I feel like I completely failed today!



  • MrsCCWoods
    MrsCCWoods Posts: 142 Member
    As long as you dont keep making the same mistake everyday then its all good
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    You stayed within your calorie goal so you didn't fail. Tomorrow is another day, don't sweat it. It's a lifestyle change, you won't sustain it if you don't enjoy it. Over time you will get the macros tweaked.

    Yuppers! It takes time and work to figure out all the details... (I know this because I have still got a ton to learn). Forgive yourself. Start with a fresh slate right now- Keep coming back, keep logging, and continue to work hard. We can do this!!!
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    I sometimes feel like I completely failed at being a good wife, mother, or worker. I never give those up. I had to ask myself this one last and I mean LAST time, how can you fail on your body daily? Just like the other things in my life that I love and feel that I have failed I never give up on them. So why should I give up on my body?

    Don't give up. We always fail at many things ln life but we should never give up. Have hope, this does work!

    BTW I had Little Ceaser's tonight and ice cream. Yeah I don't eat clean 100%, but I did stay within target calories. It is all about balance. You will get it. Just keep working on it.
  • Ready4Change5
    You didn't fail. Everyone deserves a treat day. Its okay to have some unhealthy food and the good thing is that you were under your calories still. You really don't need to double up. Just working out regularly will do you just fine. Remember treat days are okay. Remember tomorrow is a new day and you can always get back on track tomorrow. You got it!
  • Jett8888
    Jett8888 Posts: 43 Member
    You can do this!!!!!!! It's all about making better choices and changing your lifestyle. I refuse to believe I'm on a diet because I don't want to beat myself up if some of my choices for the day weren't the best. Tomorrow is a new day to make better choices. Stay under your calorie goal and you'll start to see the ticker move. If it can work for me it can work for you too.
  • 100lbstoloosefemale
    100lbstoloosefemale Posts: 34 Member
    OMG you took my post right from me, i started out good today, then i went to 7 eleven to buy my daughter her milk and got a big bite hotdog with chili cheese 800+ cal 45gram of fat, the rest of the day i was fine but i bought these all natural almonds and i ate it in small quantities but still managed to eat the whole bag by the end of th day, im 122 over my cal and im way over my fat and protein, and all i did for exercise was a 10min walk to work, tomorrow i HAVE TO HIT HARD or the little ive lost these last 3 weeks will be for NOTHING
  • 707janette
    707janette Posts: 77 Member
    Dude, 3 days of doing good is never a waste and today you really didn't mess up so bad- you stayed under your calorie goal and that is huge. I would not double the workout. Start looking more at the things you are having sucess with such as loosing 3 pounds and staying within your calorie range, quit stressing out on the little things that you didn't do perfectly. Cut yourself some slack and give yourself a pat on the back for the good job.
  • LaurieLynnMiller
    In my opinion, any day you stay within your calories you can chalk up to a "win". Tomorrow, you can just try to eat healthier. Hang in there and don't beat yourself up about it.
  • kylekep
    kylekep Posts: 10 Member
    You can't completely deny yourself from things you like. Denying yourself for long periods will only make you fall off harder when you decide to treat yourself. I use a little trick of always leave some left on the plate...might work for you.
  • SLHartman
    SLHartman Posts: 142 Member
    Lots of great advice. Keep in mind that this site isn't exactly about a "diet" but rather a lifestyle change. Changing habits that you've had for who knows how long isn't going to happen over night. That being said, you are allowed to treat yourself every so often and you shouldn't feel guilty (as long as it's not a habit). You're doing great! Keep it up!
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    I find it surprising that you consider today to be a fail since you are under your calorie goal. I find it impossible to hit all of my macros with any kind of accuracy and regularly go over one or the other on any given day (sugar seems to be the hardest for me). But in the end, it comes down to calories in versus calories out.

    Not everyone tracks the same macros yet they are still successful with weight loss and overall health improvement.

    I also think the macros are general guidelines and targets for averaging - each day will be a bit different, but over the course of a day or a week or a year or a lifetime, you should average out around those recommendations. If you eat 2 eggs today you are likely to go over your cholesterol limit. But if you are under your cholesterol for the next few days, does that make today a fail?

    And finally, i believe the macro recommendations are just that, recommendations, and not necessarily accurate or the absolute best amounts for everyone. For example, my personal trainer recommends considerably more protein than MFP recommends, as it seems do many posters here. Also, i have never once come anywhere near close to my potassium recommendation and have absolutely no idea how i could.

    I think you could take it easy on yourself. This is a whole big long lifetime journey to try to find the best balance between weight loss, nutrition, fitness, health and overall enjoyable living!! Don't under-prioritize the enjoyable living part!
  • jasminemonique1
    dont eat tommorow and you will be fine after that
    Actually not Eating Will Send Your Body Into Starvation Mode Causing You Gain Weight Or Not Weight Lose Because Your Metabolism Slows Down. Am I Too Have the Same Problems Sometimes Just Keep Pushing Forward And Stay Close To Your Goals And You Should Be Okay.