
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I'm guessing our week goes Monday-Sunday, with a Sunday weigh-in, since we started on a Monday, but can someone confirm?
  • May I join?

    Starting weight : 175
    Current weight: 143
    Jean Size: 7 or 8
    Goal Weight: 125
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Yay! I just finished my 4th hour-long workout this week, so I met the goal! I did 30 min. strength training and 30 min on the elliptical and I feel great. This is the most I have worked out in one week in a very long time (if ever...). Yay to Yellow Team for providing me with extra motivation and incentive to stick to it. :smile:

    TetheredHeart - welcome to the group!

    edited to add: I'll "officially" weigh-in tonight, since I do all my weight-checks at night before bed.
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    OK, well I didn't really feel in the mood for the taekwondo, maybe next week.
    instead i went for a 16 mile bike ride around the city... and found a really great falafel place!
  • Sunsama
    Sunsama Posts: 100 Member
    Laughingfox - lol, my suitcase is always welcome to you! I can squeeze you in next to all my shoes... hehe :happy:

    nehptune - 16 miles!!! Holy crap, GO YOU!!! I went on a 5 miles bike ride once and it nearly killed me (not really, it just felt that way... :tongue: ) Haven't been on one since, hehe. But wow, I bow down to your biking skills.. cheers! :drinker:
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    Hello everyone! I am back from flying around the country!

    Awesome job every one for keeping within your food calories etc!! and Exerercising!! How awesome are we?!?!

    I did the ellpitical saturday and sunday. over 2 miles sat. and over 4 miles today!! so that plus the walking from LAX to my hotel I did over 7 miles!! So proud of myslef!!
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    Hello everyone! I am back from flying around the country!

    Awesome job every one for keeping within your food calories etc!! and Exerercising!! How awesome are we?!?!

    I did the ellpitical saturday and sunday. over 2 miles sat. and over 4 miles today!! so that plus the walking from LAX to my hotel I did over 7 miles!! So proud of myslef!!
  • Sunsama -- thanks for the invitation. I'm practicing folding myself up right now... :tongue:

    Judging by how sick I am still, it looks like I won't be out walking until at least the middle of this week. :grumble: But I am going to go on Wednesday, even if it kills me! I am getting crabby not being able to do my walk! I used to hate exercise...really despise it...but now I am going through withdrawals after three or four days of not being able to! That must mean I am really getting used to this "healthy lifestyle" thing, huh?
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Can I join the team now? Hopefully that will help me stay on track.

    Starting weight: 257
    Current: 250
    Goal: 170

    I am currently working out 6 days a week with Jillian Michaels. I was doing her 30 day slimdown and tomorrow is my day off. Wednesday I think I am going to start: Day 1: Shred 1 and 2, Day 2: Metabolism Boost, Day 3: No More Trouble Zones.
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    Laughingfox - lol, my suitcase is always welcome to you! I can squeeze you in next to all my shoes... hehe :happy:

    nehptune - 16 miles!!! Holy crap, GO YOU!!! I went on a 5 miles bike ride once and it nearly killed me (not really, it just felt that way... :tongue: ) Haven't been on one since, hehe. But wow, I bow down to your biking skills.. cheers! :drinker:


    i have an advantage though, i bike to work every day, not super far, but enough so that i'm used to being on a bike. it's so much easier finding a parking spot for my bike in the city!! (i live in Boston)
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Sorry I haven't posted for awhile! My mom is out of town so I have been traveling back and forth taking care of her dogs and mine. The 8 month old baby doesn't make being on the go easy! I had 2 "cheat days" this week. One day I drank beer while I was bowling and then I had a Chinese buffet on Friday! What was I thinking? All of that food made me feel sick! I was supposed to weigh-in this morning but I wasn't home and my mom doesn't have a scale. I will do it in the morning. I am really worried that I might have gained this week. I am on track most of the time so that has to be better than eating like a pig ALL the time, right? Anyway, I will post my numbers tomorrow.
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    Sorry I haven't posted for awhile! My mom is out of town so I have been traveling back and forth taking care of her dogs and mine. The 8 month old baby doesn't make being on the go easy! I had 2 "cheat days" this week. One day I drank beer while I was bowling and then I had a Chinese buffet on Friday! What was I thinking? All of that food made me feel sick! I was supposed to weigh-in this morning but I wasn't home and my mom doesn't have a scale. I will do it in the morning. I am really worried that I might have gained this week. I am on track most of the time so that has to be better than eating like a pig ALL the time, right? Anyway, I will post my numbers tomorrow.

    I have a son who will be 9 months old tomorrow!! Congrats on your baby!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hmm... I thought we were checking in weekly, but people don't seem to be? Also, what is the new goal for this week? (unless it's the same?)

    My weight on Sunday night (end of 1st week for me) was 221 - down 5 1/2 pounds! I'm guessing most of this may be water weight, as I stuck to the food plan and didn't eat less than I was supposed to, but I'm still excited. :smile:
  • Sorry I haven't posted for awhile! My mom is out of town so I have been traveling back and forth taking care of her dogs and mine. The 8 month old baby doesn't make being on the go easy! I had 2 "cheat days" this week. One day I drank beer while I was bowling and then I had a Chinese buffet on Friday! What was I thinking? All of that food made me feel sick! I was supposed to weigh-in this morning but I wasn't home and my mom doesn't have a scale. I will do it in the morning. I am really worried that I might have gained this week. I am on track most of the time so that has to be better than eating like a pig ALL the time, right? Anyway, I will post my numbers tomorrow.
    Don't feel bad. I slacked off at my friends son's birthday party and had some pizza and a coke and a cupcake.
    So far my week is going good. I got back on the bandwagon Sunday. Went to the gym yesterday and done 30 mins on the treadmill. Bout to go again after I take my son to school. I hope everyone has a good Tuesday.
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Good Morning Yellow Team!
    I weighed in this morning and I am still at 180. No weight lost this week, but no gain either. I am gonna try really hard this week to not go over on my calories. I have a ton of stuff to get done today. My mom is finally back in town so I can get back to my normal schedule.

    Kristen- my little girl will be 8 months on the 8th...also her daddy's bday. She is getting so big so fast! I LOVE being a mommy, tho! Do we have a challenge this week?
  • dartboarddiva
    dartboarddiva Posts: 117 Member
    Bummer ... thought I had a good week, but when I stepped on the scale this morning, I was up 2 pounds! Hope it's temporary water gain ..

    Have been to boot camp twice this week, and tomorrow is my last session. After that, I guess I am on my own for a while.

    Going to participate in Race for the Cure in Birmingham, AL this weekend.
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    I weighed in at 231.2- i am up 2.2 pounds from last week.
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    yesterday was a slow day. i flaked out on yoga and spent the evening watching TV and knitting. i also worked out that i am probably not eating enough for lunch. i was so hungry i ended up going over my calories eating junk in the evening... :frown:
    not by much, but still...

    so today i feel much better. i did a bunch of push-ups this morning (i'm doing the hundred push ups challenge) and i'm planning on going to my kickboxing and abs classes after work. i'm also going to eat a bit more during the day, healthy snacks and a bigger lunch.

    let's hope it works!
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    Good afternoon everyone.. I'm going to reply to a few people but I don't remember the names so just read along if you'd like

    Happy early b-day to your DH!! Does your LO have any teeth yet? crawl?

    I weigh in on Thursdays.. the weekends are bad for me.. lol. I usually have a few drinks then so I weigh in on Thursday.. plus, I started my lifestyle change on a Wednesday.. So I will check in then. I think most people who say they wanted to join this thread don't come back. Looks like there are only about 5 of us who continue to come back.

    :( for everyone who gained this week... I bet it was muscle all y'all gained!! (Ps. ''all y'all'' is plural for y'all in case you didn't know! lol)

    I had a lazy day yesterday.. DH and I got a beer at Buffalo Wild Wings then saw The Invention of Lying so I didn't workout yesterday.. But I will do 3 miles today!! Of power walking that is.

    WOW!! On the doing a lot of push ups! Do you do 100 in a day or are you working up to doing 100 at a time?
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    ok.. I weighed in a bit early

    starting weight 214.8 (mid august and before)
    current weight 203.4 (10/6/09... my son's 9 month birthday! lol)

    yeah me! over a lb in a week!

    Ok.. going to go do my 3 mile power walk!! see y'all later.. I better see some more posts when I get back!!
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