Staying motivated... how do you all do it?!

Hey people. How do you guys stay motivated?

I started this whole "lifestyle change" this past December when I was going out shopping for new clothes and nothing really fit and the things that did fit were sizes of embarrassing proportions! Yahhhhh. But yeah, from that day I decided, "enough."

7 months later I have lost 58 pounds, which I am super excited about, but at the same time, I can feel myself slipping back into a lot of old habits... well, really two habits... snacking and not caring about what is the snack. ha!

Meal time I can do wonderfully... just inbetween is killing me.

I am still super motivated to work out and I'm doing that on a very consistent basis, either running and/or lifting weights, pretty much daily.

I still want to lose another 90ish pounds, but, yeah...

How do you guys stay motivated? How do you not slip up?

Thanks! :)


  • angimarie
    angimarie Posts: 31
    It's nothing major, but it works for me. I tell myself I've worked to damn hard to give up and give in now.
    "A year from now you'll wish you started today"
    Feel free to friend me (:
  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    As for me, I do slip up! This weekend was awful for me. But I know how hard I've worked to get where I am and would hate it if I gained back the weight I lost. That's a motivator in itself. My family also keeps me motivated. I know they are proud of my progress. I have sisters who are changing their lifestyle, a husband who loves the changes I have been making and children who help me see the true picture. I need to be healthy for them! I also love to look at all of the amazing things people have done on this website! When I see pictures of people who have lost a ton of weight I know how possible it all is! Good luck and keep working hard!
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    I started a journal, cause I have been at this losing weight for 6 years. I started at 220. CW 180, still have 35 to lose and its coming off really slow even with working out 6 days a week. I write everyday how I feel whats different now that am smaller and why I dont want to be 220 again how my cravings are for that day. If I do have craving I write why I am having them,am I bored,or sad. It does help I write down quotes that keep me motivated and I also give myself sundays for a cheat day sometimes I cheat sometimes I dont.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I am a stubborn old broad. When I get something into my head, wild horses couldn't drag me away. Right now, losing weight is what is in my head. That's not to say I don't slip up once in awhile. But I get right back up and keep moving forward. But this site has certainly helped me to keep on the straight and narrow.
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    I take pictures, I have a before/after picture that I have set as my wallpaper on my cell phone. I have an album of pictures of me on my phone too, before and afters. Just reminds me of how far I've come.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member

    How do you guys stay motivated? How do you not slip up?

    1. I remember why I want this badly enough for *this* time to be different. My reason is that my cholesterol was over 200, and I can't wait to see how much I can reduce it in 1 year and then keep it low/healthy forever after that. Nothing else matters to me half as much as that.

    2. I eat back exercise calories, with a focus on trying to get 30% from protein, which keeps me full.
  • Dimpszz
    Dimpszz Posts: 40
    I stay motivated by surrounding myself with inspiration. I watch weight loss shows, hang out with people who are into fitness, log onto mfp everyday, etc. But the main thing that helps me is my vision board. Every morning I wake up to pictures of how I want my body to be & tell myself that I'm going to give it all I've got.

    Hope this helps.
  • Jeebs71
    Jeebs71 Posts: 41
    I bought myself a fitbit about 3 months ago now and believe me that it keeping me well motivated. It links in with mfp to automatically adjust your calories left. I have only lost 28lbs so far, still got at least another 28 to go, but I have been so motivated sinced March. I was lucky in that my gym started a Fat Burn/Weight Loss 12 week course which gave me information on nutrition, as well as weekly weigh ins and then a 30 minute exercise class specifically aimed at fat burning. I was always a bit haphazard with going to the gym but since I started that course I have been so motivated. The PT's are fantastic, always there to encourage you, and I now attend as many classes as I can each week (today I have completed spin, fast abs, legs bums and tums and a circuits class - I am on holiday from work!!). Between the fantastic PT's at my gym and the fitbit I am the most motivated I have ever been. I now just about at 110 days logging on mfp too which is great. Keep up the good work and don't get disheartened :o)
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am vain, so fitting into a UK size 12 jeans does it for me :bigsmile:

    Actually, I really enjoy working out and knowing that my MFPs will be viewing my food diary at the end of everyday has really worked for me.

    With regards to my slip ups, they are more planned than accidental. If I know there is a big event i.e. birthdays, Xmas etc, I enjoy myself. I have no intention of p*ssing off friends and family by sticking to a salad leaf and a glass of water, life is too short.
  • amillerwvu
    amillerwvu Posts: 54 Member
    Talking to others who struggle is helpful to me (especially the ones who will motivate you to continue toward your goal). Take a picture of the "old" you and stick it on the fridge...or on your cell phone as a reminder WHY you are doing what you are doing... Also, for me, if I exercise first thing in the morning, I'm less susceptible to cheating because I know how hard I worked to earn those burned calories... Good luck to you! Looks like you've done great so far:) I'm on round 3 of getting the weight off. Praying third time is a charm!
  • BeingWiser
    BeingWiser Posts: 65
    Reminding myself where I've been....and how I don't ever want to go back. I call it re-motivating because we all "slip" up. I learned you have to trick your body so, I try really hard to stay on a 1200 - 1400 cal daily. When I can't (maybe once a week) I call it a "trick on the body" and get right back on track. Losing weight is long term...even if the loss that week was shorter than the one prior. It all adds up!
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    For me it's more of seeing how far i've come. I've worked too hard to be where I'm at right now. Yes, I do have my occassional way over but this is a life style change and not a diet. Once I started to see my definition coming in and ppl commenting on how well I look I then became an addict and now I want more! LOL

    If you have the urge or are starting to pick up a snack that you shouldn't just think to yourself. Do I want to go back to how I looked???

    Just last week I got a white chocolate kit kat bar (i love white chocolate) and ate it. After I ate it there was no guilt but there was more of...gee that didn't even taste good. I think after a while things we used to love..bad things...tend to taste blah

    best of luck and feel free to friend me if you'd like!
  • leighscimeca
    When I start feeling like having a snack (bad one) or just giving up, I look at myself and my double chin in the mirror and that usually snaps me back into place
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    What keeps me on track is how horrible I feel physically when I do slip up. If I have a candy bar, I feel sluggish. If I don't work out for a few days, I don't sleep well. If I eat an entire pizza like I did the other night, I have some pretty intense digestive difficulties. I can really see how our bodies were meant to behave and how they were not!
  • youcandooeet
    youcandooeet Posts: 104 Member
    Your will power is a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. Say no a few times, it will get easier each time.
    Always have healthy options available. Preperation is so important!
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member

    The key is to find things that you enjoy so you'll stick to it on a regular basis.

    This ^

    Figure out some healthy snacks that you actually like and keep them in the house! Remind yourself how far you've come and how hard you've worked to get here. Think of the satisfaction you'll have when you reach your goal. If you haven't been taking photos and measurements, start now! Seeing is believing! :drinker:
  • Percyjs
    Percyjs Posts: 31 Member
    Hey people. How do you guys stay motivated?

    I started this whole "lifestyle change" this past December when I was going out shopping for new clothes and nothing really fit and the things that did fit were sizes of embarrassing proportions! Yahhhhh. But yeah, from that day I decided, "enough."

    7 months later I have lost 58 pounds, which I am super excited about, but at the same time, I can feel myself slipping back into a lot of old habits... well, really two habits... snacking and not caring about what is the snack. ha!

    Meal time I can do wonderfully... just inbetween is killing me.

    I am still super motivated to work out and I'm doing that on a very consistent basis, either running and/or lifting weights, pretty much daily.

    I still want to lose another 90ish pounds, but, yeah...

    How do you guys stay motivated? How do you not slip up?

    Thanks! :)

    How I stay motivated:

    -by looking at before/after pics of myself
    -praying praying praying!
    -reading up on fitness and nutrition. I'm still new to the fitness world so I have lots of catching up to do!
    -Talking about it with friends.
    -Motivating others keeps me focused on my goal. I'm trying to live by example
    -I forgive myself when I mess up. forgive, learn and move on.
    -I covered my fridge with motivational pictures, scripture, etc
    -reminding myself that God wants 100% of me...that includes honoring him in my body (1 Corinthians 10:31)

    I hope we are helping you! You've come a long way! Don't let yourself stand in the way...of yourself....(that was my Austin Powers impersonation. I'm such a NERD)

    YOU CAN DO IT!!! :)
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I have a cheat day roughly weekly. I have a ridiculous sweet tooth and LOVE super starchy foods so I need that cheat day to get my fill of each without feeling guilty. I don't plan it in advance but I just know when I need one. Making a decision that I'm going to up my calorie goal for the day keeps me from feeling bad about it so I can complete that day and get right back on track the next.
  • Reana27
    Reana27 Posts: 63 Member
    I look at old pics to remind myself of how I don't want to look anymore. Also, anytime I have a "bad day" I just get right back on the horse instead of telling myself that its all over. I have to remind myself on a daily basis of what I am working toward and why I want it so bad, but to me that is better than beating myself up every day because I am fat and lazy :wink:
  • Arleigh7
    Arleigh7 Posts: 150 Member
    As someone who has gained over 100 lbs, lost over 100lbs gained 80 pounds, lost 80 pounds, gained 40 pounds and is now down 20 of those pounds I feel your pain! Best thing that seems to work for me is a planned cheat day. I either do 1 Cheat Meal every week OR have an entire Cheat Day once every 2 weeks. This seems to satisfy my cravings and also gives me something to look forward to.

    I also pretty much workout everyday when I'm heavy or not. When I'm losing I do more cardio but for me I can say 90% of my weight loss is controlling my food intake.

    Also remember that feeling of buying new pants after you lost those 58 pounds and think how great it will be to buy more new pants when you've lost Another 58 lbs!!

    Good Luck!