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Who are our Gamers? What are you currently playing?



  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I used to be a serious MMO gamer for around 6 years but it seems like I haven't played many of them in the last few years.
    I played World of Warcraft on a progressive raid team. We raided 4 nights a week 4-5 hour sessions. I then played around 8-10 hours a day 6-7 days a week to keep up with the amount of gold the hubby and I needed at that pace.
    Honestly, I have to admit it was one of the best times of my life because we really kicked some serious butt! People say its a "game" but damn, there is a lot of strategy and skill that goes into it. It would take hours reading up on bosses and watching videos....
    Spending that much time with the same people for years is pretty big too.
    I have met almost all of the raid team in real life on several occasions. The team had an "annual BBQ" here in Maine so everyone could come from around the country and meet. Amazing stuff!
    I started playing SWTOR and I think I played that half way to max level but I'm not a huge fan. Most of my gamer buddies went there so I felt like I should try it.
    The new expansion of WoW is coming out, I think I will probably play that and see if I can get back into it. Just not 8 hours a day like last time :)

    I also play Wii games and Xbox games but its usually just things like Mario...haha
  • wyllaya
    wyllaya Posts: 51 Member
    right now i'm playing my old favorite


    i love horror game
  • rosie_dibrell
    rosie_dibrell Posts: 12 Member
    I am a gamer and my all time favorite game is Animal Crossing. I have it on Gamecube, DS and the Wii,
  • bigglesinc
    bigglesinc Posts: 19
    Playing Skyrim on the xbox 360 while waiting for Borderlands 2. Halo 4 and Assassin's Creed 3 high on preorder list but really can't wait for BL2.

    Played Mass effect 3 Multi for a while but got bored. Skyrim is quite impressing me and I'm really enjoying it, feels like Fallout 3 with swords :)
  • Hksalex
    Hksalex Posts: 144 Member
    i find that playing games helps me keep track of what i eat and when i eat, and it doesn't interfeer with my gym time.

    currently im playing Aion F2P cause im tired of the bull**** blizzard puts me through with Diablo 3. waiting on GW2
  • cb83580
    cb83580 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm currently working my way through Resident Evil 4 on PS2. Next up will most likely be a re-play of RE2.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I liked Dead Island, ATM I am playing Saints Row
  • Grimlock69
    Grimlock69 Posts: 197
    Gamer for life here.
    Playing Batman Arkham city now for the PS3.

    Add me if you like
    Live Grimlock1030
    PS Network Grimlock1030
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    I've been working a summer job, and with all the kids' activities I haven't had much time for gaming (plus I'm trying to get my library's adult reading program finished). I finished the second Walking Dead episode yesterday. Other than I've mostly been playing Skyrim, but I haven't touched that for a month, yikes! Looking forward to GenCon next month.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Summer and my motorcycle takes precedence. Guild Wars assisting guildies get the 30 points for the Hall of Monuments. And playing in the Beta for GW2 which has enough action for even the most sated action junkie, lol. Every freaking big event is a crazy free for all. Love the new game mechanic and the persistent world, a bit tired of everything being instanced though I was just starting to play mmo's when I started GW and it was a great intro.
  • KC4800
    KC4800 Posts: 140 Member
    I play City of Heroes. Been playing since 2005.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    PS3 gamer here.

    Currently playing:
    MLB: The Show 12
    Dragon's Dogma
    Mass Effect 3
  • Gamer since there've been games - started on Atari (oh crap, when was that?)... man, I loved that blocky, pixelated fantasy game, and the tank game, and even Pong, for cripes sake. Then a friend got a commodore 64, and there was this 'tail gunner' type of game. Then the text-only adventure games "you see a wall, do you go e, w, n, s".

    So, anywho: platforms currently in the house and still working: PS3 (gets the most use), Xbox 360, Wii, first gen Xbox, 3DS, DS Lite (x2), a few PCs/laptops

    Games - way too long to list them all, but...

    Newer games we're playing (me and my son):
    - Lego Batman 2 (with Justice League) - PS3
    - SSX on PS3
    - Minecraft (on my phone)
    - Transformers battle for cybertron (PS3)
    - DC Universe Online (PS3) (I have 1 level 30 guy, but Jax keeps making up new guys he gets bored with by level 10)
    - Monster Hunter Tri (Wii)

    Games we've finished multiple times
    - All the Halo games (can't wait for fall!)
    - All the Assassin's Creed games (also can't wait for fall)
    - Arkham City
    - Arkham Asylum (me only)
    - MW: Black Ops (me only)
    - MW2
    - Metal Gear Solid 4
    - Pretty much every DragonBall Z game out there (all plaftforms)
    - Pretty much every Naruto game (all platforms)

    A few others from across the years:
    - Matrix online
    - City of Heroes
    - Pretty much every other MMORPG out there - I get really bored with these, because they're essentially all raids and you have to have 900 other people with you, join a guild, and if you're not into the social side (I'm not), then it's <yawn>. I'm also not into PVP stuff - I'm much rather kill the computer any day. What I really want is a dynamic world that isn't built on the premise of *having* to be in a guild/league/whatever, that is challenging but not impossible for solo players or even small groups. But so far, they all just get boring after a few levels because it's more of the same, over and over. Just get stale so fast.
    - Gears of War

    There are more that I'm forgetting. Basically, I'm a 10yo with an adult's salary... not always a good thing...
  • YokoJ
    YokoJ Posts: 253
    I've been busy with school so I'm still working on MAX PAYNE 3....I play back and forth on 2 consoles, ps3 and xbox360
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    Arkham City, Max Payne 3, Stranglehold and of course all the sports games

    oh and on my tablet i got an N64 emulator replaying Ocarina of Time
  • BVannillie
    BVannillie Posts: 140
    I've given up WoW until a time when I can control myself and not spend all day on it. It has been replaced by Zombies, Run! which is a healthy alternative.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I have platinum trophies on my PS3 for both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. I also have 100% completion, 100% rainbows and all trophies for Pixel Junk Monsters, both islands, because I have an epic, red beard and I'm cool like that. Oh and I one-hit killed Alduin on Skyrim with my Nord. I liked the Mass Effect series too, but never played the first one. It came out right after my xbox took a dump and I never bothered replacing it.
  • Onemoodycuss
    Onemoodycuss Posts: 95 Member
    I'm currently playing Skyrim on the 360. I don't play as much as I'd like, cause I have to play under cover of darkness when the kids (I have 3 and 2/3...my wife's due in October) go to sleep...it's hard to preach non-violence then giggle when you behead a bandit and marvel at the geyser of blood from his neck.

    Add me...I'm obviously a people person.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    wow for faaaaar too long. dabbled in d3. waiting for gw2

    played rift & swtor really enjoyed them!

    need to play more skyrim, wii and 3ds games.

    don't forget to join the mfp gamer group.
  • Acherona
    Acherona Posts: 134 Member
    Depends what im on, If im on my pc its god father five families or poker (free of course) and if im on the 360 its usually minecraft or modern warefare :)
  • jessie5367
    jessie5367 Posts: 13
    Right now I am really into Diablo 3 and loving it!! I also squeeze in some time for World of Warcraft, but not as much as I used too (I started playing WoW in 2004). My husband and I have also been getting some good laughs playing Minecraft on Xbox.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    oh ya - my realid is my MFP username @gmail.com and my steam should be the same. i don't have it installed on this computer so i can't check.
  • PsiChi
    PsiChi Posts: 157
    Xbox 360, and Skyrim right now
  • bluex232
    bluex232 Posts: 135 Member
    My four year old has finally mastered the xbox controller (being able to move a character and the camera at the same time was his struggle, lol.) So I mostly play Toy Story 3 right now, lol. :laugh: (or Elmo's Once upon a Monster on the kinect, which is a least a little bit of a work out for me!) :wink:
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    still playing MW3 and Halo Reach but lately playing Minecraft and Trials Evo
  • Oops - forgot about Uncharted (all of them). PS3.
  • kaneda333
    kaneda333 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm a gamer! I'm a PS3 and Nintendo 3ds person. Currently replaying LA Noire after finishing my 3rd play through our dragon age origins. I haven't yet dared to play skyrim as I hear it's a total life sink!
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I'm a gamer! I'm a PS3 and Nintendo 3ds person. Currently replaying LA Noire after finishing my 3rd play through our dragon age origins. I haven't yet dared to play skyrim as I hear it's a total life sink!
    Lol'd at life sink. Confirmed. It is. Say goodbye to your friends and family for a while before you tackle that one. The hardest part about that game is remembering that you have to take breaks to pee, go to work, etc.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I think last time I checked I was somewhere around 400 hours with Skyrim, between all my characters...
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    Oh Skyrim how I have delayed you for so long.
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