need.
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    I work out at home-exclusively. And I won't buy expensive equipment, etc. As far as staying motivated, just have to want it. I don't always want to work out (in fact, I usually don't LOL--I tell my kids almost every day "Just for the record...I don't wanna") but I suck it up and do it. I try to do mine in the morning to "get it done and over" so I can move on with my day. Ideally I get up early but lately that hasn't happened ;)

    Progress and success will motivate you better than any gym will! I promise.

    I have a bunch of VHS and DVDs. Yes, still VHS. and I probably use those more than the newer ones. LOL Denise Austin, Jillian Michaels, etc....I have a mat and 2 sets of hand weights. 3 and 5 lbs. I also was blessed that a friend wasn't using her elliptical and loaned it to me indefinitely (she offered) so I do have that this time around...but when my oldest 2 were little I had none of it. Just some pilates and kickboxing workouts and 1 set of weights. And my dh worked out of state so I was a "single" mommy in a way. You can do it!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I do! I just got a gym membership as well mostly for cardio but before that it was just at home or outside. I've been doing the Jilliam Michaels 30 Day Shred, body weight exercises (squats, lunges, wall sit, push ups, leglifts etc) plus I have weights, a medicine ball and a step at home and with all those things and youtube workout vidoes I can do a lot. I also go for lon brisk walks with some running intervals when the weather is good.
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    Yep, I do Insanity. In 59 days I'll start running again too.
  • JilianneNicole
    JilianneNicole Posts: 119 Member
    That's all I do is home workouts! 3 kids and a half hour to the closest gym isn't feasible. I try to come up with new things all the time. And I usually break it up. Tag with the kids, kickball, baseball. Anything. Sometimes I just turn up the music and we all dance. Get everyone involved then it doesn't seem so much like work! :) I do also do workout videos. Jillian Michaels, Beachbody, Zumba, anything that is fun :) good luck!
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I bought an elliptical. A basic one (no electronics) isn't nearly as expensive as you might think, and you can get a lot of that stuff at garage sales, Craig's List, etc. It's not pretty, but I have it out in my living room on a yoga mat. My toddler has learned the yoga mat is her boundary--she can't go on it, so she can look at the machine, but not touch.
    I do yoga at the gym, and the exercise ball & kettlebell at the office, but the elliptical is always there for me and makes it SO easy to get a 20-30 minute cardio session in first thing in the morning before the munchkin wakes up, or a longer session after she goes to bed. For me, the ease of that access is what's made it workable/successful.

    *BTW, putting the elliptical in the living room was a HUGE compromise for me. I really treasure my beautiful, relaxing oasis, and a hunk of elliptical does NOT complement it. But if it's hidden away in another room, I won't see it, and I won't use it.
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Yes. So convenient. Do not have to worry about what I look like in the morning...(Scary) LOL. Saves plenty on gas too.
    I use the Nintendo Wii with:
    Primarily EA Sports Active 2
    and sometimes Wii Fit Plus
    Soon to be using NFL Training Camp
    Have a variety of Ankle and Wrist weights and dumbells also.

    I wish you well on your fitness journey.

  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    I only work out at home (except for the occasional hike or walk around the neighborhood). I hate it if I have to miss a day, and I used to DESPISE exercise. Here is what made the habit stick for me:

    1. Exercising in the morning - it's the first thing I do. I tried doing it at night, but life always got in the way. I have to get up at 4:30am to accomplish this, but I look forward to that quiet time when the rest of the house is asleep.

    2. Laying out my clothes/equipment the night before. I'll choose my DVD at night, too. That way everything can be ready to go and all I have to do is climb out of bed and stumble to my designated spot.

    3. Having a variety of DVD's. This is key to avoid boredom.

    4. No excuses! If you want it to truly become a habit, you have to just do it, no matter what.

    I also have handweights and stretchy bands that I keep in the living room. When I'm watching TV, I'll do some exercises.
  • Amysgetnfit
    Amysgetnfit Posts: 231
    I work out at home for convience & save money, I live out in the country & its a good 35-45 minute drive to the gym.
    Not that I couldnt go to one on the weekends but I cant justify the gym memebrship to only go 1 or 2 days a week.
    Find a time in your day when you know you can be consistent, & make that part of your schedual. I have to get up around 4:30 am to work out, then I have animals to take care of & kid to get ready for school before I go to work. after work Im too busy. & theres too many distractions.
    I have a treadmill & a bowflex extreme. we also Have Xbox kinect that I do a jillian michaels workout on. (& you cant cheat it makes you keep doing it till your form is right! - turned out to be harder than i thought!) plus I do various calisthetics.
    While on the treadmill I listen to music to keep me pumped but ive also found watching sports or even an insanity infomercial helps keep me going. (ive also almost fallen off the treadmill getting so into what im watching that i tried to avoid oncoming runners!) Do stuff that you like to do, keep it interesting & challenging, mix it up. & keep track of what you do, I always try to do more than my previous workout... whatever it was :)
    have a great day!:happy:
  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    I try to.

    There's phone apps that I have that give a workout, DVDs, and YouTube. I also do just the basics - Squats, Pushups, Situps, etc when I can. I'm not very good at being consistant and I generally am doing only 10-30 minutes when I do. But I am trying.