Forks Over Knives



  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I think what I'll do is just slowly transition. Not overnight. I still have a freezer full of chicken to eat. And, since I don't really know exactly what to do, I'll probably incorporate meat on some days and skip it on others. Probably vegetarian or maybe pescatarian at first, get used to it, then if it sticks, get further into it by stopping eating fish and moving forward.

    Maybe I gave the impression that I'm doing it now. That's not the case. Think of me like a large cruise ship. Turning me around will take a long time. That's just how I roll, or float. Lol. Baby steps toward a goal.

    Sounds like you're being very sensible about it. Good luck! I'll probably never be completely vegetarian, but I eat way less meat than I did. Ironically, eating less meat, and looking at the options has really expanded my meal choices in many ways. Over the years I've learned more about nutrition and using spices rather than salt and meat fat for flavor. Meal planning doesn't start by assuming that the main dish is meat. Luckily there are many online recipe sources now and the various vegetarian groups on this site. I recommend educating yourself about "complete" proteins and the nutrients that new vegetarians sometimes miss. Enjoy!
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member

    And BTW, who cares what the latin name means or whether our incisors are cutting or not. Look at the teeth of a gorilla and tell me how that arguement works.
    Unknowingly you have negated your whole argument for in case you didn't know it... Gorillas are omnivores. they will eat everything from dead wood to insects and small dead animals. OK it only makes up < 2% of their diet. but they do not eat only vegetable matter. "Feeding ecology of free ranging mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei)" Fossey, D., & Harcourt, A.H. (1977)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    And BTW, who cares what the latin name means or whether our incisors are cutting or not. Look at the teeth of a gorilla and tell me how that arguement works.
    Unknowingly you have negated your whole argument for in case you didn't know it... Gorillas are omnivores. they will eat everything from dead wood to insects and small dead animals. OK it only makes up < 2% of their diet. but they do not eat only vegetable matter. "Feeding ecology of free ranging mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei)" Fossey, D., & Harcourt, A.H. (1977)

    LOL. I know that gorillas eat small animals on occasion and forage on insects (which, I do not think they exactly need their incisors for). You are totally missing the point I was trying to make by focussing on pedantic arguements.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I wouldn't just jump into a vegan diet just because you saw it in a movie. Now, if you are truly interested in veganism, I would do a lot of research and planning to make sure that is what you really want.

    It's difficult to respond to this unless you've seen it. If you have seen it, you would not have made that response. You might have said something else, but not that.

    I've seen the movie, along with others and would say exactly what drewols said.

    What now?
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member

    LOL. I know that gorillas eat small animals on occasion and forage on insects (which, I do not think they exactly need their incisors for). You are totally missing the point I was trying to make by focussing on pedantic arguements.
    Your argument is what? Teeth are not only for eating.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    LOL. I know that gorillas eat small animals on occasion and forage on insects (which, I do not think they exactly need their incisors for). You are totally missing the point I was trying to make by focussing on pedantic arguements.
    Your argument is what? Teeth are not only for eating.

    LOL. So missing the point.
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member

    LOL. I know that gorillas eat small animals on occasion and forage on insects (which, I do not think they exactly need their incisors for). You are totally missing the point I was trying to make by focussing on pedantic arguements.
    Your argument is what? Teeth are not only for eating.

    LOL. So missing the point.
    So explain it then, if the point is so easy to miss you're not making it very well. as a teacher you fail.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    LOL. I know that gorillas eat small animals on occasion and forage on insects (which, I do not think they exactly need their incisors for). You are totally missing the point I was trying to make by focussing on pedantic arguements.
    Your argument is what? Teeth are not only for eating.

    LOL. So missing the point.
    So explain it then, if the point is so easy to miss you're not making it very well. as a teacher you fail.

    Just as well I am not one then isn't. I probably would not have the patience with a lot of my students if I was anyway.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I wouldn't just jump into a vegan diet just because you saw it in a movie. Now, if you are truly interested in veganism, I would do a lot of research and planning to make sure that is what you really want.

    It's difficult to respond to this unless you've seen it. If you have seen it, you would not have made that response. You might have said something else, but not that.

    I've seen the movie, along with others and would say exactly what drewols said.

    What now?

    Dunno. How about you do what you want and I'll do what I want.

    For all theaters that came onto my thread and ruined it with negativity and opposing views, why did you do that? It annoying and added nothing to this thread. Thanks for wasting my time with your negative energy.