Desperate Women



  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    ask him to block her. If he doenst care about her and it bothers you then that is a good enough reason to block her.
  • glamouritz64
    glamouritz64 Posts: 85 Member
    And that baby boy of yours is TOO STINKING CUTE!
  • Nutrition1st
    Nutrition1st Posts: 216 Member
    Why has he not deleted and blocked her?

    What she said!
  • collinj8
    collinj8 Posts: 98 Member
    but we are here to fix all your problems. Who cares we cannot fix our own. Ha ha.

    Exactly, it's like some people take all their problems and frustrations and try to inject it into your situation and give you advice. When indeed it's their own personal problem and they just injected their crap onto yours... you get me?

    I get you, you just needed to vent.
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    ok so what'd i miss?? haha! jk.

    I agree he should have put it all in check but as you already know....he's luvin the attention as well as the reaction he's getting from you.

    set up a paypal and start that "kick *kitten*" fund!! I'll donate!! hahaha, just kidding...maybe.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Im proud of him for ignoring the attention. Maybe he's worried if he blocks her, she will go all Fatal Attraction. Be proud of him. Ignoring all that attention is extremely difficult. Let her be the joke you both laugh at, together.

    Sometimes being able to laugh together is better than deciding something is an issue between you. Especially if your man is already doing the right thing.
  • AnitaVolpato
    AnitaVolpato Posts: 204 Member
    Im proud of him for ignoring the attention. Maybe he's worried if he blocks her, she will go all Fatal Attraction. Be proud of him. Ignoring all that attention is extremely difficult. Let her be the joke you both laugh at, together.

    Sometimes being able to laugh together is better than deciding something is an issue between you. Especially if your man is already doing the right thing.

    Fatal Attraction, exactly. It's obvious that she has screws loose..... She is blowing up my inbox on Facebook apologizing in broken English. I just told her to type in Portuguese so I can have it translated.... her English sucks!
  • InezRny
    InezRny Posts: 53 Member
    She really needs to let go. BLOCK AND DELETE is in order!
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    Don't delete her as a friend. Psychopaths like that can't be stopped by a deleted friendship. Just excommunicate her from the profile. Set privacy settings to hide all stories from her, block her from commenting, block her from everything. I've dealt with psychos like that. The deleting friendship will lead to worse things. Let her fester her craziness alone. Sadly the psycho I dealt with was my dads girlfriend. She caused 4 years of hell. Just hide everything from her and keep her as a friend.

    Don't get mad. You know she's crazy. You know your husband is good to ya. The anger won't do anything but have you upset.

    Bonus brownie points for calling her a broad. :):drinker:

    This is true. She might just end up on your doorstep saying in her best fatal attraction voice "I'm not gonna be ignored"
  • lisasch67
    lisasch67 Posts: 135 Member
    a hoe is a hoe is a hoe.
  • BROscience_PHD
    BROscience_PHD Posts: 215 Member
    You have his Facebook password? Why?
    here here, chucch
  • AnitaVolpato
    AnitaVolpato Posts: 204 Member
    You have his Facebook password? Why?
    here here, chucch

    Because he is my HUSBAND, not live in lover, not friend with benefits, not a boyfriend A HUSBAND...... and he gave it to me, I have all his passwords and he has mine.... why is that weird to you all?
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    oohhh HHEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL NO. Let some chick steal a picture of one of my babies, watch how fast I bring out the ghetto.
  • YaBoiMUGS
    YaBoiMUGS Posts: 237
    You have his Facebook password? Why?
    here here, chucch

    Because he is my HUSBAND, not live in lover, not friend with benefits, not a boyfriend A HUSBAND...... and he gave it to me, I have all his passwords and he has mine.... why is that weird to you all?

    I'm sorry, but it is weird to me. Just a guy thing. That's my personal space. I have a few married friends, and they still wouldn't do that, and i know they're not cheating or nothing like that.
  • alaythea
    alaythea Posts: 29
    I agree! My husband and I had separate FB's and we didn't have each others passwords. I guess we trust each other enough to not have to spy on one another. When his ex-girlfriend got in touch with him after 8 years he told me right away and read me the message. He needs to delete her, if he's not willing to do that after all she's done then maybe you should worry about your marriage and not her.
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    I don't like the whole...'we share everything business'...Married, unmarried...Unless you've got a solid 10+ years in with whomever my vote is for separate buy equal.

    Passwords, bank accounts, library cards...not a chance.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    Um his *kitten* needs to delete her ASAP.
  • 4x4play
    4x4play Posts: 200 Member
    a hoe is a hoe is a hoe.

    ^^^ This is very true!
  • therapyruns
    therapyruns Posts: 164 Member
    delete. it's not that difficult.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Since you threw it out there, I'll chip in my .02.

    .01: If your husband was a man who respected you as his wife and respected your marriage; he would have already said something to her or deleted her. He obvioulsy reads her messages even if he claims to not reply to them.

    .02: Your husband should be more worried about you than her because you sound absolutely bat $#!t insane.