Regarding these "plus size models" that kill my esteem..



  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I really try hard not to look at what peoples sizes are. I am now in a size 7, started at an 18. I know a few friends that are a size 7 and are very lean and thin. I have a very noticeable belly and muffin top.

    I'm working to get out of size 0 and I have a noticeable belly and a muffin top too...but mine looks like a butt....a pouch..ugh. I'm 108lbs and a size 3 now. I still feel like the saggy skinny fat Nicole Ritchie look a like I was a year ago. I'm not.
    You can't compare yourself to others. You are you and you lost 50 freaking pounds!!! 50!!! Think about what you've accomplished and be proud!!!!!!!!!!!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Marilyn was 5'5.5 and went between 120-140lbs. She was 50s 14 or a size 6-8 by today's sizing. Her measurments were 35-22-35 or something crazily awesome like that. Genetically gifted :)
  • FMB1281
    FMB1281 Posts: 3
    It has everything to do with your body type and height, for instance I am 5'7'' and have a lot of muscle so at 280lbs I look like i weight 230, I don't have as many "rolls" as others my size. Focus on yourself. You lost 50lbs and that's amazing. Keep up the good work.
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    Things I have noticed
    (1) Different people carry weight differently. My sister spreads out wider when she gains. When I put on weight, it goes on circularly all around my body. We can put on the same weight and look very different. I am lucky in that I always look about 30 pounds smaller than I actually am. My smallest as an adult was 178 pounds, but people always thought I was about 140 -145. They were STUNNED that I was still OBESE. My husband and I joke that my bones are made of lead. Truthfully though, for a woman, I pack on muscle really quickly and easily. I guess, put simply, since we are all different, you just can't come up with a good comparison on apples and oranges.
    (2) You may not be seeing yourself clearly. If you have been heavy for a significant period of time (and maybe even if you haven't been), some of us...many of us...get something called body dysmorphic disorder. We really do not see ourselves as we truly are. We may know exactly how much we weigh and what size we wear, but when we look in the mirror, we see the same old fat girl. Again, when I was down at my smallest, I still thought of myself as a whale. I ran across a few pictures from back then and I can't believe how fit I looked. That is NOT what I remember seeing in the mirror.

    Keep up the hard work and you will get to your goals. I know it is difficult, but look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. You have made tremendous progress thus far!
    Thank you for the words of encouragement, first off. Secondly, I had no idea there was a disorder for it..

    To everyone else, thank you <3
  • frixtine
    frixtine Posts: 965 Member
    Every now and then they do a "twin" thread on here for people to find friends who are close to their starting weight and heights. Even with that, there are big differences. I have a couple people who are the same height and within 2 lbs starting weight, and to me, they looked more overweight than me, but its just because of how weight distributes. For them, they carry it all in their bellies or faces and can have the skinniest legs ever. For me, it's more evenly distributed all over and my belly is relatively flat. So it depends on your shape too.

    You can do a search on here for an old twin thread if you want to see if you can find someone close to you. I'm 5'3" if you want to add me.

    Just know that you'll eventually get there and you're in the best place ever to get there! (MFP) We all got your back!
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Thank you all so, so much

    Anytime, honey. <3 ^_^
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Marilyn Monroe size 14:


    Just a reminder that sexy and size doesn't mean size 2
    I've read that it was closer to a size 6/8 back then. Gorgeous, though, regardless of her 'size'! As YOU are!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    wrap your thumb and middle finger around your wrist. If the fingers overlap, you're most likely small framed. If they just touch, medium framed. If they cant reach, large framed.


    I think I just have really long fingers.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Marilyn M had a 23 inch waist without a corset - she was not a size 14. Pattern sizing, which is already different from ready to wear clothing sizing, is completely different- and back then that is what they used- AND those sizes have also changed. You want to compare yourself to marilyn, you can only do it via her measurements not her size.
  • jmcdaniel0
    jmcdaniel0 Posts: 130 Member
    Marilyn M had a 23 inch waist without a corset - she was not a size 14. Pattern sizing, which is already different from ready to wear clothing sizing, is completely different- and back then that is what they used- AND those sizes have also changed. You want to compare yourself to marilyn, you can only do it via her measurements not her size.

    As usual yoovie has it right, they are not even close to being the same... but i will say, Marilyn was a looker!
    IUSE2BAHEAVYHITTER Posts: 105 Member
    U hit it right on the nose
    IUSE2BAHEAVYHITTER Posts: 105 Member
    Actually, please remember that all model photos are digitally altered. Blemishes are magically removed, rolls are just a swept away with the brush of a mouse. Don't compare yourself to pictures you find in magazines or websites.
    perfectly said
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I found that I felt better when I stopped comparing myself to everyone else. I'm 5'4" and around 145-150lbs. I used to find myself getting pretty depressed when I would see women on this site who were starting at 150lbs because they looked "fat" and "horrible". What the heck? I was happy as heck to be 150lbs and these women think they look horrible at that weight? What must they think of me - having it be my GOAL weight?

    Then one day I woke up and realized that I didn't care what anyone else wanted to do. I didn't care what their goal weight was - all I cared about was the fact that *I* had achieved my goal and have been maintaining it for almost 2 years. Some people may think I'm chubby or even fat, but I don't care. *I* like what I see in the mirror.

    Focus on loving you and forget what everyone else is doing.

    yes yes yes! in all honesty, i am 183-185lbs (i've been hovering there) and i feel fantastic. i read from others... "i was so fat and awful looking when i started at 185lbs" and i'm like... wow, well that sucks. LOL i don't feel horrible or fat and awful at this weight to be honest. i feel amazing and confident! i'm a size 10/12 (10s are sometimes too small in the thighs for me though). it took me a long time to love my body but i do. yes, i still want and need to lose weight, but i do love the way i look right now most days. :)

    Amen! I'm at 191 right now, and the thought has honestly crossed my mind that I could stay right here and be more than happy (I started at 230). I won't, because I know that I need to lose more to be healthy and I have fitness goals in mind, but I feel so good and have more energy and confidence than I've had in a long time! I wear a size Lg shirt and a size 14 pants (almsot a size 12, I think). I have some rolls and cellulite and stretch marks, but I don't really care because of how good I feel! :tongue:
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    Actually, please remember that all model photos are digitally altered. Blemishes are magically removed, rolls are just a swept away with the brush of a mouse. Don't compare yourself to pictures you find in magazines or websites.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    They're wearing SPANX!!! (2 sizes too small...) ;)
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    They still want clothe to look good, I see women on tv wear a uk 16 and look tiny. they might had not have had children or in pictures can be air brushes.

    I've had 2 kids i hae stretch marks im never going to look like them but i'll be me and wear nice clothes :)
  • tenten427
    tenten427 Posts: 8
    It's definitely due to height difference. The models in those plus size magazines are all at LEAST 5'10" some are 6 feet. Having met quite a few of them, I know.

    I'm 5'10" myself and my shorter female friends get frustrated that to them size 14 is not as flattering as it is to a really tall girl.

    With that much height, we just have more places to PUT the weight.

    That being said, I'm not a 14... I'm more like a fat 16/skinny 18 lol I have loads of rolls and they need to go.
    But even when I reach my goal weight, because of my bone structure and height, I'll never be smaller than an 8 or a 10 without looking ridiculously thin.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    OP, I feel the same way you do! I look at my body gallery and look at people in my same weight/height/size range and I am totally shocked! And I see people here with very similar measurements to mine who look more "toned."

    I am very much in the same boat you are. I have lost 44 pounds, and I am down around 2 sizes. I feel like I am hardly making any progress. I also worry that I'll need to lose a whole lot more weight than my target to look the way I want. I worry that my arms aren't going to get an smaller, since they are basically the same size they were at my highest. I am not even sure if rolls are any smaller, as my back looks the same to me.

    One thing I am hopeful about is the fact I have seen so many "success stories" about people starting at where I am now, and making it to my goal (or very close to it) and looking the way I want.

    Here are my tips:
    1. Take pics, because you can't always see the changes
    2. Create goals that aren't appearance or scale related
    3. Celebrate every victory, no matter how small
    4. Jump on the weight training bandwagon, since this gives you the most visible changes

    To the other posters: My Body Gallery is made up of real people who submit their photos. I imagine a few people photoshop, but that is against the intent of the site. You put in a weight/height/body shape and it spits out user submitted images.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    This an easy question. The answer is Photoshop. Digital images are very easy to manipulate.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I don't under the bone concept. How do I know what type of bones I have? I'm short..

    You can check out your frame size by your wrist measurements. Your mileage may vary. By most measures I have a small frame. But I also have more muscle than average. So I am not completely sure what my goal should be. The "ideal weights" for small frame seem far to small for me. Especially looking at where I am today, and where I am "softer" and where I am "firmer." The bulk of the weight I have left to lose is around my torso, and upper thighs. Most everywhere else there is much less to lose, unless I started losing muscle. I have small wrists, ankles and hands. But bigger forearms and calves. These areas don't change for me with weight gain or loss.

    (FYI: I am about your 5"4.5, currently weigh 206, wearing about a 14 in dresses in 16 in most pants. L-XL in tops. My shape is pear to hourglass. So clothing fit for me is tricky, I'm a 34H and I have big thighs. Coupled with a short torso)