Who are our Gamers? What are you currently playing?



  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    I'm a gamer! I'm a PS3 and Nintendo 3ds person. Currently replaying LA Noire after finishing my 3rd play through our dragon age origins. I haven't yet dared to play skyrim as I hear it's a total life sink!
    Lol'd at life sink. Confirmed. It is. Say goodbye to your friends and family for a while before you tackle that one. The hardest part about that game is remembering that you have to take breaks to pee, go to work, etc.

    I was sitting on our front porch chilling, and this mid-20s grrrl comes pushing a baby stroller down the hill while she's on a walk and talking on her cell. I hear her saying, "So, what's all this about Skyrim? Like, didn't it come out a while ago? What's so great about it?" I was itching to go down and inform her--in loud tones and with gesticulations.
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    Spyro's "Skylanders"... Got the game for my kids..but now I find myself needing to get all the toys so I can level them up and rock the game... *SMH*... Just like all the lego games.. So fun, and easy, but keeps me very entertained.

    and I'm playing halo CE anniversary edition. Can't wait for halo 4!
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    People PEOPLE. It is all about the DayZ. Check it out if you are a PC gamer.
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    Been a gamer since 1999 with Original Everquest. Currently playing Everquest 2 (my favorite game) and Dungeons and Dragons online with my friends
  • LadyFleata
    LadyFleata Posts: 32 Member
    Legend of Grimrock and Diablo 3.
    waiting on GW2 and Torchlight 2.

    add me on here and on raptr/ steam same usrname to chat games
  • bikerbabe1971
    I play most RPGs on the xbox 360 :o)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    PM me for GamerTag!
    Spyro's "Skylanders"... Got the game for my kids..but now I find myself needing to get all the toys so I can level them up and rock the game... *SMH*... Just like all the lego games.. So fun, and easy, but keeps me very entertained.

    My wife is obsessed with this game!
    Shes collected everyone but "Wham-shell"
    I'm currently helping her get flawless in every level.
  • hersheythecat
    hersheythecat Posts: 128 Member
    Play WoW and just started playing the Beta Mists of Pandaria - pretty landscaping. :) use to play a lot more 4-5 hours a day after work but now limit myself to 1-2 hours a night. Proud to say I've not completely done all the Twilight dungeons :) that says a lot for me. I'm definitely not a raider - too many people at one time. Although I did recently kill the dragon - got dragged into it ... and i didn't die. :)

    main is an Human Mage, also have 85 - DK, Warlock, Pally along with other mid-high level characters.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    360 gamer here!

    Currently playing:
    Bayonetta (again on a different difficulty)
    ilo milo (it's so cute but sooooooo annoying!)
    Dance Central 2 (The crew challenges on hard are one Hell of a workout!)
    Black Ops campaign, I'm so behind everyone. :D
    Ms. Splosion Man
    Dead Pixels (Indie game, if you don't have it it is well worth the 80MSP it costs!)
    Dungeon Fighter Live! (XBLA game)

    No wonder it takes me so long to finish anything...
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    Not having much time to game lately but FINALLY got a chance to try out Force Unleashed II last night and had a blast :) I also downloaded the Walking Dead demo....looking forward to trying it out ;)

    I can't wait for The Last of Us to come out :D

  • ronaldmcyd
    ronaldmcyd Posts: 54 Member
    there a who group of MFP Gamers

    I love Left 4 Dead 2 and Dead Island, but lately I've been trying to get into shape with Just Dance 3 for the Wii. Its fun because my girlfriend and daughter join in, so it doesn't take time away from "us"
  • GermanicKnight
    Are you a gamer? Yes! Since the Atari 2600, Intellivision, and Commodore 64
    What console? Wii and PC
    What are you playing now? League of Legends, Civilization IV and V, Diablo III Wii games with my son
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member

    My kids hound me to play that, although we've been doing Oblivion again. If you don't open the gates, it's ok.

    Also just picked up and am tinkering with Borderlands, and Legend of Grimrock (FUN in an old-school way!)

    In my spare time (hurr) Dungeon Keeper 2 :devil:

    Has everyone here seen http://www.gog.com ?
  • HaloKelly1
    HaloKelly1 Posts: 17
    PS3 gamer here.

    Currently playing:
    MLB: The Show 12
    Dragon's Dogma
    Mass Effect 3

    Mass Effect... the bane of my existence <3
  • HaloKelly1
    HaloKelly1 Posts: 17
    People PEOPLE. It is all about the DayZ. Check it out if you are a PC gamer.

    I seen this while reading Ctl Alt Delete, is it good? It looks amazing!
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    With work and fitness i've switched from being a hardcore gamer to a casual gamer.
    Just picked up Dead Island and Payday: The Heist from the Steam sale.

    Are you a gamer?
    What console?
    What are you playing now?

    Yep, I've gone from hardcore to casual as well. If I am able to log onto a game once a week it seems like it's a miracle. When summer settles down hopefully I'll have more free time to add in some gaming time.

    I play PC games & XBox games. For my Xbox I'm working on Dragon Age 2. I also just picked up the Kinect for it finally so my 5 yo and I are working through some of the games we got for it (Kinect Adventures mostly). For the PC I have a huge list because stuff I wanted to do just kept piling up since I have no time to play. Short list; WoW (still need to kill Deathwing), EQ2 (SS group instances), SC2 (Need to do the final mission. I stopped because of the bug where you couldn't go back if you went to the last planet), and D3 (my poor lvl 20 something Wizard that's still on Act 2 of EZMode).

    Yeesh. So much to do, so little time.
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    Yes. ^_^ I am a gamer. Though, since health-ing it up - I spend significantly less time straining my thumbs and more time on the rest of my body. -laughs- Gaming tends to be a time suck for me...I end up playing for 3hrs at a time sometimes. So I have it that I don't allow myself to game anymore unless I've worked out for at least an hour.

    I have them all... xbox360, ps3, wii... Including old legacy systems - nes, snes, n64, sega genesis, etc, etc. Gave away my ps2 and my cube... Even the handhelds, though I haven't picked up a vita yet. Lately, I've been mostly on the xbox though.

    Skyrim basically monopolizes my time these days, because ya'know, slaying dragons just feels so badash... Before that I was working my way through Arkham City and Portal 2 (and Final Fantasy XIII on PS3).
  • prose114
    prose114 Posts: 6 Member
    Same, played wow since the day it came out. I attribute almost killing myself to playing wow for up to 20-hours a day while smoking and snacking continuously. Never again.
  • emilynyman00
    emilynyman00 Posts: 25 Member
    I play Magic and Dungeons and Dragons. Pokemon when I feel like it.
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    I currently play WoW, I have way too many toons on Area-52 and Medivh.

    I also play console games, notably Left for Dead, Skrim, Call of Duty (anyone).

    On Wow I limit my raid to Friday night and Saturday afternoon. That way I only am on then and still maage to have a social life with friends and workout.

    The console games I grab as and when I can, an hour here, half an hour there.

    Im a huge gamer geek, in addition to being a history geek, electronics geek and other geekiness. lol