My boyfriend makes fun of me when I diet.



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    why are you dieting? obviously they dont work if you cant keep up with them and fall off the wagon..

    look at it more as a lifestyle change than a diet then it wont look like a diet.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    You can't hide it. You don't want to. You shouldn't have to. His vision of you as an individual, and you as a couple is not the same as yours.
    Your health and well-being are at stake.
    Think about why you should be a couple, and ask him to do the same.
  • dietanderson
    Tell him to go suck an egg!
  • MSimm62385
    MSimm62385 Posts: 227
    My initial thought.....he's not a good boyfriend.

    I don't know you, or him, but a good BF would never do that.

    I'm inclined to agree with need to set him straight. He's supposed to be a positive influence in your life.

    My last gf was one of those lucky "eat like a pig and stay 110lbs" types, and would always mock me when I tried to watch my diet. It was extremely aggravating...
  • amiguito123
    You need a new boyfriend...
  • jodyw83
    jodyw83 Posts: 38
    Sounds like it's time to dump the boyfriend, get hot and rub your better boyfriend in his face in a few months!
  • wolveslovemee
    wolveslovemee Posts: 156 Member
    Well, I dont know your boyfriend, so Im not going to jump the gun and say he sucks, break up with him, etc. He might be really great to you otherwise. How are we supposed to know?

    From my experience, when people tell you that you cant do something, its because they have either :

    One) Too often seen you fail
    Two) Dont believe in you for whatever reason
    Three) You havent proved to yourself yet that you can achieve it, otherwise NO ONE will doubt you

    Obviously, these are all linked together.
    For one, everyone is right when they say being healthy is a way of life, not a short term fix. If you are adament about being in shape, you need to do it for you, and seriously if your boyfriend continues to resent you for it, then you have a problem.

    Also,...sounds like you should probably talk to him about it. He should support you. My boyfriend is really in shape but he paces me on his bicycle when I try and run. He's offered to let me punch him with boxing gloves to get cardio in. He always asks me if he can go on walks with me. <---That is a good partner. Involve your boyfriend in your journey. Take classes together you BOTH like.
  • Debutante55
    Debutante55 Posts: 72 Member
    I don't care how many times you've "failed" at dieting in the past, you absolutely do NOT need someone in your life who tries to sabotage your goals before you even get started. As many others have pointed out, this speaks to a much greater problem than just weight loss. I don't know about you, but for me, living with that sort of negativity and "lack of belief" in me would surely whittle away my self esteem over the long term. You are a lovely, motivated 22-year-old with your whole life ahead of you. Making wise choices now like adopting a healthier lifestyle will definitely pay off in the future... and don't let anyone convince you otherwise!
    It's your choice whether you decide to kick this "boyfriend" to the curb or prove him wrong by becoming healthy and fit on your own terms. Frankly, I question whether he's truly your "friend" at all. But in the meantime, please know that there are many of us on MFP who support you in reaching your goals... 100% and unconditionally!
  • jjl0412
    jjl0412 Posts: 278 Member
    Any one who insults your feelings, goals, or wishes, is no friend of any kind. Lose the dead weight. Live for you and your future. Good Luck.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    my first thought was to DUMP HIM!! then go be awesome lose all your weight and laugh right back at him in his face!!!
  • sarabluebell
    sarabluebell Posts: 68 Member
    Just imagine how many things that would of have never been accomplished if we game up the first time we failed at only fail when you give up tring
  • foraubs
    foraubs Posts: 263 Member
    Tell him to go suck an egg!

    Fried or hard boiled?
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    This is what I hate about asking for advice online. First thing out of everyone's mouths is the ultimatum: "leave the moron." Oh yes let's give that advice because we were just told EVERY aspect of their relationship and how the OP is treated in every situation, day in day out. ...Oh wait, we weren't!

    None of you guys are helping, seriously.
  • JacquelineD35
    JacquelineD35 Posts: 279 Member
    Maybe he just feels insecure about the relationship, you know like if you lose weight and look that much better you will leave him for the next guy that starts blowing kisses your way. I wouldnt let his negativity hold you back from staying focused and getting to where you want to be.
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    I've been on and off diets, and everytime I start one, my boyfriend tells me that I'm not going to stick to it and its a waste of money buying healthy food. I find myself just giving up, sometimes because I just can't stick to it, and sometimes because of the hard time he's giving me. How do I eat healthy without beoing obvious that I'm trying to diet?

    If you don't leave the idiot then what I would suggest is using his negativity as motivation. Show him that he is wrong!

    and also keep coming on to here, make friends, make your diary public and people will comment on your progress giving you that extra boost of motivation :)

    You can add me if you like! xx
  • droogievesch
    droogievesch Posts: 202
    I will try my best to answer your question of how to go about "sneaking" your new diet/lifestyle in. I have a fiance who loves me very much (and I him), but let's face it...he's seen the "Oooh! I'm going to go on a diet and lose weight!" cycle a few too many times (with his grandma and mom, past girl friends, past female friends, and myself). We all start out well meaning and we are pumped about it. We go out and buy "healthy" foods that cost 5x as much as normal foods depending on what "diet" we are going on, and after a week or two we get sick of it and drop it. But, he also shows a little bit of resistance because he is my 30 year old man-child. He knows that I grocery shop and cook. He knows that if I decide to go on a juice cleanse...guess who else is going on a juice cleanse. If I decide that carbs are the devil, somebody else in the house can no longer eat carbs. So long story short, his trepidation is a small part due to my past failures but a HUGE part about his forced involvement in it.

    So here's what I do:

    1.) I buy him the foods he likes to eat. We have frozen pizzas in the freezer. We have soda and beer. I don't force him to eat anything he doesn't want to eat. Yea, sometimes I do force small changes on him (like refusing to buy white bread and only buying wheat. This isn't a huge deal though since he's never been so outraged to go to the store himself and buy different bread), but for the most part my diet/lifestyle isn't put onto him.

    2.) I cook the same as I always have, I just make sure that I have a single serving of the casserole and not half the darn pan. We normally eat one meal a day together, so the other two are mine to eat as healthy/horrible as I want.

    3.) I invite him to exercise with me, but sometimes I'm a little bit tricky about it (ie: "Hey, can we go down to the park quick and look for good photo spots for the wedding?" which turns out to be a nice mile or two stroll for us...he has no clue he's been juped into "exercising")

    4.) I get one meal a week that I get to experiment with new recipes. Some turn out really well, and some I make a mental note never to attempt again. I really like the website: I usually don't tell him it's low-cal until after he's made up his mind whether he likes it or not. Good news is once it's "approved" I can work it into other days.

    But my relationship is completely different than yours. Find out what his real objections are. Also, depending on what type of "diet" you are doing, he may have legitimate concerns as to the sustainability of it (there are a ton of fad diets that don't work). And keep in mind that most men are result driven. My fiance became so much more supportive once he started seeing results. He now has a list of calories for different beer so he can make "smarter choices". Small steps. Small steps.
  • lydiapt210
    same with my ex so my doctor says take the word diet out of your vocbulary and start thinking on how to eat healthy, so for me i have been eating what i always eat just use a smaller plate and i have impemented fruits and apples golden delicious and oranges for my sweet, also no sodas and crystal light packages in my h2o and every friday i treat myself to cocolate, i have decided not to go overboard .
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    O.K. I looked at your past posts. You only have five . In one you are posting that he is giving you the wrong kind of attention and in another, not enough of the right kind of attention. But, don't hide it. Just do it. Don't quit. Eat the healthy food and get a healthy body. If you keep trying then eventually you will get it.You have to find it in yourself to overcome any thing that would stop you from getting healthy. Your boyfriends comments,The voice in your head, the taste buds that say yuck or a body that doesn't want to excercise. This is your baby and you'll be the one to rock it. I wish you the very best.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    wow.. well for one thing MFP is freeeeeeeeee.. so no $$ issue there... and I vote you have a talk with him and
    let him know you need someone to motivate you on your LIFETSTYLE change.. not a "diet" this is eating what you like/want
    but much less... portions and all that.. and you shouldnt have to 'hide' eating different.. big deal.. its your choice YOUR body and YOUR decision.. not your boyfriends! he may even be a bit jealous in a weird way.. dunno
  • mulcahya
    mulcahya Posts: 82 Member
    I don't really think it's my place to judge whether you have a good boyfriend or not.

    And I know that personally if my boyfriend is eating crap, sometimes I just eat crap too cos it's easy.

    Perhaps don't make it out like you're full-on dieting, just that you want to eat a bit better/a bit healthier. It's probably a better mindset to have - a healthy change rather than a temporary diet!

    Hope it works out!