Log food BEFORE you eat it?



  • SLHartman
    SLHartman Posts: 142 Member
    I don't know why I never thought to try this before. Excellent idea...
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I pre-log in breakfast and lunch because I plan those and know exactly what they'll be (I don't work in an area with a lot of food choices so I'm not even tempted to be weak and buy lunch that day). I usually also have a set idea in my head of what my dinner will be because I tend to plan my meals for the week (losely and not specific recipes, just ideas like chicken and X or X off and on all week. I have no problem eating the same thing several times in a week). I also plan what my snacks will be and I keep a stash of some at work and some at home so that even if I go for a snack, I'm still good and don't blow my calorie goals for the day.
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    I use my diary to plan meals. It helps me make a shopping list at the start of the week, figure out which vegetables need to be prepped the night or morning before cooking and eliminates overeating as extra portions are immediately placed in containers and put in the freezer.

    It's worked really well so far. I used to eat out and order in a lot. Even though I've been pretty rotten these past few days with eating out (breakfast and dinner today sadly), I'm doing it far less than I once was. Just looking at the diary and seeing how much I've spent eating out when I could eat at home more cheaply and for a lot fewer calories is motivating me to reign myself in. I also love that I can plan my days around already cooked food if I know I won't have time for much cooking. On a busy day I can eat healthy stuff I've frozen, and on a quiet day I'll schedule more labour-intensive meals. It used to be that I'd end up eating frozen stuff on quiet days and then on busy days, hungry and with no time/energy to make something I'd eat something while out or order in later.
  • rcthale
    rcthale Posts: 141
    I log ahead for dinner, especially if I plan to have a dessert. It keeps me on track, too.