Regarding these "plus size models" that kill my esteem..



  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    The key is body composition. If they don't have rolls of fat it is likely because although they are the same size, they have less fat and more muscle. They may not have defined muscles because of the layer of subcutaneous fat on top of the muscle. Pictures like these can definitely give you something to work towards.

    You also have to realize that there are different forms of fat storage. Over-consuming alcohol and processed foods can give you lots of belly fat/organ fat which is extremely unhealthy and tends to form rolls.
  • Guines9
    Guines9 Posts: 137
    I love those models on MODE magazine. I think they are the best. I met a few too. Only thing is most are really insecure about themselves. Odd isn't it. They seem to have it all. Perfect looks with perfect complexions ( yeah i know some is air brush) Pefect look in body shape, successful financially.... and yet they open up to me about how insecure they are. Duh? I think i would be happy and secure if i had the look, looks, and money they had. I still do not get it. Maybe they are not set spiritually is my conclusion.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Part of it is undoubtedly Photoshop, but also....
    The key is body composition. If they don't have rolls of fat it is likely because although they are the same size, they have less fat and more muscle. They may not have defined muscles because of the layer of subcutaneous fat on top of the muscle. Pictures like these can definitely give you something to work towards...
    Body composition has a lot to do with it as well. A woman who's 5'9, 180 lbs. and 15% bodyfat will look vastly different from a woman who's 5'9", 180 lbs. and 35% bodyfat. Height and weight are only part of the story and form an incomplete picture of what a person looks like. If I tell you to picture a man who's 5'9" and 274 lbs., what would be the first image to come to your mind? Probably a grossly obese man. Now I'll tell you that those are the stats of professional bodybuilder Jay Cutler when he's in contest shape (which is somewhere around 5% bodyfat), and he looks absolutely nothing like a man of the same height/weight with, say, 35% bodyfat.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Body composition has a lot to do with it as well. A woman who's 5'9, 180 lbs. and 15% bodyfat will look vastly different from a woman who's 5'9", 180 lbs. and 35% bodyfat. Height and weight are only part of the story and form an incomplete picture of what a person looks like. If I tell you to picture a man who's 5'9" and 274 lbs., what would be the first image to come to your mind? Probably a grossly obese man. Now I'll tell you that those are the stats of professional bodybuilder Jay Cutler when he's in contest shape (which is somewhere around 5% bodyfat), and he looks absolutely nothing like a man of the same height/weight with, say, 35% bodyfat.
    Exactly! Yet another reason why I'm happy I don't measure my fitness progress by the scale (I go by measurements, BF measurements and the way my clothing fits). Weight really doesn't say much at all.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Actually, please remember that all model photos are digitally altered. Blemishes are magically removed, rolls are just a swept away with the brush of a mouse. Don't compare yourself to pictures you find in magazines or websites.
    perfectly said

    false as *kitten*, im a staff fash photographer and thats so blatantly false I cant even strangle anyone to prove my point.

    the brands and labels that are mainstream in magazines are usually altered - but ALL MODEL PHOTOS being digitally altered? dont even say that please. You'll get me fired.
  • mss_anthropy
    mss_anthropy Posts: 31 Member
    i'm a photo retoucher..... they aren't air brused..... most plus size models are regular models who got tired of trying to stay thin.... they gained a few pounds, moved up to size 12 and are now consider "plus". but honestly, i have to agree with the "stop comparing yourself to others" crowd..... it's a waste of energy :)
    And the people on the My Body Gallery website (they are actually real people), how is it that at the same size I am, they have no rolls or fat anywhere? I don't even understand. I'm finally a size 14 in some clothes and when I compare my picture to theirs, I have fat all over. Now, I know you shouldn't compare, but where are their rolls at? Even the people on that My Body Gallery site, they look flawless. It worries me that when I'm smaller than I am, I won't look any different because what I still have isn't skin, it's fat. I don't get it ): Am I going to look like a size 20 when I'm a size 8? I do strength training and cardio. I alternate kickboxing and 30DS. When will I start to see the fat disappear? /: I know it takes time, but when the clothes come off, I still see the same fatty that I saw 3 sizes and about 50lbs ago. I heard that the smaller you get, the less it takes to see a difference, but when will I look firm and flat? What am I do wrong? I eat at a 1250 deficit, cardio and strength..why do I look so fat? When will I just have NATURAL curves instead of fat curves? I hate this so much. What can I do or what am I not doing right?

    AIR BRUSHED and/or Photo Shop...Forget the hype! You are just like those "girls" who try to be like the size 0 will never make it because they are all air brushed, photo shopped or wearing HEAVY Make-Up. That's why sooo many women can not be happy, they are chasing A LIE!!!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Me too. I'm 5'3.5" and I still have some rolls too after losing 56 pounds. Us shorter ladies just have less space for all the fat to go so it takes longer for our rolls to go away it seems. I also have this baaad habit of comparing myself to other women and I really need to stop it. It makes me sad and takes away from the progress I've already made, and it seems to be doing the same to you. And it's mostly the super high-end magazines that airbrush their models heavily, to the point of almost completely changing their race sometimes. Magazines are meant to sell product, so they're going to use perfect images to sell the product even if the subject in the photo is soo photoshopped she wouldn't recognize herself. Just keep doing what you're doing and try not to get distracted, mmkay? flowerforyou: