Is your significant other 'on board'???



  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    My husband's on board. I started this thinking I'd have to make seperate food for us but he stopped that pretty quickly and said he wanted to eat what I was eating. He's been incredible in helping me get the work out equipment I want for our home and giving me the time to put it to use. He's been an incredible support.
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    He most certianly is! Actually he was an insperation to me to better myself. He lost a large amount of weight using weight watchers. He is very supportive and keeps telling me to stay positive and remember its a life style change not just a diet. I love how inspiring and encouraging he is :)
  • macsgirl526
    When I did WW he wasn't on board and I lost 20 something lbs. Now that I am doing this he has joined the site and does it with me. We go on walks alot.We are even starting to bike(his idea). I love that we are doing this together and making lifestyle changes for the good. We have been together for over 4 yrs now but just got married in May. So hopefully all of this will help us live a much longer,happier,and healthier life together. :happy:
  • b1t3m3
    b1t3m3 Posts: 47
    Yes... and no... and yes... and no. I don't think my boyfriend has any understanding that some people need to watch what they eat and push themselves to exercise. He has been having fun doing the measurements and calculations with me. If he wants to LOSE weight, he has to gross 3500 calories (he's really active), and he has gained maybe 2 pounds in the last decade (he's 33).

    It has been hard... especially last night at 10 p.m. where he pipes up with "let's go buy ice cream!" But he's stopped telling me that I don't need to lose weight (I appreciate that he likes me as I am, but I need to push through with this for myself).

    Even when I wasn't on MFP, or watching my portion sizes, I would encourage him to buy his own food, to eat between our meals. He'll always have nuts on hand (I can't get into nuts, no matter how hard I try), or he gets an extra serving (or 3) of rice, millet or quinoa with whatever we're eating for dinner. Last night, he wanted me to have a couple of beers with him. I had already maxed out my calories for the day. We compromised - he drank beer, I drank water, our conversation was just as good.