Running with shin splints



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Eleisabelle ~ do you have any recommendations for someone suffering calf cramps? Constant rock hard calves? I have started using the roller thing and am not cramped nearly as much throughout the day as I was before; however the minute I start to jog I am done. I change to a brisk walk and can last for a little while, reduce pace for a while then can pick it up for a few minutes and have to reduce again but can never get the "jog" back. After this my shins started hurting.

    Sprinter- soccer player tend to run on toes.....yes I drink plenty of water. Even tried bananas and magnesium! ??? I do feel the roller thing is helping my muscle tension. Maybe I just need to be patient been having the muscle cramping/tightness for months and only been using the roller for 2 weeks or so…..


    Magnesium worked for me, calf and foot cramps.

    I was getting plenty of sodium and potassium which lack of can also cause problems, but magnesium helps the body to actually use them better.
    After first day taking them the cramps stopped at night.
    The next day on 2 hr ride the sweat wasn't salty at all like normal. That said to me I was using it rather than losing it, which is good.

    The few days I've gotten lax (took a rest week) - they have come back.
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    I ran track in high school (back when I was in shape), and constantly had awful shin splints!! Since I had them, it probably means I was doing something wrong, but this is what helped me!

    1. Taping my shins before workouts helped. Gave some extra comfort and support.
    2. NEW SHOES. My coaches said new running shoes every 6 months (if you wear them often).
    3. Start slow...often times shin splints occur when we push farther than our body and muscles are ready for.
    4. Ice. Oh so very much ice. I used to kneel in a bathtub full of ice water for about 10-20 minutes after a workout. Or you could just put icepacks on them to, I suppose...
    5. Stretch! Make sure to stretch your calves as well as the front of your legs.
    6. Strengthen! Specifically, toe raises can help strengthen your shins.

    You can always take tylenol or ibuprofen too, as they will reduce the inflammation (and pain). I certainly ran through many weeks of shin splint pain, but be careful!!! You could end up with a stress fracture.

    Strengthen, stretch, ice, repeat!

    Good luck!
  • icesk8ermom
    icesk8ermom Posts: 82 Member
    WOW just changed my food settings to see my potassium intake......every day consistently 2000+ short on my intake. Looks like I definitely need to change my eating habits or get a supplement for sure!
  • Eleisabelle
    Eleisabelle Posts: 365
    Eleisabelle ~ do you have any recommendations for someone suffering calf cramps? Constant rock hard calves? I have started using the roller thing and am not cramped nearly as much throughout the day as I was before; however the minute I start to jog I am done. I change to a brisk walk and can last for a little while, reduce pace for a while then can pick it up for a few minutes and have to reduce again but can never get the "jog" back. After this my shins started hurting.

    Sprinter- soccer player tend to run on toes.....yes I drink plenty of water. Even tried bananas and magnesium! ??? I do feel the roller thing is helping my muscle tension. Maybe I just need to be patient been having the muscle cramping/tightness for months and only been using the roller for 2 weeks or so…..


    What kinds of stretches are you doing before running, aside from the roller? And what roller exercises are you doing? Yes, I would say that keeping up the roller might make improvements. Are you also using them on the IT band? It helps to make sure you're working with the whole leg.

    Calves that are too tight can lead to shin splints in compensation. Be careful.

    Oh, and by the way: Shoes, shoes, shoes.
  • Eleisabelle
    Eleisabelle Posts: 365
    Eleisabelle ~ do you have any recommendations for someone suffering calf cramps? Constant rock hard calves? I have started using the roller thing and am not cramped nearly as much throughout the day as I was before; however the minute I start to jog I am done. I change to a brisk walk and can last for a little while, reduce pace for a while then can pick it up for a few minutes and have to reduce again but can never get the "jog" back. After this my shins started hurting.

    Sprinter- soccer player tend to run on toes.....yes I drink plenty of water. Even tried bananas and magnesium! ??? I do feel the roller thing is helping my muscle tension. Maybe I just need to be patient been having the muscle cramping/tightness for months and only been using the roller for 2 weeks or so…..


    Magnesium worked for me, calf and foot cramps.

    I was getting plenty of sodium and potassium which lack of can also cause problems, but magnesium helps the body to actually use them better.
    After first day taking them the cramps stopped at night.
    The next day on 2 hr ride the sweat wasn't salty at all like normal. That said to me I was using it rather than losing it, which is good.

    The few days I've gotten lax (took a rest week) - they have come back.

    Glad that worked for you! Actually, calcium and plain old sodium are necessary to prevent cramps, too. I've found that a good calcium citrate supplement with magnesium helps support my muscles quite nicely.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I've struggled with shin splints too, until I got Vibram Five Finger shoes to run it. Cured my problem. When I went to a running store to be fitted and have my gait analyzed, the owner told me it was because I heel strike when I run and that's why the VFFs fixed that problem. It corrected my gait and I now strike mid foot like I should. I just bought a pair of minimalist running shoes, and do fine with them as well as the VFFs. Something to think about.
  • Eleisabelle
    Eleisabelle Posts: 365
    WOW just changed my food settings to see my potassium intake......every day consistently 2000+ short on my intake. Looks like I definitely need to change my eating habits or get a supplement for sure!

    Unfortunately it's hard to accurately track potassium on this site. Most foods here don't have potassium values listed.
  • icesk8ermom
    icesk8ermom Posts: 82 Member

    What kinds of stretches are you doing before running, aside from the roller? And what roller exercises are you doing? Yes, I would say that keeping up the roller might make improvements. Are you also using them on the IT band? It helps to make sure you're working with the whole leg.

    Calves that are too tight can lead to shin splints in compensation. Be careful.

    Oh, and by the way: Shoes, shoes, shoes.

    With the roller I am really massaging my entire lower leg and slightly up past my knee where I am tight; really paying attention to the points that smart. Doing the same with the IT band; strangely the one that it tighter is the leg that the shin and calf don’t hurt as much on….go figure. I haven’t added any roller exercises yet just trying to loosen up the muscles.

    Calf stretches….I do the lounging into the wall with the forearms on the wall, holding and alternating. And a low squat with my fingers under my toes, feet slightly apart and rising in a bent position holding for 10 seconds, repeating. Also, sitting on the floor legs out, foot flexed and holding with hand leaning into leg. ( I hope that makes sense)

    ***Yes I do need good shoes, I did just get new othrothotics custom fit for my foot and was told to get better shoes.
  • Eleisabelle
    Eleisabelle Posts: 365

    What kinds of stretches are you doing before running, aside from the roller? And what roller exercises are you doing? Yes, I would say that keeping up the roller might make improvements. Are you also using them on the IT band? It helps to make sure you're working with the whole leg.

    Calves that are too tight can lead to shin splints in compensation. Be careful.

    Oh, and by the way: Shoes, shoes, shoes.

    With the roller I am really massaging my entire lower leg and slightly up past my knee where I am tight; really paying attention to the points that smart. Doing the same with the IT band; strangely the one that it tighter is the leg that the shin and calf don’t hurt as much on….go figure. I haven’t added any roller exercises yet just trying to loosen up the muscles.

    Calf stretches….I do the lounging into the wall with the forearms on the wall, holding and alternating. And a low squat with my fingers under my toes, feet slightly apart and rising in a bent position holding for 10 seconds, repeating. Also, sitting on the floor legs out, foot flexed and holding with hand leaning into leg. ( I hope that makes sense)

    ***Yes I do need good shoes, I did just get new othrothotics custom fit for my foot and was told to get better shoes.

    You'll be amazed how much the right shoes will help. And you're doing good exercises, so keep them up. If you want to add to it, there's another exercise where you stand facing the wall and flex your foot against the wall, so you're stretching through your calf and achilles. You can lean into it to feel the stretch as far as is comfortable, and hold it like you do the other.

    And if you're stretching your calves, you should stretch your shins, too. Bend your knee and grab your foot and pull it up to your butt, feeling the stretch through your shin and quad.

    Lastly, some dynamic stretching can help. These are stretches that you do while moving, which warm the muscles at the same time they stretch them--this is widely considered to be more effective than static stretching.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I get shin splints in one or both of my legs when I run, I used to be really good at sports and was quite fit but since I've gained weight about 10 years ago I have been getting shin splints. I can do the eliptical machine but when I run on the treadmill or outside I get them, I tried the treadmill today and I was hurting within 2 minutes of running and then when I went to the eliptical I was fine. I really want to run cause I feel more calories are burned in less time on the treadmill than the eliptical but I'm wondering if anyone else has any experience or knowledge. Not sure if I am just fine using only the eliptical machine or if there is something I should be doing different on the treadmill to make it go better for me. I have a band I can wear on my leg that I got from the Dr years ago but I just don't want to mess anything up more by pushing it too far when I can burn just as much on the eliptical.

    Thoughts? :smile:

    You may find the following webpage of help OP, shinsplints are a nuisance and interrupt training.

    Ill-fitting trainers, running on hard surfaces and a bad running gait are just three of the reasons why a person gets splints, the following webpage will give you possible remedies, hopefully they will work:
  • Here are a couple of ways to help you with your shin splint problems as a doctor I have come across patients with various weight sizes and completely understand your concern.

    What I have found is that shin splints are usually a result of impacts that are not absorbed well.

    Here are 3 video tutorials that will show you deep tissue treatments to help release some spasms in your foot and shins that may be causing or resulting from this hard landing.

    Video Tutorial #75 The Deep Tissue Treatment Dr. James Stoxen DC Uses For Shin Splints

    Video Tutorial #80 Dr James Stoxen DC Demonstrates How To Self-Help Deep Tissue Treatment Of The Subtalar Joint Of The Ankle On The Inside.

    Video Tutorial #81 Dr James Stoxen DC Demonstrates How To Self-Help Deep Tissue Treatment Of The Ankle (Subtalar Joint Outside)

    Video Tutorial #87 Dr James Stoxen DC Demonstrates Self-Help Deep Tissue Of The Ankle Mortise

    Here are my last two articles you might find helpful:

    How Does The Body Spring Back Safely From Impacts Of Running and Walking?

    Self-Tests & Exercises To Reduce Over Pronation and Over Supination From Impacts During Walking and Running

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask any questions at

    My regards,

    Dr James Stoxen DC, President, Team Doctors The Barefoot Running Doctor
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Dr James Stoxen DC, President, Team Doctors The Barefoot Running Doctor

    If this is on your site, I didn't notice with brief searches.

    But as barefoot proponent, running, and Dr, love to have a comment.

    I do have unequal leg length, not functional from rotated or twisted pelvis, literal. Not until older age and reviewing past injuries and current symptoms did the effects from it stand out. PT discovered it, never a chiro, all of whom noticed of course, and tried to shove hip higher to compensate. Bad muscle imbalance to compensate, ect.

    Heel lift for walking and forefoot lift for cycling have been great and taken care of so many associated problems.

    Started doing barefoot style running to fix plantar fasciitis, either in normal shoes originally, then barefoot really, then VFF, then Merrill trail gloves still , and for hard surface long distance, minimalist shoe with only 4mm front back lift, very flexible.
    Since you are landing on mid-foot which I do, I've noticed on harder surfaces or longer efforts some of the effect of not having the short leg built up will show up.
    Since heel lifts don't really help with that, there is none inserted in those shoes, besides like the cycling shoe, would need forefoot built up.

    Is that a good idea? It may be at 10 lb lighter weight it won't be as much a factor, just as it didn't seem to be during younger years at lighter weight, though I still had some of the ill effects even then. Older and less range of abuse, I'm thinking it would be better.

    Any ideas as to material for total sole buildup, I might go for at least 1/2 the heel lift distance to help somewhat at least?

    Thanks for any insight, hope you don't mind me asking. Hoping others might find it useful too.