
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    It was your first, probably not your last! Just remember what the next day feels like and your embarrassment, and that will help you to not do it more often.

    Good luck.. drink lots of water :)
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    been there, done that, got the stain on the t-shirt. =)

    Looking back, it will be something fun for you & your friends to remember! Just make sure if you EVER drink even close to that much again.. you are always with someone you trust. You have to be careful of the creepers who like to put **** in your drinks, ect...

    Today, lots of veggies with vitamin B & some extra potassium! Alcohol strips the body of these vitamins!

    Feel better!
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    Black out on your 21st Bday ..... You're doing it right !!! Sounds awesome! don't be embarrassed, your friends prolly think it's awesome too..

    I've had a few such stories. My favorite ones are where I wake up and feel like I teleported directly from the Party/club to some random couch or bed. First thing is *Find my damn phone! look through pictures, *Boom! OmG who took these, who is this person, where was I, how the fcck did I get up there ... ah good times.
  • falcon367
    falcon367 Posts: 116
    I don't know what you're talking about ... you were not that bad! On that note, do you want your panties back??
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    It was your 21st birthday- you get the free pass. Now, if this was happening every single time you drank, you'd have an issue.

    Apologize to anyone that deserves it and move along. It's not the end of the world. Piece of advice though, if you are new to drinking, take it slow. It take a little time for the effects of a drink to become noticeable to you. It's a marathon, not a sprint. ;)
  • backwoodsbama
    backwoodsbama Posts: 104 Member
    I don't know what you're talking about ... you were not that bad! On that note, do you want your panties back??

    And there's the creepiness.....

    I joke, I joke....
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    I was pregnant on my 21st birthday. I didn't actually know as a fact, but my body sent the signal to my brain that drinking would not be fun. Strange how that works.

    I'm not a big drinker (I think I've been drunk twice, and both were at home with just me and my husband), but I did chaperone a Marine Corps "wet down". There was a lot of booze, drinking games, smashing of expensive phones and vomiting going on. One of the wives passed out in the bathroom with her pants down around her ankles. Yeah...

    It's no big deal, though. Most people don't hold back on their 21st birthday, so they all do stupid things that make them blush when they find out what happened. :)
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    A late 21st birthday celebration for me years ago, first thing my friend did was take my keys because he didn't want me driving home (which I'm still thankful for). He also forewarned me that I was going to get absolutely hammered. I ended up, according to him, doing approximately 20-30 shots that night (within the first couple of hours I was there) and he told me about how I was yelling at Kramer from Seinfeld. I was told I spent the majority of the night hugging the porcelain throne and I needed help getting to bed and being laid on my side. I woke up with an awful hangover and I remember being asked if I ever got sick. I told him no, and his response was "I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYONE HOLD ALCOHOL LIKE THAT!". I was hungover for about 2-3 days after that (yes, it was that bad and I probably should've went to the hospital for alcohol poisoning), but I NEVER drank like that again! I hated that feeling.
    If it was your 21st birthday, it was perfectly legit, I wouldn't worry about it.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I've been sober for two years now but I'm not those holier than thou reformed alcoholics lol:
    I was at the bar with my ex husband and apparently I got so drunk I spilled a drink on a girl he was trying to hook up with. My ex and I were divorced already but we were each others wingman kinda. I also tried to "sell" him to a group of girls for a drink or four, I walked/stumbled out cackling mad laughter into a group of cops I knew and started dancing in front of their patrol cars. That was 5 years ago and I still can't live that one down:laugh:
  • Notorious_T
    Notorious_T Posts: 384
    I like to follow the "if I don't remember it, it didn't happen" rule...bahhahaaa glad you had a great night :tongue:
  • lniber22
    lniber22 Posts: 29 Member
    Not to rain on the whoohoo let's get stupid drunk and laugh about it parade, but as someone who works in law enforcement, you are very lucky. You are lucky because at the very least some slime ball you wouldn't have touched sober with a ten foot poll didn't manage to corner you in a club somewhere, or get you home. You are very lucky you didn't wake up with a wonderfully fun std or unwanted pregnancy. You are lucky you didn't get a DUI or kill someone. And if we talking worst case scenario here, you are lucky you woke up. Cause being raped and thrown in a ditch is SO much fun for everyone to giggle over. I think everyone had their too much party moments, and I did too. Some I regret and some I thank God were not much, much worse. Learn from this experience. Don't just laugh it off and look for other people to justify it as normal and perfectly ok as part of the early 20's process of "finding yourself". Understand that you have a responsibility to keep yourself and other people safe while you enjoy yourself responsibly. Because serious **** can happen when you just want to have fun.
  • erintheinfj
    erintheinfj Posts: 28 Member
    I agree with the others who said if you didn't black out, it wasn't that great of a 21st birthday!!

    Two of my best girlfriends took me to Vegas for my stagette and I was so trashed I passed out in the bathroom of the Imperial Palace. This was shortly after I asked the waitress if I could swing on the giant tire swing above the bar. She said no, it was only for employees and according to my sober friend, I asked for a job application and she yelled, "DO NOT GIVE HER ONE!" In the bathroom at the IP, I was hugging the bottom of the toilet and my foot was sticking out from under the stall and my sober friend recognized my shoe. They had to drag me back down the strip to Paris (where we were staying) and according to my friends, I kept yelling "BEST. PARTY. EVER!!" and high-fiving everyone we walked by. I don't remember anything but there are pictures. So many pictures. I woke up the next morning hugging a huge water bottle and only wearing my underpants. I apologized and they just laughed.

    Real friends will just laugh your behaviour off and will bring it up for many years later to tease you. "HEY! Remember when you _____? [insert laughs here]" Plus they know that at some point they're going to party like crazy and will need you to have their back. :D I re-paid the favor for one of my friends when she had her stagette earlier this year. ;)
  • falcon367
    falcon367 Posts: 116
    I don't know what you're talking about ... you were not that bad! On that note, do you want your panties back??

    And there's the creepiness.....

    I joke, I joke....
    Some understand my humor and others don't ... LOL
  • ptak1sm
    ptak1sm Posts: 172
    A few friends of mine like to do impressions of me from my college days. Not my proudest moments, but they make for a good laugh later on :P Just be careful in the future...alcohol has a ton of calories, that's how I started putting on weight! And the hangover until late the next day is so not worth it
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You should be proud. It's totally cool to get ****-faced drunk, make a fool of yourself, and then not remember a damn thing. Totally cool.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    I still have them, its sad cause I cant remember if i have fun or just made out with a trash can the whole night.
  • GabrielleZelda
    GabrielleZelda Posts: 190 Member
    I don't know what you're talking about ... you were not that bad! On that note, do you want your panties back??


    So that's where they ended up..........:laugh:
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    Happy Birthday for yesterday :flowerforyou:

    As long as it's not a regular thing I wouldn't worry about it. We've all been there and done it but luckily some of us are from a generation before the existence of You Tube and Facebook so there's no evidence :laugh:
  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Divagettinfitin2011 Posts: 500 Member
    You only turn 21 1x!! Move on:drinker:
  • GabrielleZelda
    GabrielleZelda Posts: 190 Member
    I agree with the others who said if you didn't black out, it wasn't that great of a 21st birthday!!

    Two of my best girlfriends took me to Vegas for my stagette and I was so trashed I passed out in the bathroom of the Imperial Palace. This was shortly after I asked the waitress if I could swing on the giant tire swing above the bar. She said no, it was only for employees and according to my sober friend, I asked for a job application and she yelled, "DO NOT GIVE HER ONE!" In the bathroom at the IP, I was hugging the bottom of the toilet and my foot was sticking out from under the stall and my sober friend recognized my shoe. They had to drag me back down the strip to Paris (where we were staying) and according to my friends, I kept yelling "BEST. PARTY. EVER!!" and high-fiving everyone we walked by. I don't remember anything but there are pictures. So many pictures. I woke up the next morning hugging a huge water bottle and only wearing my underpants. I apologized and they just laughed.

    Real friends will just laugh your behaviour off and will bring it up for many years later to tease you. "HEY! Remember when you _____? [insert laughs here]" Plus they know that at some point they're going to party like crazy and will need you to have their back. :D I re-paid the favor for one of my friends when she had her stagette earlier this year. ;)

    WOW. That is a HILARIOUS story!!! I think you're right, too - Good friends will laugh at the event and know that I'll definitely take care of them the next time... ;-).

    It's just so strange being the wasted one for a change, I'm always the one taking care of my drunkies!