Thoughts on Paleo

My crossfit instructor recommended that I start a paleo diet...does anyone have any experience with this diets? What are your thoughts? Any tips with starting out?

Thanks! :)


  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    While I agree with the overall principles of eating the majority of your foods from whole food sources, avoid processed foods etc etc, the "all of nothing" approach is a little too far for me. Take gluten and dairy for example, I am a person who has no problem eating gluten and is not lactose intolerant...why should I completely eliminate these foods instead of just having them in moderation within a balanced diet?

    There is still quite a few things that people within the paleo crowd can't seem to agree on.

    It;'s also very annoying when paleo people/websites tell you that with paleo dieting, you never need to count their diet somehow is exempt from the energy in - energy out factor.

    Do you own research as to the pro/cons and figure out if it would fit within your lifestyle, don't just start because some crossfitter told you to.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    I'd like to learn more about it as well especially since I've been accused of "pushing it" in the last day or two on MFP. LOL!

    The name sounds like a trendy diet to me, but if it promotes eating whole foods then how bad can it really be?

    Now, if I look into it and it encourages you to do something silly like eat 1/2 daily calories in bananas and a multi-vitamin then I would walk away.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Take gluten and dairy for example, I am a person who has no problem eating gluten and is not lactose intolerant...why should I completely eliminate these foods instead of just having them in moderation within a balanced diet?

    Ummmm hello, inflammation.

    Even if you don't know that you have it, it is there, making you feel forever less good. Chemicals from processed foods will build up in this inflammation and will give you cancer. The inflammation will cause nutrients to not work and not be absorbed and you will not be healthy. This will cause large insulin spikes when you eat any food containing even a grain of processed sugar which will make you fat and make it impossible to diet off.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    While I agree with the overall principles of eating the majority of your foods from whole food sources, avoid processed foods etc etc, the "all of nothing" approach is a little too far for me. Take gluten and dairy for example, I am a person who has no problem eating gluten and is not lactose intolerant...why should I completely eliminate these foods instead of just having them in moderation within a balanced diet?

    There is still quite a few things that people within the paleo crowd can't seem to agree on.

    It;'s also very annoying when paleo people/websites tell you that with paleo dieting, you never need to count their diet somehow is exempt from the energy in - energy out factor.

    Do you own research as to the pro/cons and figure out if it would fit within your lifestyle, don't just start because some crossfitter told you to.

    Just because there "seems" to be no intolerance doesn't mean there isn't things causing inflammation that you are not putting together as the "root cause".

    Dairy can cause a whole host of issues besides the digestion issues from being lactose intolerant. Sinus or allergy issues (respiratory??) are caused from dairy intake. I had no seasonal allergy issues after severely reducing my dairy intake.

    And I won't even get started on the gluten issues, especially since 90% of the grains we eat today are all Genetically modified and I don't think GMO's are safe in the least.

    I believe the grain products that I grew up eating were totally different than the stuff today due to the Genetic modification.

    I noticed that when I stopped eating grains with the exception of organic steel cut oats (eat occasionally in the winter) and some basmati rice that I no longer retain water, no more muscle and joint aches and pains and no more bloating.

    As far as calorie counting, as long as I don't eat any junk food or consume alcohol there is no need to count calories. Most people would say that I don't eat enough, but my belly is full and my brain is happy by sending signals of fullness.

    Personally, I love this lifestyle. I eat REAL food and it is simple. That makes it easy.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Take gluten and dairy for example, I am a person who has no problem eating gluten and is not lactose intolerant...why should I completely eliminate these foods instead of just having them in moderation within a balanced diet?

    Ummmm hello, inflammation.

    Even if you don't know that you have it, it is there, making you feel forever less good. Chemicals from processed foods will build up in this inflammation and will give you cancer. The inflammation will cause nutrients to not work and not be absorbed and you will not be healthy. This will cause large insulin spikes when you eat any food containing even a grain of processed sugar which will make you fat and make it impossible to diet off.

    Impossible to diet off..............ok.

    you are making the assumption that because im not paleo, I eat a ton of processed foods, grains and sugar etc. Which I don't

    If i were to eat paleo for 97% of my daily calorie allowance, then for the last 3% percent I have a cookie, while still being in a calorie are telling me it's impossible for me to alter my body composition?

    I don't think so.

    processed foods will build up in this inflammation and will give you cancer.

    A little strong, no?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I'd like to learn more about it as well especially since I've been accused of "pushing it" in the last day or two on MFP. LOL!

    The name sounds like a trendy diet to me, but if it promotes eating whole foods then how bad can it really be?

    Now, if I look into it and it encourages you to do something silly like eat 1/2 daily calories in bananas and a multi-vitamin then I would walk away.

    Ha is a template to eat REAL food, move slowly, lift heavy things, play. get plenty of sleep and most importantly - live, laugh and love.

    I have noticed since the summer time is here and there are so many fresh vegetables and fruits available I haven't been counting calories or carbs and my weight loss has picked up some.

    I feel great, have lots of energy and I am waking up before the alarm goes off.

    I struggle more in the winter because I don't like cooked vegetables very much, but I am working on ways to eat them cooked so I don't derail myself.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    why should I completely eliminate these foods instead of just having them in moderation within a balanced diet?
    Don't be stupid - grains are killing all of us. Americans consume grains because of a great conspiracy between the government and the farming industry. All of the clinical studies done to show that grains are harmful have been buried by the governemnt cover up. Gary Taubes is a genius - all hail Gary Taubes.

    The above is a small example of what to expect from the Paleo community. Yes, by all means do your research and proceed with caution. IMHO, there's nothing wrong with eating a balanced nutritional diet and exercising on a regular basis. Keep it simple.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Take gluten and dairy for example, I am a person who has no problem eating gluten and is not lactose intolerant...why should I completely eliminate these foods instead of just having them in moderation within a balanced diet?

    Ummmm hello, inflammation.

    Even if you don't know that you have it, it is there, making you feel forever less good. Chemicals from processed foods will build up in this inflammation and will give you cancer. The inflammation will cause nutrients to not work and not be absorbed and you will not be healthy. This will cause large insulin spikes when you eat any food containing even a grain of processed sugar which will make you fat and make it impossible to diet off.

    Impossible to diet off..............ok.

    you are making the assumption that because im not paleo, I eat a ton of processed foods, grains and sugar etc. Which I don't

    If i were to eat paleo for 97% of my daily calorie allowance, then for the last 3% percent I have a cookie, while still being in a calorie are telling me it's impossible for me to alter my body composition?

    I don't think so.

    I don't think this poster was speaking of merely altering body composition.

    That is the difference between the average "calorie counter" and someone that follows the Paleo lifestyle.

    We do so for health benefits. The weight loss and changing body composition is merely an added benefit. We focus on health first and foremost to heal from the inside out.
  • leenie96
    leenie96 Posts: 65
    While I agree with the overall principles of eating the majority of your foods from whole food sources, avoid processed foods etc etc, the "all of nothing" approach is a little too far for me. Take gluten and dairy for example, I am a person who has no problem eating gluten and is not lactose intolerant...why should I completely eliminate these foods instead of just having them in moderation within a balanced diet?

    There is still quite a few things that people within the paleo crowd can't seem to agree on.

    It;'s also very annoying when paleo people/websites tell you that with paleo dieting, you never need to count their diet somehow is exempt from the energy in - energy out factor.

    Do you own research as to the pro/cons and figure out if it would fit within your lifestyle, don't just start because some crossfitter told you to.

    That's what gives me a little bit of hesitation. I tend to eat pretty well, I don't really do sugary foods, I just tend to use dairy quite a bit. I was in the belief that things like greek yogurt and cottage cheese were good for you, but I wonder if I am doing my body harm? Either way, taking grains and dairy out of my diet will be really hard for me, but I can do it.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member

    That is the difference between the average "calorie counter" and someone that follows the Paleo lifestyle.

    We do so for health benefits. The weight loss and changing body composition is merely an added benefit. We focus on health first and foremost to heal from the inside out.

    And I agree with that.

    But you do accept that, if you were unaware of your maintenance level calories and the amount of calories you were taking in, even on a paleo diet that you could in theory gain weight /get fatter by being in an calorie excess?
  • lynnprice
    lynnprice Posts: 101 Member
    While I agree with the overall principles of eating the majority of your foods from whole food sources, avoid processed foods etc etc, the "all of nothing" approach is a little too far for me. Take gluten and dairy for example, I am a person who has no problem eating gluten and is not lactose intolerant...why should I completely eliminate these foods instead of just having them in moderation within a balanced diet?

    There is still quite a few things that people within the paleo crowd can't seem to agree on.

    It;'s also very annoying when paleo people/websites tell you that with paleo dieting, you never need to count their diet somehow is exempt from the energy in - energy out factor.

    Do you own research as to the pro/cons and figure out if it would fit within your lifestyle, don't just start because some crossfitter told you to.

    That's what gives me a little bit of hesitation. I tend to eat pretty well, I don't really do sugary foods, I just tend to use dairy quite a bit. I was in the belief that things like greek yogurt and cottage cheese were good for you, but I wonder if I am doing my body harm? Either way, taking grains and dairy out of my diet will be really hard for me, but I can do it.

    Paleo was rough for me as I'm a dairy junkie. I like to do a low carb life but had a lot of cheese (esp. Cottage Cheese it's my fav!!) in my world. I'm now doing a slow carb (legumes make it slow carb) and although there is no dairy allowed (a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream in coffee is about it) I don't miss the cheese quite as much. Granted, there's a 'free day' built in every 6 to 10 days so if I'm craving the cheese, I can go hog wild on my free day.

    Although it seems some folks were getting off track I think the best thing here is for you to do what you think is best for your body. It seems the cross fit folks have adopted the Paleo lifestyle as their diet of choice. It seems to work for them. I have a few friends that do cross fit and the paleo and I'm always amazed by their strength.

    Best of luck to you!!!!
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Paleo is just the latest fad to sell books. However, unlike most food fads, its not that "unhealthy" or dangerous. If it works for you then go for it, however I would find it too restrictive. If you do have gluten or dairy intolerance it may be usefull.

    The diet has been classified as a fad diet by the American Diabetic Association.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    why should I completely eliminate these foods instead of just having them in moderation within a balanced diet?
    Don't be stupid - grains are killing all of us. Americans consume grains because of a great conspiracy between the government and the farming industry. All of the clinical studies done to show that grains are harmful have been buried by the governemnt cover up. Gary Taubes is a genius - all hail Gary Taubes.

    The above is a small example of what to expect from the Paleo community. Yes, by all means do your research and proceed with caution. IMHO, there's nothing wrong with eating a balanced nutritional diet and exercising on a regular basis. Keep it simple.

    Okay, other than personal slams on the 'Paleo community', so far I haven't heard much that should be disagreeable. I admit, I need to do more research before I can speak with any depth.

    Why would the concept of eating whole foods trigger such a disproportionate back lash?
  • jkr12
    jkr12 Posts: 31
    Ok, this thread will probably explode. Before it does, I just want to slip in my experience to OP and then I'm out!

    I tried Paleo for 30 days and loved it. I'm hypothyroid and the lower carbs work. But then I realized I still wanted an occasional cookie or bowl of oatmeal. So I took much of what I learned from Paleo and made it work for me.

    My husband and I eat meat and veggies for our meals. We don't buy bread, we mostly drink almond milk or canned coconut milk (he still plays around with soy, but Im not as big a fan.) I've cut out artificial sugars and keep fruit to a minimum, using Agave as a sweetner if it's needed. Do we still eat an occasional cookie? Sure do. When we go to friends house do we demand Paleo foods? Nope. We even eat out sometimes!

    We made it livable. When it's our choices and our house, we go Paleo-esque. But sometimes we live a little.

    You have to find what will work for you long term so you can make it a lifestyle. I love the Paleo clean eating principles, and I do feel different when I adhere to it. You can't get caught up in it though.

    Like I said- make it work for you. You'll enjoy it more that way.

    Besides- veggies rock.

    Good luck!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    That is the difference between the average "calorie counter" and someone that follows the Paleo lifestyle.

    We do so for health benefits. The weight loss and changing body composition is merely an added benefit. We focus on health first and foremost to heal from the inside out.

    And I agree with that.

    But you do accept that, if you were unaware of your maintenance level calories and the amount of calories you were taking in, even on a paleo diet that you could in theory gain weight /get fatter by being in an calorie excess?

    I go in and out of weight loss mode to test my ability to maintain my weight............I used to live the Atkins lifestyle so I already have the foundation for maintaining my weight.

    For me personally..............this is how it works for me (my own experimentation for what works for my body and lifestyle).

    When I am in weight loss mode: Extremely high fat, moderate protein and dark green leafy vegetables only. I track my foods to make sure I am nutrient dense, and eyeballing my calories I tend to be between 1,100 and 1,300.

    When I am maintaining I tend to eat lower fat, moderate protein and then I have tubers, lots of vegetables, add in some fruit and I am able to maintain easily.

    I listen to my body, practice intermittent fasting, meditation and deep breathing. I have made a great deal of progress over the past year.

    A year ago I was insulin dependent Type 2 Diabetic, on 175 mcg Armour Thyroid medications and taking hormones for treatment of PCOS.

    I am down about 50 pounds, sleep well at night, have lots of energy, on NO Diabetes medications, down to 25 mcg of Armour Thyroid medication and no longer having to take hormones for PCOS.

    With the right nutrition the body will heal itself, just as Hippocrates stated so many years ago.

    And yes, maybe I am a Zealot, but I have made so much progress since moving to this lifestyle and being off meds is the BEST bonus of all.

    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    I like the principles of paleo... more lean protein, more of the right kind of vegetables, less/no sugar, pasta, rice, bread, get good quality food, no processed foods etc.

    I have moved into that direction over a period of time and feel better for it, but I'm by no means a 'paleo fashist'. :laugh:

    My energy levels have been very level, rather than fluctuating like they used to when I ate much more carbs.

    Sometimes it seems like the absolute paleo converts take it to a level where very good principles become a little off putting. But thankfully it's just a small number of people who sit on very high horses.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    why should I completely eliminate these foods instead of just having them in moderation within a balanced diet?
    Don't be stupid - grains are killing all of us. Americans consume grains because of a great conspiracy between the government and the farming industry. All of the clinical studies done to show that grains are harmful have been buried by the governemnt cover up. Gary Taubes is a genius - all hail Gary Taubes.

    The above is a small example of what to expect from the Paleo community. Yes, by all means do your research and proceed with caution. IMHO, there's nothing wrong with eating a balanced nutritional diet and exercising on a regular basis. Keep it simple.

    Okay, other than personal slams on the 'Paleo community', so far I haven't heard much that should be disagreeable. I admit, I need to do more research before I can speak with any depth.

    Why would the concept of eating whole foods trigger such a disproportionate back lash?

    Because people are so addicted to the fast food, chain restaurants and junk, processed food products the thought of having to give them up makes people lose their minds.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Ok, this thread will probably explode. Before it does, I just want to slip in my experience to OP and then I'm out!

    I tried Paleo for 30 days and loved it. I'm hypothyroid and the lower carbs work. But then I realized I still wanted an occasional cookie or bowl of oatmeal. So I took much of what I learned from Paleo and made it work for me.

    My husband and I eat meat and veggies for our meals. We don't buy bread, we mostly drink almond milk or canned coconut milk (he still plays around with soy, but Im not as big a fan.) I've cut out artificial sugars and keep fruit to a minimum, using Agave as a sweetner if it's needed. Do we still eat an occasional cookie? Sure do. When we go to friends house do we demand Paleo foods? Nope. We even eat out sometimes!

    We made it livable. When it's our choices and our house, we go Paleo-esque. But sometimes we live a little.

    You have to find what will work for you long term so you can make it a lifestyle. I love the Paleo clean eating principles, and I do feel different when I adhere to it. You can't get caught up in it though.

    Like I said- make it work for you. You'll enjoy it more that way.

    Besides- veggies rock.

    Good luck!

    Good post.

    The funny thing is if I were to sit down with a peleo follower and have a good talk about exercise and nutrition, we would probably agree on the vast majority of things. It's just the inflammatory(no pun intended) language which annoys me a little. 'grains are lkilling you inside', 'you are going to get cancer' etc.

    People would be more prepared to listen to a more moderate form of pursuation.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Ok, this thread will probably explode. Before it does, I just want to slip in my experience to OP and then I'm out!

    I tried Paleo for 30 days and loved it. I'm hypothyroid and the lower carbs work. But then I realized I still wanted an occasional cookie or bowl of oatmeal. So I took much of what I learned from Paleo and made it work for me.

    My husband and I eat meat and veggies for our meals. We don't buy bread, we mostly drink almond milk or canned coconut milk (he still plays around with soy, but Im not as big a fan.) I've cut out artificial sugars and keep fruit to a minimum, using Agave as a sweetner if it's needed. Do we still eat an occasional cookie? Sure do. When we go to friends house do we demand Paleo foods? Nope. We even eat out sometimes!

    We made it livable. When it's our choices and our house, we go Paleo-esque. But sometimes we live a little.

    You have to find what will work for you long term so you can make it a lifestyle. I love the Paleo clean eating principles, and I do feel different when I adhere to it. You can't get caught up in it though.

    Like I said- make it work for you. You'll enjoy it more that way.

    Besides- veggies rock.

    Good luck!

    That is Mark Sisson's approach with the Primal Blue Print.

    Eat clean 80% of the time and there is 20% wiggle room for splurges.

    I personally can't do the 80/20 rule. It doesn't work for me because of the health issues I am battling.

    For my husband the 80/20 rule works.

    We eat out also. I tend to stick with grilled fish, chicken or a steak and steamed vegetables and a side salad.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    That's it. Just educate yourself and take from it what works for you.

    There is much in paleo which leads to very positive lifestyle changes, without it becoming a 'religion' as it appears to for some people who think it's all or nothing.