
  • I am still here! I have just been sick, and sort of blah! Were we supposed to weigh in today? Did I miss it? :indifferent: Shoot! If we were, I will weigh in tomorrow, since I probably would hate myself if I weighed in right now...after a plate of spaghetti...
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    There wasn't really any explanation on when we are all supposed to weigh in... I think a bunch of us weighed in on Monday, since it was the start of the new week.
  • Sunsama
    Sunsama Posts: 100 Member
    I think we all just weigh in whenever, seems to be the plan anyways =) My weigh in days before were every Saturday, since I started then, but I am flexible! I weight myself everyday, but only believe the scale on Saturdays, lol.

    That 100 push up challenge sounds interesting. Do you do 100 at once, through the day, or throughout the week?? I've totally been slackin on exercising, but I usually do a few sit ups and pushups before bed and when I wake, I think I can add a few more sessions in.... :smile:

    I totally had a bad day today in the eating department!! I did good on all my meals, but I'm a new chef, and tried out another recipe for lunch tomorrow (made it tonight, boxed it for tomorrow, that kinda thing) and totally ate a bunch of it cause I was sooo surprised at how good it was! And then my mom wanted me to bring home some munchies, so I got fritos and bean dip, and ate a bunch of that.... and had a cup of soda.... *cry* :cry:

    And I can't even say I'll work it all off tomorrow, cause I'm going out of town! I'll be gone all weekend, so I know I'll definitely not be watching what I eat.

    Oh well, you win some and lose some, yea? :smile:

    LaughingFox: are you feeling any better?? It's nothing serious, like the swine flu or anything, is it?? Hope you get better!! *sends you a bunch of e-oranges*

    Kristen: Go you!! 3 lbs is amazing! Keep it up girl!!!

    Nehptune: I had a day like that today to. Shall we try harder together? Yay for self-disciple, right? hehe

    DartBoardDiva: Good luck on your marathon/race!! I know you'll do great! :smile: Maybe someday I'll be able to participate, but for now I'll just cheer from the sidelines, hehe
  • I done my weekly weigh in this morning and I gained 2 lbs. :sad: So I weighed in at 248. I plan on hitting the gym this morning and going to a power walking class tomorrow. Have a great day all.
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    ok.. I weighed in a bit early

    starting weight 214.8 (mid august and before)
    current weight 203.4 (10/6/09... my son's 9 month birthday! lol)

    yeah me! over a lb in a week!

    Ok.. going to go do my 3 mile power walk!! see y'all later.. I better see some more posts when I get back!!

    that rules!
    i seem to be holding steady at around 149-150 lbs... despite more or less keeping to my calories and doing plenty of exercise. i ride my bike every day so i figure, even on my slacker days i still get in ~20mins on my bike. oh well

    kinda like yesterday... the desire to go kickboxing eveporated and instead i rode my bike up to the consignment store and sold all the pairs of jeans that don't fit me anymore. i decided that:

    a) i didn't need them taking up space in my closet, better to have some cash instead
    b) i don't need that kind of motivation, it's more like guilt and seeing them hanging there doesn't help me feel good about myself, which in turn makes me less likely to treat myself well by working out and eating good food.

    so goodbye skinny jeans!

    you guys definitely help with the motivation!
    keep up the good work!!! :bigsmile:

    oh yeah, and the hundred pushup thing is pretty cool. it doesn't involve doing 100 push-ups every day, it's a plan to work up to it in 6 weeks. you do 5 sets of push-ups 3 days a week
    here's the website:

    i do my sets tue, thur and sat. i'm doing modified pushups for the time being til i get strong enough to do full ones again. it's good to have a plan to stick to, and it only takes 15-20 minutes to get through.
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Good Morning!
    I am doing pretty good with eating and exercising the last few days. I mostly do exercise DVD's for now...can't afford a gym membership:( I have Walk Away the Pounds 1, 2, & 3 mile workouts, Slim in Six, Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga, & Windsor Pilates. I also have a Gazelle Edge that I use about 2x a week, an exercise bike (that I hate), and a Bowflex. I also am on a bowling league on Weds. I still feel pretty weak so I usually only get in about 30 min. of exercise a day. I do like to exercise because I always feel so much better afterwards.
    Kristen- My baby is rocking on her hands and knees and scooting. I think she is gonna take off at any time. She tries so hard! She has no teeth, yet. I keep thinking she is teething but none have cut through. She ONLY puts her hands or her bibs in her mouth...nothing else.

    Hope everyone has a great day and stays on-plan!
  • Sunsama -- I HOPE it's not the H1N1! :sick: I took some Mucinex, which has helped a little'll see if I start getting better! If it lasts much longer -- it has been about a week now -- I am thinking I might go in to the doc.

    I weighed in this morning!

    After two weeks at 189...I suddenly dropped a bunch!

    Last Week: 189lbs
    This Week: 184.2lbs ( - 4.8 )

    Woah! I think some of it is from being sick -- nothing looks "yummy" to me, so I haven't been eating much at all. As soon as I get better, though, I am sure my appetite will come back with a vengeance! :laugh:
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    laughingfox... being sick sucks.. but losing weight while being sick is the one perk!! I hope you get better soon!

    Good day every one! How are y'all? You know, I go through these phases where I am starving all the time and I have to really watch myself so I don't eat too much! And then I go through a phase where I have to force myself to even eat 1000 calories a day.. Like now, it's 11:27 and I just had breakfast, though I've been up since 7 with my baby. I had a yogurt and a Nurti-Grain bar.. and I wasn't even hungry form them and now I'm like over stuffed. I am going to lunch with my sister soon and plan to have a BLT and a few french fries.. But I'm afraid I won't even be able to finish it! It's so so strange. I don't know why or how my body does this. I'm not complaining.. it's just weird and it's always been this way.. I always welcome these "force myself to eat" phases b/c I always lose a few lbs...

    Man.. those 3 miles last night were a piece of cake!! I've started adding intermittent jogging while doing my power walks! I did 3 minutes at the very end straight and could have gone longer but I'd already done 3 miles and it was 9 pm and very dark... But that really really excited me!!
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    in two months I have lost 12 lbs and in the last 17 days alone I've lost 7 inches and 3.8 lbs!!

    I started this with a 44.5 inch waist.. it is now 40 inches around!

    my hips were at 50.. now they are at 48!! (i had a c-section in January so i have that ugly pouch to add to my hips total inches :( )

    I am so excited!!! This is real progress!! The measuring tape doesn't lie!! Nor does the scale!!

    Tell me about y'all's progress!!
  • Congratulations Kristen! Wow! Great job! :)

    I haven't checked my measurements again,'s been barely a month, so I don't think there will have been any change so soon. I will share with you all as soon as I take them, though!
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    Congratulations Kristen! Wow! Great job! :)

    I haven't checked my measurements again,'s been barely a month, so I don't think there will have been any change so soon. I will share with you all as soon as I take them, though!

    thank you!
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    where is everyone?!?!

    Im flying out now .. Providence tonight and Los Angeles tomorrow night.. I'll be back Sunday night.. there better be some more posts and check ins from y'all when I get back!!
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    i'm disappearing for 2 weeks.
    i'm heading to Japan for work. should be really interesting.
    who knows how my eating/exercise routine will go as I'll be on a research ship for half the time i'm away. not so good for going biking/jogging

    have a great weekend everyone, and see you all online when i get back.
  • Wow! Japan! On a research ship! What do you DO for work, nehptune? Your life sounds infinitely more exciting than mine. (Not that you'll be able to answer this until you get which point it will have'll ask you again in two weeks. :tongue: )

    I went to the doctor, who said sinus infection, and gave me medicine -- thank goodness! Hopefully I'll be back to walking by Sunday or Monday. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

    I got weighed at the dr., in clothes and shoes, and on their "doctor's scale" (which, to me, by definition, means it's a little bit "up"), at 187. I haven't weighed below 190 at the doctor in AGES. I know this, because I peeked at the chart. :blushing: I'm pretty proud it, though, even though it isn't a huge deal.

    What are everybody's plans for the weekend?
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    LaughingFox - congrats! I totally understand (as I'm sure many people on this site do) about how it feels to be even a couple pounds below that 'magic number' I haven't been below in ages.

    On Tues I weighed in at about 218, and I can't remember the last time I saw a number less than 220 on the scale. So exciting...! Unfortunately it's been a bad week food-wise for me; no real excuse, I've just been lazy, so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm back up to the 220/221 I was at when I 'officially' weighed in last.

    I'm trying not to be too hard on myself though. While I realize dedication and persistence is the only way I will really be able to make a lifestyle change, I also understand that everyone has good and bad days, and I will be successful in the long term because I WANT to do this and I am doing this for me. I'll be going grocery shopping this weekend to re-stock with good healthy food. :smile:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Everyone's been so quiet!! How are your weekends going?
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    :( No one is posting?? Where is everyone?!
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    well, I weighted in this morning. i weighted in at 231.8. gained alittle bit
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I weighed myself last night for the week - I'm still at 221 - no gain or loss. It wasn't a great week exercise/food-wise, so I'm glad I didn't gain any. I told myself last night - tomorrow's a new day. Back on the wagon!

    They were handing out free breakfasts to people going to work/school this morning at my apartment complex. I look in the bag they handed me and it was a ~450 calorie muffin (not even that big!!) and some sugary capri-sun (probably 0 or 5% juice) drink. Blah. I didn't eat it.
  • Morning everyone. Hope you guys had a good weekend. I weighed myself this morning and I lost the 2lbs i gained last week. LOL. I just got back from the gym. Done 10 mins on the bike and 30 on the treadmill plus some strength training. I spent the weekend at the beach. So i didnt spend too much time on strength b/c of my sunburn. I know I know im a bad girl.:laugh:
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