Dog as running buddy

How many of you have a dog as a running buddy? Does it help or hinder you? Do you have any funny stores?

I have a Viszla called Florence. She is great to run with other than when she wants to grab the lead with her mouth as I almost fall over her. I always think I must look strange running in circles while I wait for her to do her business then have to run holding a poo bag until we come to a poo bin. She is a great motivator though and can always run faster/further than I can...and unlike me always wants to go out, rain or shine!


  • EmmaR25
    EmmaR25 Posts: 33 Member
    I have a Lab called Molly, I've not yet started to run yet but I'm planning on starting shortly and will be taking Molly with me :-) on a side note I'm listening to Florence and the machine lol.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Haven't started with him yet! And I want to.

    Jasper (black lab and bassett hound mix and probably something else thrown in there, too) is only 5 months old. I just had him at the vet for his latest round of shots on Friday (my first vet trip with him since we adopted him from the rescue shelter). Spoke with the vet about when I can get him out and start training with him. Not for at least another couple months, then it's into the build-up process, just like a human runner. I think I'll get him into another round of obedience before starting, though.

    I have a bunch of friends that all run with their dogs. Best behaved I've ever seen was a friend of mine running with his dog at a 5K. Had the lead wrapped around his waist (like a belt, through the hand loop) and the dog ran the entire race right next to him, didn't waiver more than 2 or 3 feet to his right. Well trained dog. I was amazed.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Aww :bigsmile:

    I have a 10 year old Jack Russell cross Chihuahua who is my best friend and son all in one! I do walk-jog intervals and I take him with me. I usually walk to the nearby field, then jog round it, then walk to another field, jog round that, then walk round a housing estate, then jog down the main road, then walk home. He's off the lead for most of the time.

    He does this really crazy thing where he'll jump up and bark at flies... that aren't there :laugh: It started when he was younger and he'd jump up and bark at the flies, then he started doing it with rain... and then now he just does it even when there isn't anything there! He seems to enjoy it :noway:
  • x_Shruti_x
    x_Shruti_x Posts: 21 Member
    I went for a run for the first time with my dog today! She's a little cavvie and it makes me laugh that I'm sweating my butt off 'running' and she is just tottering along by me as though telling me to go faster she can have a little sprint. Saying that, half an hour later and she's conked out on the floor next to me xD I quite enjoyed running with her as it was like she was my little mascot!
  • brittryan1017
    I try to take my dog, Jenny my bull dog mix, about 1-2 times a week. She is getting a little older and the summer's here are pretty intense so I don't like to take her all the time. When we do go together she seems to have fun and she is awesome encouragement for me!
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    He can keep up very well, and he can often go a lot faster than me. He's just doing a quick walk and I'm dying! Although by the end of it, sometimes he's looked at me wondering when we're going home, haha!
  • KateL1969
    KateL1969 Posts: 98 Member
    Florence tends to trot next to me if she's on the lead. I have to watch my speed, because if I speed up slightly she will be in-between a trot and a canterand so is not comfortable. I've not had to worry about it being too hot for her this summer - its rained nearly every day here in England!

    When she is of the lead she will gallop ahead of me and then gallop back again, as if to tell me to hurry up!
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 343 Member
    When I was young, I had visions of how cool it would be to run with a Golden Retriever along the beach. Of course, in my vision, the dog was perfect--ran my pace and never stopped to 'do it's duty'. I have a Westie and a Silky Terrier, and if running with a dog is anything like walking these two, I think I'll pass! LOL!!
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    I run with my lab/boxer and he "encourages" me to push harder. He could run all day!

    It's been hard to run with him in the heat but we try to go later when it cools down
  • Mustaine4Pres
    Yes, I run with my siberian husky. She was a former race dog before we adopted her. At 12 years old, she finds the 3.5 miles (part of it uphill) to be too easy :) She likes to pull and will get annoyed if i take too long of a walking break. In general, she is a good help as she keeps me going and is good to look and see where i am so i don't need to worry about her tripping me up.
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    I tried taking my dog running with me twice. Both times she had a nice way of saying she doesn't like running. She'd try to wrap her leash around my feet and trip me. So needless to say I let her stay home now lol.

    Odd you'd think a GSD/Newfoundland mix would like to run.
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    My husky loves to run. Unfortunately my "run" isn't fast enough for her to even trot, haha. She looks at me like, "What's that you're doing? Weirdo."
  • brandee1212
    brandee1212 Posts: 20 Member
    I have two chocolate labs, Peanut and Sugar. Peanut is getting to be an old man (he's 9.5), and Sugar is 6. She's very lean and lithe and LOVES to run, while he sort of plods along and gives up after a mile or so. They're a pain in the butt to take running sometimes, since they want to chase every squirrel or cat they see, but it keeps them docile the rest of the day! No better way to tamp down the crazy. :)
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Blue is more of a walk-really-fast buddy. I can never seem to motivate her to run while on a walk, much to the chagrin of cars when the light turns green.

    I thought about bringing a laser pointer with me, though, she will tear through walls for that mofo.
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    I'm a walker, not a runner, and my dogs are approaching "senior" status. Me too, but don't tell! Anyway, here's a link to a very interesting program in Philadelphia that pairs local runners with homeless shelter dogs. I just thought this program is a win/win deal for the runners and the dogs. I wonder if there are any more programs out there like this?
  • KyliAnnHobson
    KyliAnnHobson Posts: 551 Member
    I tried to take my Australian cattle dog mix with me back when I was doing C25K. She ran with me for 2 minutes then plopped down and refused to run any farther. It's not that she's out of shape, she's just stubborn! I think she's more of a sprinter than a distance runner, though. My chocolate lab mix is a very slow and lumbering creature, definitely not a distance runner. And my dachshund, no way! lol
  • LuneBleu85
    LuneBleu85 Posts: 217
    I have two dogs that I run with. It certainly adds an extra challenging element to it! Toby is a cockerXshih tzu cross and Molly is a pitbullXbordie collieXheelerXmisc.
    They are both pretty good on our little runs. We have a lot of rabbits in the area and when they jump out in front of us both dogs leap forward and I almost wind up falling over. So far so good! I'm a much better rabbit spotter now!
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    We have a rat terrier mix that I've tried to run with a couple times. She tends to pull too much for the first 1/2 mile which makes the running a little annoying. After she wears down after playing sled dog for 5 minutes, she starts to run at a reasonable pace.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    I tried taking my dog running with me twice. Both times she had a nice way of saying she doesn't like running. She'd try to wrap her leash around my feet and trip me. So needless to say I let her stay home now lol.

    Odd you'd think a GSD/Newfoundland mix would like to run.

    Newfie's hate to run - if you want to swim, that's another thing entirely. And GSDs are too worried about potential threats --- that's how your feet got tied up in the leash --- she's was circling you to protect you. I had that problem with my old GSD. My current dog is a Pointer mix and he's all for it... EXCEPT, he's got this trouble with his pads so I actually need to get him some new running shoes. His old ones wore out and it's just been too hot for him (and me) - our 30 minute walks wipe both of us out!
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    I have a Doberman, Lily, and even though she is now 8.5 years old she still runs with me. We live in Wales, and it is very hilly, but she can still outrun me by miles! Did 2.7k with her this morning - she flaked out in the car for 20 minutes and is now raring to go again!!

    Sadly the weather in the UK this year has been abyssmal, even by our "British summertime" standards, so we haven't done as much as I would have liked over the past few months.