Eat Prior to Workout? Protein Shakes? Thoughts??

Alright, well, I had posted on the road map 2.0 revised but never got any kind of response which was kind of a bummer so here I am opening it up to all of you. Hopefully someone will reply to my questions, thoughts, ideas.

I work out about 5x a week and tend to work out early in the morning (wake up at 4:30am) and find it hard to eat that early but have also heard that you should eat before a workout. At most I can stomach half a banana but even that is too much for me. Do I skip the food and wait to eat until after my workout? I've been doing GNC Amplified Whey Protein Shakes (60g of Protein in 3 scoops) since about 3 weeks ago and drink them 30 minutes after my workout and feel great until around 10am-ish which is when I have my banana/snack. Am loving the protein shakes, btw! Feel so much more alert, satisfied, and ready to start my day! Has anyone done the Shakeology shakes and why might those be better??

Is anyone with nutrition knowledge able/willing to look at my diary to tell me some things I might change/swap out? The one thing I do try and follow is the Eat Right for your Geno Type which I'm a Hunter and there are several items I have swapped out so instead of peanut butter I eat almond butter now...etc.....anyhow, like I've noted before - I know I need to cut down the alcohol (which I've already started doing) but aside from that, any other ideas??

I just realized that I miscalculate my TDEE information after reading the road map 2.0 revised and that I should be eating 1,718 calories no matter what - I was eating back my exercise calories before, Oops. Oh well, no wonder I wasn't losing and no wonder I had put back on some weight. Here we start again but it's okay, I've learned from my mistake! I am 35, 174 lbs, 5'7"and looking to make these changes for life! I am tired of going up and going down in weight and am really looking for some solid guidance/support here! :)

Hope you are all having a great day!


  • HeidiYogi
    HeidiYogi Posts: 81 Member
    Anyone? :happy:
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    My trainer has me eating a banana and a tub of cottage cheese around midday, which is generally about an hour or so before I go to the gym and workout.
  • HeidiYogi
    HeidiYogi Posts: 81 Member
    @Graelwyn - I could totally do the eating thing in the afternoon and have done that before but what about at 4:30 in the morning?? It's just too hard but am I doing more damage by not eating prior to working out or is it okay? That's my question......thanks for your reply! :smile:
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    @Graelwyn - I could totally do the eating thing in the afternoon and have done that before but what about at 4:30 in the morning?? It's just too hard but am I doing more damage by not eating prior to working out or is it okay? That's my question......thanks for your reply! :smile:

    I would suggest throwing down a couple of hard boiled eggs, or a protein shake at that time in the morning. Really, it does not matter as long as you get something in. Some people workout without eating beforehand too, so you could do that and have something to eat around 30 minutes after your workout. That would be fine as well. I would stick to the whey protein, as opposed to shakeology, personally. I see no issue with just having a decent protein shake before you workout at that time in the morning. Just try and eat something more substantial after your workout. I tend to go for an egg, some greek yoghurt and a wholefood bar (dried fruit and nuts) or some rice cakes.
  • HeidiYogi
    HeidiYogi Posts: 81 Member
    @Graelwyn - I could totally do the eating thing in the afternoon and have done that before but what about at 4:30 in the morning?? It's just too hard but am I doing more damage by not eating prior to working out or is it okay? That's my question......thanks for your reply! :smile:

    I would suggest throwing down a couple of hard boiled eggs, or a protein shake at that time in the morning. Really, it does not matter as long as you get something in. Some people workout without eating beforehand too, so you could do that and have something to eat around 30 minutes after your workout. That would be fine as well. I would stick to the whey protein, as opposed to shakeology, personally. I see no issue with just having a decent protein shake before you workout at that time in the morning. Just try and eat something more substantial after your workout. I tend to go for an egg, some greek yoghurt and a wholefood bar (dried fruit and nuts) or some rice cakes.

    Thank you!! I think I might try making my shake first thing in the morning, having a little bit and then finishing it after my workout. Just some mornings I do feel hungry but it's so hard to EAT something that early. Other mornings I'm fine not eating but do feel pretty tired towards the end of my workout......probably not a good thing.

    How come you don't recommend shakeology? I know someone that is trying to convince me to try it. Pretty expensive though, wow! Would love to know your thoughts on that.....

    Thanks for your input! :)
  • dr3wman
    dr3wman Posts: 205
    Eat as much or as little as you need to perform the best during your workout, then adjust your macros for the rest of the day accordingly. It takes some trial and error but just try to find a pre-workout meal that keeps you feeling great!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Eat as much or as little as you need to perform the best during your workout, then adjust your macros for the rest of the day accordingly. It takes some trial and error but just try to find a pre-workout meal that keeps you feeling great!

    ^This. I work out in the early morning too (running) and I find that I do better if I don't eat. But that's me. Some people need to eat. You just need to find what works for you. Some people like protien before a workout, some like carbs. Don't stress to much about it - just listen to your body.

    And as far as Shakeology - I would think they would have a much lower protien count than a true protien shake, since they are meant to be a meal replacement instead of a supplement. I would also assume that they are much more expensive. I personally use the Body Fortress brand from Wal-Mart. $15 for a huge tub and it's got 26g of protien per scoop (140 calories).
  • HeidiYogi
    HeidiYogi Posts: 81 Member
    Eat as much or as little as you need to perform the best during your workout, then adjust your macros for the rest of the day accordingly. It takes some trial and error but just try to find a pre-workout meal that keeps you feeling great!

    Thanks! Is it best to eat protein prior to a workout or carbs? Or does it just depend on the person? What do you mean my adjust your macros for the rest of the day - are you talking about the percentage of protein, carbs, fat? That makes sense - thanks!
  • HeidiYogi
    HeidiYogi Posts: 81 Member
    Eat as much or as little as you need to perform the best during your workout, then adjust your macros for the rest of the day accordingly. It takes some trial and error but just try to find a pre-workout meal that keeps you feeling great!

    ^This. I work out in the early morning too (running) and I find that I do better if I don't eat. But that's me. Some people need to eat. You just need to find what works for you. Some people like protien before a workout, some like carbs. Don't stress to much about it - just listen to your body.

    And as far as Shakeology - I would think they would have a much lower protien count than a true protien shake, since they are meant to be a meal replacement instead of a supplement. I would also assume that they are much more expensive. I personally use the Body Fortress brand from Wal-Mart. $15 for a huge tub and it's got 26g of protien per scoop (140 calories).

    Yes, it really just depends on the day for me but most of the time I'm fine without eating I just didn't know if that was good or bad to do........I agree - I will just listen to what my body tells me. :)

    Yes, I think the Shakeology is only at most 18g of protein a shake with tons of vitamins and green blends, etc. in them......I do love my GNC shake - 60g of protein for 3 scoops. Hmm, have never heard of the one from Wal-Mart - will have to look into it because that is a GREAT deal and good deal of protein for just one scoop! Thanks so much!! :-)
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    Hi. I also work out early morning before work - usually getting up between 4 - 4:15 a.m. and jogging for about an hour. I also have a hard time eating before I go. Not sure if it's just a mental thing - worrying about needing a bathroom when there are none on my route - lol - or if I really "can't". When I get done, I'll chug down 20 oz of water and half a protein bar, then make my egg whites on a sandwich thin and take that to work.
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    I have taken a cue from my marathon training partner, whose taken this idea from the last 3-5 years he spent in Germany and that's the combination of yogurt and a sprinkling of granola. There are some great options out there on the yogurt front -- e.g. that combine yogurt with whey protein for less than 150 calories. Add the sprinkling of granola and you add essential fats and carbs to sustain you throughout your workout. I like this and am finding it works exceptionally well, whereas the easier to digest yogurt doesn't slow me down as I really get at it. I'll be doing this very thing tomorrow morning right before I leave for a simple 19-20Mile prep run. Try it -- I bet you'll like the results.
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    One more thing is that GNC can be a little on the pricey, hard to believe what you're getting front. I went in there recently to buy some glutamine and was talked into a month's supply of whey+AA combination powder that barely lasted me a month and cost over $50. Not only was this frustrating but I gained weight from drinking what I bought. I've now gone back to buying my Whey from Costco and my glutamine separate. Sorry GNC -- but I don't sense you're out to help me get through a tough economy with important supplements.
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    Shakeology is outstanding, if you can afford it. At about $120 a bag, it is by far the most expensive protein/supplement shake I have ever tried. I only use half a scoop at a time mixed with some other protein. If they could come down on the price to about 30$ a bag, then I would be consuming this stuff daily, and making sure every one else does too. ;)
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    Hi. I also work out early morning before work - usually getting up between 4 - 4:15 a.m. and jogging for about an hour. I also have a hard time eating before I go. Not sure if it's just a mental thing - worrying about needing a bathroom when there are none on my route - lol - or if I really "can't". When I get done, I'll chug down 20 oz of water and half a protein bar, then make my egg whites on a sandwich thin and take that to work.

    This is so smart -- this quote here... There's a terrible myth out there about "Carbing up" the night before a big run, only to suffer the ills of the need for a bathroom break in the middle of your run. The real strategy is to carb up two nights before your big event, then eat about a 1/4 of what you ate for the carb up meal then night before your event. This way, event morning is spent performing at your hightest vs. waiting in line to use the facilities.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Protein after workout is what is the current recommendation from most trainers but that doesn't work for everyone.

    You have to find what works for you!

    Best of Luck!
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    Before workouts, I do great with a couple of boiled eggs and some protein powder mixed with water & coconut milk. I do good with protein before a workout and protein after a workout, so nuts afterwards are good.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    According to, the American Council on Exercise recommends eating a light meal 30-60 minutes before a workout consisting of a ratio of roughly 1:3 protein-carbs. An ideal example of which is a small piece of fruit and a piece of string cheese.
  • wisegirl_k
    wisegirl_k Posts: 38 Member
    I too workout early in the morning. 99% of the time I do not eat before my morning workout, however, my morning workouts usually consist of mostly cardio. I prefer to do my cardio and/or HIIT training on an empty stomach, but that is me. Although I do lift in the mornings, I feel I get a better strength training session in the afternoons/evenings when my body has had plenty of fuel throughout the day.
    Before my morning cardio/HIIT, I take my supplements and drink a Pre-workout Amino Complex drink. But I refuel my body within 30-60 minutes after my workout with a protein shake and a high protein (or oatmeal) breakfast.

    Listen to your body, if you can't eat before hand, eat afterwards. The first hour after a workout is crucial time to refuel.

    Best of luck to ya!
  • tamiesue2
    tamiesue2 Posts: 149 Member
    Our bodies are depleted when we wake up so it is important to get some kind of nutrition in before hand. I am the same in where I can't eat much that early either. I usually stick to a protein bar or a banana and tablespoon of peanut butter. Just enough to get me going, then when I return from my workout I have my protein shake. There are many different personal trainers that have blogs on the internet that discuss morning workouts and nutrition. If you are running, I would suggest searching for that specific topic. Alot of it is trial and error as we learn our own bodies :)
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    One thing I like to do is make a protein shake using a flavor that mixes well with fruit punch flavor gatorade. Vanilla is a good choice because it makes a cool strawberries and cream flavor. I will combine one scoop of protein shake mix with a serving of gatorade, drink approximately 1/3 of it before my workout, and the rest after.