do you walk or run on treadmill??



  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Hi another random question but i do a bit of both but must say more walk than run just recently.... Do you think walking is still beneficial ?
    Absolutely. Walk with an incline and at a pace that puts you into a fat (not cardio) burn for 30 min a 2-3 times per week...great exercise! Often those units have metal pads and you can check your heart rate...keep it in the zone:heart::happy:
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    As long as you are moving it's good for you. Seriously park the farthest away from the store too. each distance addsup!
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    It's been awhile since I heard/read this, so maybe it's outdated, but I think they say that brisk walking is as good for you as running, and easier on the knees. I up the speed and the incline to get my heart racing at just a walk.

    I've tried to do the interval stuff on C25K, but about week 3 my knees start killing me (I've had a history of a mild knee problem since 4th grade), so I always end up back at walking.
  • naasirab
    naasirab Posts: 43
    Slow Run as long as I can, then switch to brisk walking for a few mins then go back to slow run and wrap it up with a few minutes of faster running for a total of 30 mins.

    Still trying to build up my endurance to go the entire 30 with out stopping.. then going to work on speed.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I walk and try to do anything that will keep my attention away from my walking, I have my phone playing music, my kindle playing games and the tv on all at the same time.
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    I walk at an incline of 15 on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes. It is a great workout, not only benfits the cardio but helps the rear end as well :)
    I tried running on the treadmill but it messed up my knees.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I "learned" to run on a treadmill, but once I started running outside, I couldn't go back to the hamster wheel. I'd rather run in a heatwave or a blizzard than on a treadmill. :laugh:

    Before I cancelled my gym membership, I did walk on the treadmill before and after lifting to limber up a bit... and watch tv.
  • chanixxx
    chanixxx Posts: 64
    I both walk and run, and tend to use weights when walking, and I play with the incline alot.
  • barbara4599
    barbara4599 Posts: 114 Member
    Yes!!! I walk with incline - 3.8-4.0 mph 3-5% incline. Lost 15 pounds in the past few months and my legs and butt are looking pretty good!
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I walk 5 minutes at a 7 incline3.5 mph... then bring it down, up the speed to 7mph jump on for 60 seconds and off for 60 seconds and run.. (for about 10 minutes, then walk 5 minutes at a 3 incline to bring my heart rate back down. I can't really run more than 60-90 straight seconds b/c of asthma but this seems to be a better workout for me anyway. after this 20 minutes warm up I usually move on to circuit training and weights.
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    No. Personally, I wouldn't run on one either unless I was in the gym and needed a warmup and there wasn't an open space (2m x 2m).

    You're better off parking 2 miles from the gym, then walking there walking back to your car, driving home & having a shower!

    Please go somewhere (like a park) in some good running shoes, wear some comfy clothing then,
    run gently for 6-10 minutes so you're warm, then run as fast as you can (your speed) for 20 seconds, recover for 10 seconds and repeat until you've done it for 15 minutes.
    Then have a gentle 3-6 minute cool down run.
    Then have a gentle stretch....

    If you've got an iPhone or an Android phone, there are free apps that do the timing! You don't need music, you'll be too focused to hear it! All you'll hear is the blood pumping in your ears!

    Blah blah blah - make sure you've spoken to your doctor before attempting any form of exercise - blah blah !

    blunt as I am, good luck.... don't give in to anyone and run like something is chasing you
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i like the treadmill for walking only. i dont drive, so when i want to do a hilly workout i dont have much choice.

    i try not to run on the treadmill since i'd rather do that outdoors. if i do run it's for a quick warm up.

    sprinting is a definite no on the machine as well
  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    I do Couch to 5K on the treadmill, at an incline at that. It kicks my butt, haha.
  • waldenlev
    waldenlev Posts: 102 Member
    Do you think walking is still beneficial ?

    Without question! It's exercise isn't it. Will you burn more running 30 minutes at 10mph at an incline of 15 that walking 30 minutes at 3mph at an incline of 1? Of course. But I'd also drop dead if I tried that. :-)

    I do walking at 3mph at an incline of 2, with a bump of that incline to 13 for a minute out of every 4. Just today I added in bumping the speed to 4.5 for 1 minute intervals and then back to 3mph. It's a great workout no matter how you do it.
  • sugerfree2
    sugerfree2 Posts: 69
    thanks for the replies, do you think it matters if you hold on or hands free?? i tend to do the latter but if i start to incline, think i may need to hold on lol ?? think my mph have been a little on the high side & not enough emphasis on the inclines so will start as of tomorrow :happy:
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I walk at a 7 incline and vary the speed from 2.6 to 3.2. I'm not allowed to run, doctor's orders, because of a bone injury in my neck, so it's walking or nothing. It does take more time, but you also don't have to be as coordinated to walk as you do to run. When you're 250+ pounds of mostly not-muscle that makes a difference.

    Regarding hands -- hands free, not supporting yourself on the treadmill, is better, but again there's the coordination thing to consider. I tend to do both, but usually end up keeping myself steady by holding on the to treadmill.

    Also, I've watched a lot of Netflix on my Kindle Fire while walking. Right now I'm working my way through Murdoch's Mysteries, good stuff.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    After reading all of your replies on walking with an incline, and saving your knees in the process ( i need them for martial arts), i think i'm going to give that method a shot.
  • sugerfree2
    sugerfree2 Posts: 69
    After reading all of your replies on walking with an incline, and saving your knees in the process ( i need them for martial arts), i think i'm going to give that method a shot.

    yep me too , :bigsmile:
  • sugerfree2
    sugerfree2 Posts: 69
    Yes!!! I walk with incline - 3.8-4.0 mph 3-5% incline. Lost 15 pounds in the past few months and my legs and butt are looking pretty good!

    hi did you lose weight in other places to ?? & i look forward to the pert bum !! :blushing:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    hands free only. if you have to hold on then you arent ready for that speed or that incline.