If low carb works, why are people still fat?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It's all about calories in, calories out? Really? Why did I lose weight eating "over" my calories (way over) while only changing my carbohydrate consumption? Magic?

    "Eating", as in putting food in your stomach, and "consuming", as in your body absorbing and using what you put in your stomach, can be very different in some people.

    Calories in referes to consumption.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    obviously? nice jump in logic

    ya...whatever dude

    Yes, it's pretty blinkin' obvious. If he didn't think illegal steroids were fine then why bring them into the discussion? Where is my "nice jump" in logic exactly?

    They're illegal in the sense that you can't compete in certain events while using them, presumably even with a prescription, not in the sense that you would be arrested for using them.

    To provide a little more context, here's the whole paragraph:
    I would incorporate therapeutic amounts of testosterone (yes, I know it's illegal, but I'm giving you the best-case scenario), to balance out high levels of cortisol when I have gone to the well too much. (On a side note, I find it doubly ironic that Floyd Landis was allowed to take thyroid hormone because of his exhausted thyroid and cortisone because of his necrotic hip, but was not allowed to take testosterone during training. If he had been allowed the testosterone, it's quite likely he would not have required the other two meds! And I believe he did not take testosterone).

    I think that side note is important, because it indicates that the event(s) that Floyd Landis participated in did not allow testosterone, period (thank you, sweeping, generalized rules made out of fear after some idiots abuse/misuse something).

    The section as a whole is talking about the anti-aging process. Part of aging in men is reduced levels of testosterone (hampering the ability to deal with cortisol? I'm not a doctor, but that's what the above statement suggests), which can be mitigated through hormone replacement therapy (go figure).

    As for the "gone to the well too much," I think that's supposed to mean something along the lines of "overdoing it" or "depleting it" (with that "it" being anything; likely, the original saying stemming from taking water from a well so much that you drain it dry). A quick search of the phrase on Google turns up contexts with similar meanings.
  • deucesarewild1
    deucesarewild1 Posts: 36 Member
    It's all about calories in, calories out? Really? Why did I lose weight eating "over" my calories (way over) while only changing my carbohydrate consumption? Magic?

    "Eating", as in putting food in your stomach, and "consuming", as in your body absorbing and using what you put in your stomach, can be very different in some people.

    Calories in referes to consumption.

    So, I magically did not absorb the food I ate? Just pooped it out undigested? Or are you just picking at the words I chose?

    Is this better? - I lost weight EATING over my calories and the only thing I changed was how many carbohydrates I ATE.

  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    It's all about calories in, calories out? Really? Why did I lose weight eating "over" my calories (way over) while only changing my carbohydrate consumption? Magic?

    "Eating", as in putting food in your stomach, and "consuming", as in your body absorbing and using what you put in your stomach, can be very different in some people.

    Calories in referes to consumption.

    So, I magically did not absorb the food I ate? Just pooped it out undigested? Or are you just picking at the words I chose?

    Is this better? - I lost weight EATING over my calories and the only thing I changed was how many carbohydrates I ATE.


    Don't you just love it when someone corrects your verbiage and then misspells a simple word? "Calories in referes to consumption." "Referes?" :happy:
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    We really need to refine the phrase "calories in - calories out" etc.

    Eating deep fried chicken (in) and walking around the block and burning calories (out) has a night and day different end result than eating grilled salmon (in) and exercise followed by cardio (out). The quality of the nutrients make a big difference. I can't support any NO carb solution. I have no problem with LOW carbs as long as they are measured low carbs.

    Well said. I totally agree.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • peachea
    peachea Posts: 92 Member
    I started eating low carb to hopefully loose weight. It works because I have lost 24lbs already. But I can honestly say that now, if I didn't loose a sigle ounce more, I would still stay with low carb. I just feel so much better, I am no longert hungry all the time, all my joint aches and pains have gone, funny lumps on my finger joints..gone, asthma medication no longer needed, feflux and stomach pain...gone, sleeping well, alert and focused, much more productive, and just generally happier.

    ^^^ this!
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    This article is from March but I just read it this morning and thought it was a particularly thoughtful response to a real and valid question.

    If low carb eating is so effective, why are people still overweight?

    Fair Warning: Dr. Peter Attia supports the Alternative Hypothesis* and is associated with Gary Taubes the science writer.

    *Alternative Hypothesis – Obesity is a growth disorder, just like any other growth disorder, and fat accumulation is determined not by the balance of calories consumed and expended but by the effect of specific nutrients on the hormonal regulation of fat metabolism.

    Hmmm...Wonder if the dude has ever picked up some weights.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If dieting or exercise works, why are people still fat ?

    LOL Perfect response.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    This article is from March but I just read it this morning and thought it was a particularly thoughtful response to a real and valid question.

    If low carb eating is so effective, why are people still overweight?

    Fair Warning: Dr. Peter Attia supports the Alternative Hypothesis* and is associated with Gary Taubes the science writer.

    *Alternative Hypothesis – Obesity is a growth disorder, just like any other growth disorder, and fat accumulation is determined not by the balance of calories consumed and expended but by the effect of specific nutrients on the hormonal regulation of fat metabolism.

    Hmmm...Wonder if the dude has ever picked up some weights.

    Yes, he's an athlete among other things. There's blog posts where he describes how ketosis has impacted his performance if you want to go out of your way to satisfy your curiosity.
  • panano
    panano Posts: 62 Member
    Honestly the problem with "low carb diets" is that YES even though they do work, it's not long term. Why? Because after they lose the weight, they go right back to eating the way they used to.
    Once you cut out carbs, or cut back on them, you can't go back to old habits, otherwise you'll gain it all back, and then some.
    If you make the decision to go low carb, you've made a life choice, unless of course you'd like to gain back the weight!