I can't believe how rude/mean some people are!



  • Flugangst
    Flugangst Posts: 98 Member
    All my public school life I dealt with morons like this guy. One can simply shrug it off as if it were water off a duck's back, but honestly, it really does ****ing suck and it is painful to continuously have such horrid things said to you.

    I am sorry for your friend and I can 100% relate to how you feel and to how she must feel.
  • staceylopriore
    staceylopriore Posts: 18 Member
    :cry: jerk...just like everyone else has said. what comes around goes around.
  • jeff10278
    jeff10278 Posts: 8
    People's physical appearance is one thing I have never made fun of, especially since I have struggled with my own self image over the years. It is one thing to joke about someone's actions but not their physical appearance, IMO.
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    Rest assured that karma will def. take care of that a-hole!
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    How horribly cruel. Just know that karma will come back and bite him eventually. It always does.

    Absolutely this ^

    BTW: Adorable pics.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    I can relate. I can't say that I get used to it but I get a comment like this in one from or another from strangers at least once a month and have for years. People are cruel to fat women. Truth. I used to burst into tears right away now I am able to hold back and make it to the bathroom or in my car. Nothing we can really do about it. :ohwell:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    What the hell. I'd have thrown a huge rock at him and ran. I've done that before and I dont throw like a girl. Knocked a fool off his bike for trying to cop a feel on my butt as biked by..
  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    I know. I was at the park a while back and I was riding a four person bike with my friends and the guy said, "Hey fat chick!" I was insulted! But I didn't want to make the situation worse.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    There's a reason they're called Mass-holes....
  • dunnweb
    dunnweb Posts: 49
    That's Boston for you... could only imagine if you were in NY.
  • HollywoodDJ
    HollywoodDJ Posts: 296
    Somebody should have thrown a stick in his spokes! AZZHOLE!!!!!!

    Can't stand people like that!
  • junepinktigger
    junepinktigger Posts: 88 Member
    i am sorry to read this i have had this happen to me and it was my own uncle that said it and made face behind me infront a load of people, however he wasnt so smart when i picked up a stone and threw it at his car and smashed his back windscreen,

    there is no need for people to be so cruel, i bet he wouldnt have had the guts to say it if he was walking past, known there would be a chance of one of you catching up with him,
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    It's mean and cruel, but remember - you define your life. Don't give the a*hole control over your life. Let the comment go, because you aren't punishing him or benefiting yourself in any way by dwelling on it.
  • onyx1972
    onyx1972 Posts: 133 Member
    I am sorry and I know how it feels to have people do this to you and it stinx... but I agree with most of the posters on here.. that man has to live in his own pathetic little existance and for that I pity him... plus KARMA is a B#*ch and will come for him one day, I promise...

    We are all worth more than being judged by our outward appearance.
  • tquig
    tquig Posts: 176 Member
    I need to share this story because I'm so insulted.

    I was just walking through Boston with my roommates (one of which is overweight), and we were crossing a big intersection. A shirtless middle aged man on a bike was approaching us, so i sped up a bit. My roommate continued walking a regular pace (and she had the time). The guy on the bike however yelled "OUT OF THE WAY, YOU FAT SLOB" at her as he passed. We were all so taken aback and speechless. I've never witnessed such a mean and completely unnecessary comment. A girl who was waiting to cross the other even apologized to us "I'm so sorry..that was so rude".

    My roommate was like "whatever" after..but I'm so mad! I seriously cannot believe how cruel people can be. Honestly makes me sad that people like that exist.

    So I will play devil's advocate here. Maybe he saw you do the curtious thing by speeding up and when your friend didn't, he assumed she was trying to be an *kitten* by intentionally not speeding up. Not saying what he called her was acceptable but I find it doubtful that someone would simply randomly yell at someone to get out of the way, unless they were in the way.
  • Believe it or not that can in cases be just as hurtful on the other side. When I left from being in the hospital for two weeks with pneumonia I had to pick up a prescription on the way home from the grocery store, I went to the gum because my mouth was so gross from the oxygen tank I was on for days. A man walk by me and said "you are to thin GOD EAT SOMETHING...really girl!" He stormed off while I stood there with the look of shock on my face mouth open. It was very hurtful! I had run a triathlon a month before and was in very great shape, thin but great muscle mass and two weeks on a tub took all my hard work from me. I had not even had time to process this before this man so negatively took a nasty jab at me for whatever reason he thought he had right to!

    No one should think so highly or lowly of themselves they think it justifies commenting on another person’s weight.
  • Rude.
  • Here2GetFit
    Here2GetFit Posts: 292
    I have heard stories like this before and it always pisses me off. If I ever witness such a thing, a physical assault will occur.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Believe it or not that can in cases be just as hurtful on the other side. When I left from being in the hospital for two weeks with pneumonia I had to pick up a prescription on the way home from the grocery store, I went to the gum because my mouth was so gross from the oxygen tank I was on for days. A man walk by me and said "you are to thin GOD EAT SOMETHING...really girl!" He stormed off while I stood there with the look of shock on my face mouth open. It was very hurtful! I had run a triathlon a month before and was in very great shape, thin but great muscle mass and two weeks on a tub took all my hard work from me. I had not even had time to process this before this man so negatively took a nasty jab at me for whatever reason he thought he had right to!

    No one should think so highly or lowly of themselves they think it justifies commenting on another person’s weight.

    That's awful. I'm sorry you had to go through that. People just seem to think they know everything about everyone, even people they never met! Rude...
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    mean people suck