Just joined, and a little frightened.



  • Dragonflybjm63
    Hello from Australia, this is the best site, very inspirational. You may find you get addicted to popping int MFP more than you thought.
  • drekat1
    drekat1 Posts: 1
    I joined yesterday and so far I am finding it doable. Snacking is my downfall as well as eating my kids foods. Always have to taste to make sure its good, right. I am 5'9 and weigh 200 pounds. Goal right now is 160, yet wouldn't mind lower. I am really motivated and hope this works. I am sick of being overweight and not liking how my clothes look. I am going to do it this time, I am I am. Love this site.
  • amillerwvu
    amillerwvu Posts: 54 Member
    I just turned 40, and I could use some friends to encourage...and to encourage me:) If anyone else wants to friend me, I'd appreciate it...thanks!
  • tlruffino
    tlruffino Posts: 28
    I have become addicated to this site. I love reading the blogs for ideas and support and have found that i loose weight when I am able to track food and activity. I love that I can scan bar codes with my phone. I sent a friend request.
  • mstifb
    mstifb Posts: 230
    I would love to have you as a friend. And I really hope you will share some of your nutrition knowledge!! I'm sure you're going to do great!!!!
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I just wanted to pop in and say welcome! I don't have any experience with anything you're talking about, but I wanted to welcome you to the site and i hope that you find the support you need. You can absolutely do this! You know what to do! You already said it! Now put your knowledge to work! I think I've decided that I want to be a nutritionist as well and maybe after I'm more fit... I may want to be a personal trainer. Who knows. lol Again, good luck!!!
  • crazy_mims
    crazy_mims Posts: 13 Member
    hey Donna. Just join now as well. and I really do hope this works. Everybody seems so nice here. Hope we can motivate each other to reach our goals. :)
  • arhoades
    arhoades Posts: 6
    Hi Donna. You picked a great sight to help achieve your goals. I was involved with mfp 2 years ago and lost 56lbs. in 5 months because of the support from people on this site. I'm 55 and finally got it into my head that this is a marathon not a sprint. Day to day, you can do this.Have a great journey:happy:
  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member
    I just sent you a friend request...

    I blame infertility for spiraling me into one of my low points that eventually buried my size 6 toned body into a blob...but that was years ago and just one of several spirals out of control...even though I too "know what to do..."

    I've only been here 2 days but already the support has been wonderful...and..miraculous in the sense that among strangers I feel exposed and I won't lie about what I eat since I let my friends view my food diary...and therefore... when I would normally mindlessly snack..I now don't OR when I would say "maybe tomorrow I'll start" and reach for something bad...I don't...

    So, what ever your weakness is..expose it and this group of people will keep you accountable..you owe it to yourself to just do it!!!!!!
  • RachaelAnn32
    RachaelAnn32 Posts: 20 Member
    MFP is fantastic!! I love tracking my food this way. It helps me stay on track because other people can see my food diary and i dont want to go over because i want to show that im trying and doing a good job. I think you will like it here!!! Good luck.
  • burtonhl
    burtonhl Posts: 57
    Hi Donna,

    I'm 43 years old and have found MFP to be an incredible resource. The people are incredibly supportive, and the success stories are inspirational and provide motivation - especially if you're having a tough day. Clearly you have the know-how with your educational background and experience - just a little support from your fellow MFPrs and you'll be well on your way to reaching your goals!

    Feel free to add me as a friend. Have fun and welcome!