Aspartame Vs Sugar



  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    this reply is to the OP question.

    I have always used some fake sweetener, and i do see enough research this is safe for humans to use, or at least safe enough for someone like me, who is not super purist (yet anyway) lol.
    I will look into this Stevia or some of the others mentioned, though, to see how these taste. dawg, i should have written them down, now i have to go back, ha ha!

    here's why i do not use sugar.
    the reason *I* do not use real sugar, is, it makes me sleepy, drowsy, soon enough after i eat some concentrated sweet..

    for real, i crash after sugar. :yawn: I like my coffee very sweet, and if i put enough sugar in it to get the taste i want, as many cups as i like to drink, boy i'd get sleepy.

    If i can't sleep at night, sometimes i try something sugary, like oatmeal with brown sugar, or cereal,
    and yeap, soon enough, i am sleepy.

    sugar in the morning would ruin *my* day.

    okay, BACK to this other page4 other discussion now, sorry to interrupt.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Ninerbuff -

    I was joking about the overturned truck. I guess you didn't realize it. I just thought it was interesting how difficult this stuff was to clean up and it seemed a bit funny to me. I was lightening up a bit. Let's just agree to disagree. We'll all eat whatever sugars (artificial or real). For me, I'll always stick to the natural stuff. I think that's the safest bet. I'd rather eat right and limit the real sugars than eat chemical ones. There are too many organic ones out there. It seems like the zero calorie chemical stuff is in everything you drink and appears in foods...etc. Basically, it's just easier to avoid it.

    As for chemicals, I think we do need to explore more nature based environmental chemicals. We have too many plastics in our environment and yes - we do need to look into stuff that's more biodegradable. We still haven't found ways to easily dispose of stuff and creating more landfills and dumping stuff on top of them is not a good long term solution. We can't keep creating stuff that can't go back into the environment. It's just not a good feasible long term solution for trash. By the way, look at the ocean gyres. You're going to be surprised how much of the stuff we create ends up in our oceans.

    This is why I'm willing to start looking at alternatives to some of our chemical based living. Now here's where the anti-animal faction is going to kill me. I prefer to wear cottons, leathers...animal based stuff because it's cleaner than plastic chemical based clothing. It breaks down better too. There's a reason the scientists get super excited when they find old clothing. It's not that common. :) I just think we all need to lead lives with fewer man made materials.

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Splenda is my one vice. I'm not giving it up. ;-)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    Ninerbuff -

    I was joking about the overturned truck. I guess you didn't realize it. I just thought it was interesting how difficult this stuff was to clean up and it seemed a bit funny to me. I was lightening up a bit. Let's just agree to disagree. We'll all eat whatever sugars (artificial or real). For me, I'll always stick to the natural stuff. I think that's the safest bet. I'd rather eat right and limit the real sugars than eat chemical ones. There are too many organic ones out there. It seems like the zero calorie chemical stuff is in everything you drink and appears in foods...etc. Basically, it's just easier to avoid it.

    As for chemicals, I think we do need to explore more nature based environmental chemicals. We have too many plastics in our environment and yes - we do need to look into stuff that's more biodegradable. We still haven't found ways to easily dispose of stuff and creating more landfills and dumping stuff on top of them is not a good long term solution. We can't keep creating stuff that can't go back into the environment. It's just not a good feasible long term solution for trash. By the way, look at the ocean gyres. You're going to be surprised how much of the stuff we create ends up in our oceans.

    This is why I'm willing to start looking at alternatives to some of our chemical based living. Now here's where the anti-animal faction is going to kill me. I prefer to wear cottons, leathers...animal based stuff because it's cleaner than plastic chemical based clothing. It breaks down better too. There's a reason the scientists get super excited when they find old clothing. It's not that common. :) I just think we all need to lead lives with fewer man made materials.

    I don't disagree with Ocean conservation. I'm willing to live without more chemicals to save them. Plastic bottles....people who drink bottled water need to be more educated about where it really comes from and how soda companies are making a TON of money off our free TAP WATER (little more filtration involved). I have an under the counter filtration system in my home that has saved me lots of money and recycle trash.
    Personally I like eating whole foods and less processed. But at the same time there are processed items which I believe to be safe and fine if taken in moderation with diet soda being one of them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MizzTatiana
    MizzTatiana Posts: 116 Member
    you should try STEVIA or may have to get use to the taste but i'm convince you will like it
    Keep doing research on the varity of sweeteners. While I agree with this guy that this IS the best on the market, I would also suggest using an organic/RAW/unbleached sugar. Actually there are (minimal at best) several key nutrients in RAW sugar. And it's not addicting like WHITE sugar. PLUS, raw sugar has an AWSOME flavor to it that bleached sugar doesn't so I find I need much less.
  • MizzTatiana
    MizzTatiana Posts: 116 Member
    My doctor told me that a little real sugar is better than artificial sweeteners. She told me that when you eat/drink artificial sweeteners your taste buds get the sweet sensation and send signals to your brain which makes your body expect the sugar and the energy spike that comes with it. When your body doesn't get that, it in turn causes you to crave more sweets...

    Not entirely sure of the validity of this but I cut way back on artificial sweeteners and my craving for sweets has gone down drastically.

    My doctor told me the same thing. Since I also get migraines, I'm trying as an experiment to cut all artificial sweeteners from my diet for a month and see if it makes a difference. So far it's been 20 days and I think it is helping - my cravings for sugary things have been significantly less intense lately, even though I'm pretty stressed right now. (Stress is a major craving trigger for me.) It's not a scientific study, but the changes are enough that I think I'll keep going this way for another month and see how it goes. If it helps, it's worth it.
    Artificial sweeteners in any amount are a KNOWN culprit to headaches and migraines. And because the artificial crap is anything 'diet', the amount actually consumed by the 'dieter' is wayyyy more than you'd think....
  • MizzTatiana
    MizzTatiana Posts: 116 Member
    I have tried to cut anything that was made in a lab from my diet. All this about there have not been any ill effects over the last 30 years - have they not noticed the obesity epidemic!! While I am sure it is not Aspartame alone that has done this but a combination of processed foods etc.

    Don't overdo the sugar either it is all down to calories vs calories out.
    You're correlating obesity with artificial sweeteners as being part of the cause? Please enlighten me on how consuming something with zero calories causes someone to be obese?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    You can't be so possibly undereducated to think that calories alone acounts for a weight problem?! Take a look at the damage the artifical crap does to your body in general... And that in no way leads to a weight problem? I'm not argueing the cycle in which the sweeteners sabatoge a persons efforts, but point is, they do
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    You can't be so possibly undereducated to think that calories alone acounts for a weight problem?!

    Instead of calling someone undereducated, do you think you could point out specifics that you don't agree with? That'd be a better way to engage in discussion, don't you think?
    Take a look at the damage the artifical crap does to your body in general... And that in no way leads to a weight problem?

    Since this discussion is about artificial sweeteners, do you have evidence in the form of research, that indicates that aspartame is harmful at regular human dosages? Are you aware that the components of aspartame (phenylalanine, aspartic acid <
    two amino acids, and methanol) are contained in chicken and bananas, naturally, and at higher doses than a can of soda?

    Do you have examples of people who are eating in a calorie deficit and getting fatter?

    The weight problem is excess calorie consumption. If you want to make a case for people getting fatter for any reason ASIDE FROM excess energy consumption, I'd love to hear it.

    Now there IS validity in discussing whether or not there's a cause to excess energy consumption, but that doesn't change the fact that the excess consumption causes the weight gain.
    I'm not argueing the cycle in which the sweeteners sabatoge a persons efforts, but point is, they do

    Do you have any evidence of this? I sure haven't seen any.

    EDIT: You CAN find some studies showing the effects of artificial sweeteners on gut hormones but when you look at several studies and don't cherry pick, it's inconclusive.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    id just like to point out the original reason for aspartame was so that diabetics had an option to add sweetness with out cause blood sugar spikes used for the purpose it is meant for it is healthy my insulin dependent mother took it from either the time she was diagnosed as a juvenile diabetic at like 8 shes in her 40s now or it was invented with no probs and diabetics have a nasty habit of craving carbs anyways so its mostly about will power to keep them away from those anyways for those complaining it makes you hungry more often so for some ppl flat out this is safer than sugar be it real or fake and frankly having drunk diet dr pepper for yrs even before i was diagnosed diabetic ive never had a problem with it making me crave sweet or making me hungry
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I totally agree with you about bottled water. That's the biggest scam ever! Sometimes the bottled water isn't any better than the stuff coming out of your faucet. We've also got a system for under the sink and that's what I use too. It's ironic that past generations used to use glass bottles that were returned washed and reused and now...we keep creating more and more plastic. It's not anywhere as nice as the glass bottles.

    Now that my mind is thinking about glass bottles, I had an interesting memory pop up about soda growing up. I don't know about you, but when I do cheat on soda, there's nothing better than Coke Cola in a glass bottle made from real sugar (not corn syrup). It's just different! It was a totally different experience - the sugar also changed the flavor. I hate corn syrup.
  • BlueMacaroniArt
    BlueMacaroniArt Posts: 122 Member



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I have tried to cut anything that was made in a lab from my diet. All this about there have not been any ill effects over the last 30 years - have they not noticed the obesity epidemic!! While I am sure it is not Aspartame alone that has done this but a combination of processed foods etc.

    Don't overdo the sugar either it is all down to calories vs calories out.
    You're correlating obesity with artificial sweeteners as being part of the cause? Please enlighten me on how consuming something with zero calories causes someone to be obese?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    You can't be so possibly undereducated to think that calories alone acounts for a weight problem?! Take a look at the damage the artifical crap does to your body in general... And that in no way leads to a weight problem? I'm not argueing the cycle in which the sweeteners sabatoge a persons efforts, but point is, they do

    As Sidesteal mentioned, aspartame is made from the amino acids aspartic acid and phenylalanine (which happens to be an essential amino,) the methanol is actually a byproduct of metabolizing it, not an ingredient in the product itself. Methanol is also a natural byproduct of metabolizing most fruits, vegetables, and meats, and methanol and formaldehyde are actually exhaled from your body every time you breathe out.

    A 4 oz piece of chicken breast contains the equivalent amount of aspartic acid and phenylalanine (essentially aspartame) as 25 cans of diet soda. If aspartame is really as dangerous as you seem to be convinced it is, then eating chicken is far deadlier than drinking diet soda. If you're going to insult someone and call them "undereducated," you might want to take the time to thoroughly educate yourself first.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    I have tried to cut anything that was made in a lab from my diet. All this about there have not been any ill effects over the last 30 years - have they not noticed the obesity epidemic!! While I am sure it is not Aspartame alone that has done this but a combination of processed foods etc.

    Don't overdo the sugar either it is all down to calories vs calories out.
    You're correlating obesity with artificial sweeteners as being part of the cause? Please enlighten me on how consuming something with zero calories causes someone to be obese?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    You can't be so possibly undereducated to think that calories alone acounts for a weight problem?! Take a look at the damage the artifical crap does to your body in general... And that in no way leads to a weight problem? I'm not argueing the cycle in which the sweeteners sabatoge a persons efforts, but point is, they do
    Actually educated enough to know that for the general population, aspartame is fine to consume and isn't the reason that they would get overweight/obese. Excess calories are the cause and that influx isn't from diet soda. Yes there are articles that CLAIM all these issues with aspartame, but scientific study is having a hard time actually finding solid evidence to back the claims.
    There are reasons as to WHY people overconsume, but most correlate with lifestyle and not ingestion of diet soda.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I have tried to cut anything that was made in a lab from my diet. All this about there have not been any ill effects over the last 30 years - have they not noticed the obesity epidemic!! While I am sure it is not Aspartame alone that has done this but a combination of processed foods etc.

    Don't overdo the sugar either it is all down to calories vs calories out.
    You're correlating obesity with artificial sweeteners as being part of the cause? Please enlighten me on how consuming something with zero calories causes someone to be obese?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    You can't be so possibly undereducated to think that calories alone acounts for a weight problem?! Take a look at the damage the artifical crap does to your body in general... And that in no way leads to a weight problem? I'm not argueing the cycle in which the sweeteners sabatoge a persons efforts, but point is, they do

    As Sidesteal mentioned, aspartame is made from the amino acids aspartic acid and phenylalanine (which happens to be an essential amino,) the methanol is actually a byproduct of metabolizing it, not an ingredient in the product itself. Methanol is also a natural byproduct of metabolizing most fruits, vegetables, and meats, and methanol and formaldehyde are actually exhaled from your body every time you breathe out.

    A 4 oz piece of chicken breast contains the equivalent amount of aspartic acid and phenylalanine (essentially aspartame) as 25 cans of diet soda. If aspartame is really as dangerous as you seem to be convinced it is, then eating chicken is far deadlier than drinking diet soda. If you're going to insult someone and call them "undereducated," you might want to take the time to thoroughly educate yourself first.

    Good stuff Tiger. Thanks for the clarification on methanol. I believe I had misunderstood it as an ingredient and not a byproduct.
  • pikselinka
    pikselinka Posts: 154 Member
    For cooking I use normal sugar, for coffee it's Stevia -> natural and safe, unlike Aspartame ...
  • jlmoses91
    jlmoses91 Posts: 87 Member
    I use "Stevia in the raw" for everything. I buy packets for coffee and tea and I buy in bulk for baking, cooking, etc. I LOVE the stuff. No calories + No Aspartame = a winner to me!

    I agree with this! I use stevia in the raw also, it's a different taste than equal, but still good :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    For cooking I use normal sugar, for coffee it's Stevia -> natural and safe, unlike Aspartame ...
    Stevia is made by soaking the plant in methanol. Methanol causes blindness and death in humans in high enough doses. Yeah, totally natural and safe...

    Isn't methanol one of the big "complaints" about aspartame? Stevia is no more or less natural than any other artificial sweetener, it just has a better marketing department.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member

    Read the section about Sweetleaf and it's processing. They don't use chemicals and it has a safe rating from the FDA. Like any consumer, you have to read what you buy or you could get honey mixed with corn syrup or some other concoction.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Yeah, because the company website is such an unbiased source of information. And for the record, that product has the exact same rating from the FDA as aspartame.

    Also, water is a solvent. They admit they use water, yet claim they use no solvents. Hmm.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Options Home/Business News/2012/2/Stevia supplier receives patent for extraction method.aspx?cck=1

    They patented a new process that doesn't use methanol. It's new technology. You just didn't know about it. Unfortunately, that means that the other companies making it are all using the method you mentioned. You are half right and half wrong. Basically, like I said, it's a matter of the consumer knowing what they are buying.