Name an Embarassing Moment ... If You Dare!



  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    forgot to zip up my pants. That was just 5 minutes ago.

    LOL ooh lalala
  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    I went out one night to a hardcore gig back in the day when I was a supercool angsty teenaged goth, and got very drunk. As I got off the bus at about midnight and started the five minute walk home, I realised I needed to pee really badly. I was wearing heels and a fishtail dress that clutched tight round the knees with a deep black lace hem. Underneath I had a tight waist corset and a body shaper, and tights (hose). There was just no way I could get it all off quickly in order to duck behind a bush in someone's front garden so I just hobbled faster and faster, hoping to get home before it was too late.

    As I approached my front door, I started fumbling for my keys in my bag, and in that moment I lost concentration and just started peeing. I couldn't stop, it was like Niagara Falls. It filled my shoes and soaked my dress, which then hung lower with the added weight of hot pee. I staggered the last 20 yards with my fishtail dress leaving a wide wet trail behind me like a snail, my feet squelching in my shoes. As I put the key in the door, my mum opened it. She wouldn't let me into the house until I had removed my wet shoes and tights, and bundled my dress up round my waist. I had to tiptoe up to the bathroom careful not to drip anywhe while she made loud groaning sounds and sarcastic comments to the rest of the family.

    I was a very serious teen so this was all mortifying, and as you can imagine, this story has surfaced with monotonous regularity every time I bring friends home. They're still getting mileage out of it over 25 years later.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Sneezed at work once and when I did, a little stinker ran out the back door at the same time. I am a cubie so there was no hiding. So as any adult would do--in my best Ed McMahon voice--I just laughed and said, "YES!".
    I used to have a pit bull that would fart sometimes when she sneezed...then would turn aorund and look back there, then at us like "what the hell was that?"
  • HulaHips83
    HulaHips83 Posts: 129
    Last year I was walking down the hallway of the cruise ship I was on and my, then, 3 yr old daughter was with me. There were a couple heavy ladies standing in the walk way talking and right before we got to where they were, my daughter in a loud voice said, "Mommy there's not enough room to get by those fat girls!" OMG. I wanted to die.
  • KimmyD_TurboGirl
    My daughter is a January baby. When she was a month old, we lost power at the house, so i went to my parents house for heat. My parents weren't home, and I apparently did not have the correct code for the alarm system, so it went off. And kept going off. I decided to sit in my car in their driveway and nurse my daughter while deciding what to do next. Right about this time, a police car pulled up to the house, two officers got out, and I'm seeing this in my rearview mirror. I completely forget that I have a breast out and get out of the car with my 1 month old daughter. Hey, at least the police officers were cute!
  • twiztc
    twiztc Posts: 135
    I was about 22 and went for a night out at our local country club with my then Husband and My best friend and her partner.

    There was a comedy act on and we were in the front row.

    I wore very skimpy skin tight clothing back the and was wearing a low cut dress and no underwear.

    in the course of events my dress had slipped a little too low and one breast shuffled its way free and I hadnt noticed.

    No real biggy ...things like that didnt bother me all that much

    The real embarrassing moment was my friend who suddenly shouted out at the top of her voice 'Trace...your tit's hanging out!!' just at the point the comedy act had come to a silent pause.

    All i could do was smile sweetly and re-adjust myself
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    Peeing myself at school. On more than one occasion.

    I have a weak bladder and when I gotta go, I GOTTA GO! :(
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    I'll give you 2.

    #1 was my junior year in HS. I went to Catholic school; so all the girls had to wear skirts, of course. Well, one morning our bus wasn't running because of the snow; so my friend's dad drove us to school. They had a 2-door & I was in the back. When I went to get out of the car at school, my feet got tangled in the seat belt & fell on my on the ice. I bounced up real quick, looked around & no one seemed to notice. I thought I was in the clear until a friend walked up to me inside, pointed at my bloody knees (that I hadn't noticed earlier) and asked if I was ok.

    #2 happened a couple of weeks ago. I was walking from work to Subway, tripped & fell in the middle of the street. Got up, walked to the bank like no one saw anything, right? I look down & my knee was bleeding profusely.

    I see a pattern here...and my knees don't like it...
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    a few weeks ago i was at a dear friends house. i was crouching down looking at their 1y olds little drum set. i tried to get back up from that position and did not have the strength to get my feet under me, so i toddled backwards and finally landed hard on my butt, pushing a shredder into the wall behind me and breaking a 8in diameter hole in the wall.

    we were playing poker that night so of course it was the topic of conversation. i'm still embarrassed to go over there... they were really cool about it..

    i actually also put a dent in their truck, we were camping and i went to back up our jeep and ran it right into the side of their truck. i'm not sure why they still like me lol :)
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    forgot to zip up my pants. That was just 5 minutes ago.
    Wait, you are wearing pants?

    I was sick at a mall and in the bathroom a little boy started crying from the smell. The dad tried to comfort him by telling him that sometimes bathrooms smell and the kid replied "'not like this". I died a little inside.
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    I was a substitute teacher for awhile and I called several 'pats' he or she and was always wrong. I felt horrible and couldn't learn to address them as 'student's. Honestly high school kids can be so mean :/
  • louisey112
    louisey112 Posts: 576 Member
    Great reads .. thanks for the chuckles everyone!
  • goodeknight
    goodeknight Posts: 5 Member
    I was sitting ringside at a major dog show, when my nylon folding chair ripped and collapsed. I had exceeded the weight limit for the chair. Luckily, my dog and handler won, so I had a good reason to get to my feet to applaud.
  • KatieMae75
    KatieMae75 Posts: 391 Member
    I worked in a professional office building and I often had to communicate between our client and the technical team via email. My husband emailed me one day saying he was getting out of work early. A guy from TAC emailed me to let me know a part I needed had come in for a customer. I replied to my husbands email and asked him if he wanted to meet me for dinner, and told him I loved him. I replied to the TAC guy to tell him thank you.

    20 minutes later, the guy from TAC calls me, a guy I'd never met before, and asks what time and where I wanted to meet. He wasn't kidding. I got the replies reversed.
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I have 2 for you.

    I was working night shift at walmart, in the furniture section. I had one long flat box left on my pallet. I was standing with the front half of my feet on the pallet but my heels off, balancing like that while pulling on the flap of the box trying to pop the tape that is cross-ways over the box to open it. It wouldn't pop so I reach my arm in to get more leverage and upon doing this, I glance in the box and see an arm! I jump back, lose my balance on my precarious perch and fall back into a candle display. It was a box of mirrors, it was my OWN ARM.

    The other one.. my sister was in the kitchen and was just standing there with the fridge door open. I snuck up behind her silently like a ninja and just grabbed her around the waist and she jumped so hard that she lost her balance and we both started to fall back. Well, her arms are waving trying to find something to grad so she reaches back and grabs my butt cheeks while my arms are doing the same and I end up grabbing her boobs, and I fall back in the garbage can, butt first, on top of her hands, so we are stuck there when my mom walks in the kitchen, sees us there, says nothing, and walks out. We had to rock back and forth until we knocked the can over so we could get up.
  • nataliefamily3
    Not very embarasing but today at work I had a tray of appetizers ready onion rings, fried pickles, and wings. I needed to put chips on the buffalo dip so I sat the chips on the ledge and reached up to grab the dip. I split the whole bowl of chips all over thhe tray of apps 365 crumbs cause it was bottom of the bowl so they had ro re cook everything. Right in front of a new girl too lol.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Walking onto a stage for a concert, I once caught my blouse on a music stand and every button front of a couple of hundred people. Dec.9, 1975... Not that I remember the details of that
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    While in high school I dropped a book and as I bent over my pants ripped from knee to knee in the most populated part of school...luckily I had a spare pair in my gym locker...
  • susiq65
    susiq65 Posts: 8 Member
    College graduation; had just gotten my very expensive diploma; shook hands with the university president and headed down the steps; caught my big flowing sleeve on the railing which pulled me backwards and I tripped in front of 2000+ people and deans of my school of psychology! Yah, that was embarrassing...alot!
  • bonsaiblossom
    bonsaiblossom Posts: 133 Member
    These are so fun to read :)