Staying motivated... how do you all do it?!



  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Ok, first of all...the people of MFP motivate me more than anybody else. It's amazing to see how much they have been able to accomplish. Other than that out here in my world I have to motivate myself a lot of the time. The goals that we set for ourselves are motivation but there are just days when I don't want to do a darn thing. I basically just want to sit there and be a couch potato but I HAVE to MAKE myself get up and go for my walk, to the gym, to choose to eat a healthier meal/snack.

    It's a daily struggle for me that's for sure.

    You've done so well and you don't want to completely fall back on old habits. It's ok to snack on things you like from time to time just do it in moderation. :) Don't sit down with a whole back of cheetos (or whatever it is you like)...take just get a handfull, a cup or whatever the service size is and close that bag back up, store it and walk away.

    Keep up the good work.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    MFP and especially my friends on MFP.
    Eating meals that fill me up for a long time and keep me from wanting to snack.
    Everytime I get bored, I change something about my diet or workout so I'll stay interested.
    A picture of me from when I was at a good weight and was going to the gym regularly.
    Me in the mirror right now, not a pretty sight, but much better than before, with a long way still to go.
    The fact that if I quit now I'll destroy 8 months of work, probably in less than two months (I gain weight fast!)
    Sheer desperation.
  • souzouchan
    souzouchan Posts: 80
    A major amount of my motivation comes from my sister and my fiance. As weird as it sounds too, being unemployed is a strange motivation as well because I think to myself "Okay, I look for work for a bit then work my butt off exercising!" because I have all of this free time due to not going to work each day. Laid off in March, decided to start getting fit at the end of April and am making the best progress at doing this in my life! And after writing that . . .seeing my weight continue to decrease is great motivation because that sense of satisfaction is AMAZING!
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Snacking is ok, as long as it is a healthy snack. I have read that snacks should always include protein. I eat a wasa cracker with cheese or apple slices with peanut butter. I always have almonds in the house. Walnuts are good too. The thing I love about this sight is the food logging. It keeps me accountable.
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    It's got to be a day-to-day thing. There are no secrets: “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” ~Zig Ziglar
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    I snack - the food isn't ideal - but I am not that bothered, as long as it fits my calories

    I've seen sixpackshortcuts recommending making health snacks - have it bagged up ready to eat - a bit of chicken with lettuce or rice instead of a chocolate bar - I quite like this idea.

    Just keep at it - weight loss is a slow process just don't get dishartened
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    TheDreadPirateRoberts Posts: 225 Member
    My partner is on MFP, which keeps me motivated, because I'm not being the "couch potato" / slob when she's away at the gym. I've also bullied a workmate into going to the gym and now he bullies me into keeping it up when I cant be bothered.

    Also having goals and targets works well.
  • Lbekah72
    Lbekah72 Posts: 89 Member
    Hey people. How do you guys stay motivated?

    I started this whole "lifestyle change" this past December when I was going out shopping for new clothes and nothing really fit and the things that did fit were sizes of embarrassing proportions! Yahhhhh. But yeah, from that day I decided, "enough."

    7 months later I have lost 58 pounds, which I am super excited about, but at the same time, I can feel myself slipping back into a lot of old habits... well, really two habits... snacking and not caring about what is the snack. ha!

    Meal time I can do wonderfully... just inbetween is killing me.

    I am still super motivated to work out and I'm doing that on a very consistent basis, either running and/or lifting weights, pretty much daily.

    I still want to lose another 90ish pounds, but, yeah...

    How do you guys stay motivated? How do you not slip up?

    Thanks! :)

    My gosh while reading this I swaer i felt as though I wrote it myself...
    Know that you are not alone in your feelings, Its a hard thing when there is so much around us that is SO EASY and SO BAD yet in the moment can seam so good...
    I too have about 80 to go and I stuggle with EXACTLy what you do.... Feel free to Friend...
    I think the key is really know NOTHING tastes as good as being thin will feel, and just sticking with it!
    Event after the bad day OR week.. just get back on track.. :-0
    I wish you well
  • CandyAshes
    CandyAshes Posts: 18 Member
    I found that since joining this site, I feel a little more motivated to not over-eat and when I do eat junk or whatever I try not to eat alot. I've cut my portion sizes down. I still eat crap food just not over doing it lately. I find that the people on this site help to keep you motivated when you feel like you're going to fail, there is always someone to talk to here. Even if I haven't logged in everyday, or wrote down my food journal... I've always got someone there to motivate me.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I use the reflection in the mirror and how I feel now as my motivation. I love my body now, and love how much energy I have.

    I also got rid of ALL of my old clothes, and I'll be damned if I'm going to start buying larger clothes again, given the money I've spent on my new wardrobe.
  • cestlafete
    cestlafete Posts: 71 Member
    For snacks, put a bowl of varied snacks out in the open, that way you never start the 'rooting around in the cupboard/fridge' behavior which inevitably ends up with something less than ideal. Put a bunch of different stuff in there, bars, nuts, fruit, (healthy!) sweets, something that should equate to whatever sort of cravings you're falling prey to. That helps adjust your snack behavior and results in less over-eating during a snack attack AND provides you with healthy choices front and center.

    Additionally, I set my scale in front of the snack cupboard and put my 10lb weight on the counter as a reminder that whatever I eat that I don't plan for has the consequence of adding weight, either to me or to my workout. It works pretty well!
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    I like to stay in bed for an extra 5 minutes and have a little mental talk with myself. I think about where I was and where I want to be and what it will be like. For instance, clothes shopping. How nice it will be to be in regular sizes. I will be able to bop into any store, instead of the select few. Then I remind myself that this all got started because I want to be healthier, not even now, but in the future. Keeping diabetes at bay in a major motivator. I remind myself of my family members that have or are currently struggling with that disease. Then I get out of bed and give it what I have for the day.

    You have done a fantastic job so far, just think how good you will feel when you get all the way to your goal....keep it up! Good luck to ya, you've come this far, you can make it the rest of the way!! :flowerforyou:
  • medicinemantoo
    Do YOU want it?

    YOU have to answer that to yourself.

    Nobody around your life backing you like you would like? - That's why WE are here.

    YOU want it? YOU (can) do it! WE got your back.
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    I have read that snacks should always include protein.

    I like that rule - I have adopted it and will tell everyone it way MY idea :)
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss so far! Hopefully you have been able to lose by changing a few behaviors and replacing them with behaviors and choices that you can continue to live with and continue to incorporate. I remember and reflect on my very valuable reasons for why losing weight and living the rest of my life at a healthy weight is important to me. My reason why and my new habits are helping to propel me towards a goal. Do I slip back, sure but I now prefer choices that are in my best interests over choices that aren't. :flowerforyou:
  • presleytitus
    presleytitus Posts: 22 Member
    I just "started" again and the thing that keeps me motivated are seeing the pictures of me from a year ago before I gained all the weight back. Since I lost the weight before I know I can do it again and that keeps me going.
    Maybe keep your meals easy... a little planning goes a long way. I do the whole list thing when going to the grocery store and only buy what we plan on using for the week. It's a little easier for me since we don't have any kids so I can avoid a lot of temptations. When I get home I make the salad for the week and cut up the veggies and fruit for easy snacks. I don't carry cash with me so I am no longer tempted by our office vending machines, and when we have cake or treats at the office, I leave before the treats are disbursed.
    The best thing is visiting these boards and knowing that we are all going through something similar!
  • Runner50266
    I hear ya! I can't wait for motivation. I choose perseverance.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    I imagine a year from now - do I still want to be fat? NO! Everything I do today contributes to that.

    Also I know when I do eat too much or eat crap I feel guilty and a bit sick. Concentrating on that feeling BEFORE I eat the food definately puts me off eating it.

    I spend quite a bit of time planning my meals, researching new recipes/styles of cooking and I eat nicer food than I did previously. This really helps. I don't believe in wasting calories on anything I don't enjoy. I also change stuff up food and exercise wise when I start to get bored.

    I am also remarkably stubborn and want to prove I can do whatever I set my mind to. I know I can do this and the only thing thing that can stop me is me.

    Also I really really really don't want to be fat anymore. I mean seriously. Before I was ready to do this it bothered me that I was fat but I didn't have the same strength of feeling.
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    I distract myself, or tell myself I will have a snack after I complete ____ activity. Half the time if I get busy I forget that I wanted to nom on something until it's time for me to eat anyways. There are also lots of great options for snacks that are 100calories or less and if I can't trick myself I go have one of those. ;)
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 343 Member
    It sounds like planning your snacks might help you. Try to keep trigger foods out of the house, and have healthy snacks available to grab on a whim. If you insist on being 'bad' from time to time, keep smaller quantities of those foods on hand. For example, I buy 100 calorie packs of kettle corn for when I want something sweet. Single serving snacks might cost a bit more but they save you calories. A little planning is all it really takes to stay motivated.