Is coffee bad for you?



  • ShrinkingShawna
    ShrinkingShawna Posts: 186 Member
    As far as weightloss goes, no. Caffein is a stimulant. It is, however, bad for your teeth. It will stain them and cause decay. Not to mention coffee breath is the worst. Just brush after you drink it. :wink:
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    If it is than I am typing from the grave!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Black coffee is good because the caffeine helps jump start your metabolism. If you add the creamer and sugar, that's where it gets bad. But coffee also dehydrates you so make sure you drink water too. Cold water and hot water also help your metabolism because your body either has to heat it up or cool it down for your body. :)
    Coffee does NOT dehydrate you, that's a myth. The cold and hot water claim is also a myth.
  • loumaag
    loumaag Posts: 118
    It's bad for other people if I don't get some in the morning. :smile:
    Hear, hear!
  • The research as to whether its bad or good for you seems to be swinging toward the 'good' side (Parkinson's, CA, higher HDL, and antioxidant properties) - but most of that research was done with subjects drinking less coffee (2-3 cups) than you are drinking. However, that being said - I won't change how much you drink unless you check with your doctor. This is a personal anecdote - I had a friend years ago who never went anywhere without a cup of black, almost Turkish style, coffee in his hands. I would tease him that his teeth were turning brown (they were). His response was that he couldn't function without it. He was in his early 20's and generally very healthy so hadn't seen a doctor for years. He went to see one for some reason or another - the doc found that his BP was only 90/60. He said that it was too low, and suggested he drink coffee a few times a day to get it a bit higher (My friend was 6'3" and weighted about 180 pounds).. I always wondered what his BP would have been if he didn't already live on coffee. By the way, he fixed his brown tooth problem but adding skim milk into his coffee.. why that worked I don't know.

    If you are interested in the effects of coffee on health try this search at pubmed -

    Actually my BP has always been low. Didn't know it could be lower without my coffee o:
    Thankfully I brush way too much.
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    Caffeine can hurt your heart if you take in that much a day. You are way beyond worrying about your calorie intake and weight. Be careful,
  • Black coffee is good because the caffeine helps jump start your metabolism. If you add the creamer and sugar, that's where it gets bad. But coffee also dehydrates you so make sure you drink water too. Cold water and hot water also help your metabolism because your body either has to heat it up or cool it down for your body. :)
    Coffee does NOT dehydrate you, that's a myth. The cold and hot water claim is also a myth.

    Coffee doesn't dehydrate, but it's a diuretic. So is tea. And I drink both of those A LOT.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    Black coffee is good because the caffeine helps jump start your metabolism. If you add the creamer and sugar, that's where it gets bad. But coffee also dehydrates you so make sure you drink water too. Cold water and hot water also help your metabolism because your body either has to heat it up or cool it down for your body. :)
    Coffee does NOT dehydrate you, that's a myth. The cold and hot water claim is also a myth.

    Coffee doesn't dehydrate, but it's a diuretic. So is tea. And I drink both of those A LOT.
    Coffee is good for your soul!
  • Spitbubblr
    Spitbubblr Posts: 54
    I'm on the same boat as you. I personally believe it's a good kick to your metabolism and extremely healthier than other alternatives like energy shots and energy drinks. ^__^
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Black coffee is good because the caffeine helps jump start your metabolism. If you add the creamer and sugar, that's where it gets bad. But coffee also dehydrates you so make sure you drink water too. Cold water and hot water also help your metabolism because your body either has to heat it up or cool it down for your body. :)
    Coffee does NOT dehydrate you, that's a myth. The cold and hot water claim is also a myth.

    Coffee doesn't dehydrate, but it's a diuretic. So is tea. And I drink both of those A LOT.
    Water is also a diuretic, as are celery, asparagus, lettuce, brussels sprouts, watermelon, cucumbers, cranberries, tomatoes, lemons, cabbage and carrots. Basically all the foods that people consider "hydrating" because they contain a lot of water in them are diuretics.

    Here's the thing, diuretic doesn't mean dehydrating at all, which is what most people either assume, or misinterpret. A diuretic is a substance that prevents water retention, by eliminating excess water from your body. Eliminating excess water does not make you dehydrated, it makes you properly hydrated.
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 262 Member
    Coffee isn't good for everyone. If you can handle it, go for it. But keep your eye out for side effects. The caffeine builds up in your system, you might think that your sleeping problem isn't caffeine related because you don't have coffee after 10:00 a.m., but that might not be the case. It wasn't for me. When I had to eliminate coffee, because I had developed a HEART CONDITION, I found that I could sleep more than 4-5 hours a night. I really miss the coffee, but sleeping is an unexpected, totally worth it, trade off.

    Also FYI, the Cardiac Arrhythmia stopped six weeks after eliminating coffee from my diet. There were no other changes, and I didn't have to go on beta blockers. Just something to think about.
  • coffee helps, any type of caffeine increases heart rate and acts like a miniature exercise regiment
  • Coffee isn't good for everyone. If you can handle it, go for it. But keep your eye out for side effects. The caffeine builds up in your system, you might think that your sleeping problem isn't caffeine related because you don't have coffee after 10:00 a.m., but that might not be the case. It wasn't for me. When I had to eliminate coffee, because I had developed a HEART CONDITION, I found that I could sleep more than 4-5 hours a night. I really miss the coffee, but sleeping is an unexpected, totally worth it, trade off.

    Also FYI, the Cardiac Arrhythmia stopped six weeks after eliminating coffee from my diet. There were no other changes, and I didn't have to go on beta blockers. Just something to think about.

    I am glad I don't experience any side effects from my coffee consumption. Doesn't even effect my sleep cycles. Guess I have developed a tolerance.
    Hope you're feeling better now :)
  • pixelberry
    pixelberry Posts: 167 Member
    I'm doing an experiment this week with workouts and coffee. I wake up at 5 AM to go cycling outside. Most mornings I can't get my heart rate up or work as hard as I can in the afternoon or evenings. I had coffee before my last run, and did PHENOMENAL! Going to try all this week to see if the results are the same.

    Some people can handle coffee, some can't, you just have to figure out which one you are.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Coffee is an appetite suppressant and natural stimulant so generally it is beneficial for weight loss and has additional health benefits. However, at more than 5 cups a day your body is pretty much accustomed to it and is probably does not have any impact at all with regard to weight loss.
  • Coffee is healthy for you! Drink it w/o sugar & cream. Enjoy!
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    my concern would be the acidity. it can lower your ph :D (closer to nuetral is better) :D
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 262 Member
    I am glad I don't experience any side effects from my coffee consumption. Doesn't even effect my sleep cycles. Guess I have developed a tolerance.
    Hope you're feeling better now :)

    I am thanks!!! I think that it was the kind of thing that crept up on me. I was tolerant for a good 20 years drinking 5-6 cups a day, like you, but then I think that I turned 40 and my body had had enough. A friend of mine had the exact same thing happen to him around the same age. :) sux getting older
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I drink coffee daily. I usually just drink it black, but sometimes I use half and half. It depends on my mood. I can't say it's ever contributed to a weightloss plateau since I've never suffered a weightloss plateau. Either I'm a special snowflake or the idea that coffee stalls weightloss is crap. On gym days I chug down some coffee before going to the gym to get me motivated.
  • Moderation. Moderation. Moderation. =)

    I LOVE my coffee. I usually have a cup when I wake up in the morning. And then I have some tea (1-3 glasses) in the afternoon and/or a diet soda (Only 1/day, usually w/ lunch.) The rest of the day, I drink water.

    Isn't diet soda bad? I've read everywhere that it's toxic for your body.
    My mum recently told me the chemicals used in sodas have been proven to cause forgetfulness in a minority of people. She experienced some of the symptoms too. It also increases your hunger pangs x_x