
Just wondering if anyone has ever tried the slimfast diet? Im having a hard time sticking to foods that are low calorie and all that. So grabbing a bottle of slimfast for breakfast and lunch just sounds easy. HELP!


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Just wondering if anyone has ever tried the slimfast diet? Im having a hard time sticking to foods that are low calorie and all that. So grabbing a bottle of slimfast for breakfast and lunch just sounds easy. HELP!

    Yes, it's easy and convienent. But then, you learn nothing about how to eat properly. You'd probably be better off spending a little time educating yourself about nutrition and how to stay within your calorie goal.
  • JessaAnn407
    JessaAnn407 Posts: 50 Member
    I have a friend that did this and lost 56 pounds. She also taught herself about calorie counting and eating healthier. She knew it was a life style change and it worked for her and she has helped motivate some of us too.
  • auntjenny74
    auntjenny74 Posts: 72 Member
    I am using it as a bit of a jumpstart, something to get me back in the routine of mindful eating and exercise. I did a 2 week span of shakes for breakfast and lunch and have now moved on to a high protein breakfast of real food and a shake for lunch. I have found that the "reset" was helpful in making me realize that I wasn't going to starve if I didn't have the large meals I had been eating previously. Using it as a tool to get me into the right state of mind and transitioning to healthy options while I remain in that state of mind is working well for me.
  • mhouston2011
    mhouston2011 Posts: 155
    I so agree with the above statement on learning how to eat properly. How long can you live off of slimfast? I would only replace one meal a day and start eating 2 healthy meals plus your snacks. Be sure and watch the sugar in slimfast as well. It has substantially higher amounts than other shakes or meal replacement drinks that are on the market. I think they are good ideas for quick on the go days when you don't have much time.
  • vikdexkaykai
    vikdexkaykai Posts: 92 Member
    Be careful with this diet as it does not teach you how to eat! I know a few people that did this diet because it was "easy", lost alot of weight and gained it ALL back, and then some!!!!! Because they didn't learn anything.
    The thing I learnt about trying to lose weight it PREP PREP PREP....lots of preparation with veggies and fruits and cooking (and I hate to cook), !! It's a pain in the *kitten* but if you organize (I make a bunch of chicken breast on my day off and just use different flavor, sugar free bbq sauce), it makes a difference. After I grocery shop, I cut up my veggies and put them in containers. If I don't do this, I find I don't eat enough, get hungry and then make bad eating choices (and feel guilty!!)

    Good luck,
    Jen :)
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    I did Slimfast twenty years ago. It worked, but I hated it. I like the way the stuff tastes, BUT I would drink one for lunch and feel full for about ten minutes. Then, I'd would be starving the rest of the day. If it keeps you full, fine, but it didn't work for me. I'd rather chew some things and feel like my tummy is full. I try to do healthy snacks all day. I'm a grazer, which may be one reason Slimfast didn't work for me.
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    Be careful with this diet as it does not teach you how to eat! I know a few people that did this diet because it was "easy", lost alot of weight and gained it ALL back, and then some!!!!! Because they didn't learn anything.
    The thing I learnt about trying to lose weight it PREP PREP PREP....lots of preparation with veggies and fruits and cooking (and I hate to cook), !! It's a pain in the *kitten* but if you organize (I make a bunch of chicken breast on my day off and just use different flavor, sugar free bbq sauce), it makes a difference. After I grocery shop, I cut up my veggies and put them in containers. If I don't do this, I find I don't eat enough, get hungry and then make bad eating choices (and feel guilty!!)

    Good luck,
    Jen :)


    I do the same thing. On Sunday's after grocery shopping I boil my eggs for the week, Bake a few days worth of Chicken, Chop all my veggies. Make my fat free greek yogurt mixed with Ranch seasoning dip for the week (for my veggies) and also pretty much plan my meals for the week. It is work but it is worth it to learn how to eat healthier. :)
  • To me, liquid is not filling. Even thick, chalky liquid. So I'd drink a slimfast for breakfast, end up STARVING a half an hour later, and eat one of my snacks, that still were not particularly filling. By lunch time, I was hungry and cranky, my willpower was shot to s*** because I was so sick of being hungry and cranky, and I'd end up gorging myself at lunch. It didn't work for me at all.
  • sedwards9999
    sedwards9999 Posts: 160 Member
    Hi here.

    I did SF a while back. I lost weight but was miserable and light headed all day. When went back to real food. All the weight came right back.

    IMO...not worth the misery and failure
  • JudyL5305
    JudyL5305 Posts: 196 Member
    I did Slimfast years ago. While I loved the convenience of it the weight loss was so so but mostly temporary. Ultimately I got bored with it. I definitely would recommend a lifestyle change (I don't like the word diet) that teaches you more about the right foods to eat.
  • amh91011
    amh91011 Posts: 17
    Thanks for the information. I don't want to depend on Slimfast all the time, I just need to start with something until I can learn what to eat and how to control my cravings. Im a some what picky eater so chosing what to eat is hard. I dont think that I eat TO MUCH, its just I eat the wrong things. I could eat fruit all day thats not a problem. My husband and i usually eat a decent supper. We have the meat, veggies, potatoes. Its just through the day or lunch I always end up eating something BAD! I dont really snack on cakes and nasty stuff like that. I find most of that stuff sickening. I dont know what to do!!!
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 402 Member
    I did it just a couple of months ago. It was a nice way to start things off. The shakes have improved in the past few years to have more protein to help you stay full longer but it is still just liquid. I keep them on hand for breakfast when I don't have time in the morning to make my egg sandwhich. It isn't a long term solution but If you use them to get you started on the calorie counting then go for it. You do still have to teach yourself to eat healthier and portions sizes.
  • sedwards9999
    sedwards9999 Posts: 160 Member
    I find that I make bad food decisions when I get too hungry. Try eating healthy snaks throuhout the day.
  • mistifiedrt
    mistifiedrt Posts: 8 Member
    I drink a slimfast every morning, as I've never been a breakfast person. The rest of the day though I try to eat healthy and in my calorie range. I do like the chocolate slimfast though and sometimes will have one as a snack too.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Thanks for the information. I don't want to depend on Slimfast all the time, I just need to start with something until I can learn what to eat and how to control my cravings. Im a some what picky eater so chosing what to eat is hard. I dont think that I eat TO MUCH, its just I eat the wrong things. I could eat fruit all day thats not a problem. My husband and i usually eat a decent supper. We have the meat, veggies, potatoes. Its just through the day or lunch I always end up eating something BAD! I dont really snack on cakes and nasty stuff like that. I find most of that stuff sickening. I dont know what to do!!!

    Start by tracking all your calories, every day, even if it's bad. That will help you get a clear picture of where your problems are.

    Find some MFP friends with healthy, well-rounded diaries and reasonable calorie goals. Use them for ideas and inspiration.

    Start looking at websites like for recipe ideas.

    Every week, change something about your diet. For example, this week, you can prep a week's worth of snacks on Sunday so you have them ready to take to work with you (portion fruit/veggies into individual baggies, hard boil some eggs, etc). The more prepared you are, the more successful you will be. Then, next week, prep your lunches too.

    Set a goal to try a new food every week. I thought I hated vegetables....then I learned how to roast them. Delicious! I still can't eat them raw, but that's ok. You have to make it work for you.

    Trust me, you don't need the Slimfast. You just need a plan and some organization.
  • I used a SlimFast shake as 1 meal replacement a day when I first started dieting and it helped me a lot. Not only did it help to cut down calories in the beginning but it did help a lot for me to learn how to count calories. Once I started losing weight I was so happy that I was motivated enough to just watch what I was eating and continue to lose weight. I no longer use the shakes, but I see no reason to not use them in the beginning to help create a more structured diet that is easier to follow WHILE you educate yourself about nutrition and learn what works for you! Plus, the chocolate one tastes really good : ) Good Luck!
  • Megan21kj
    Megan21kj Posts: 5
    My mom tried that years ago. then we tried right size smoothies they work. i am actually gonna get back on it.
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    I have now and then as part of a regular counting calorie diet. It doesn't have to be all slimfast all the time.
  • esp47
    esp47 Posts: 2
    Slimfast never worked for me. Instead of replacing a meal with a Slimfast, my body would get super hungry and I'd just have the meal after not being satisfied with the Slimfast.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    I have used slimfast as the correct plan and also 'use' slimfast occasionally to fill in gaps when I can't eat due to nausea or such (medication related). I will say though that protein shakes such as those by or such are MUCH better when it comes to sugar content. I also 'use' protein bars for pre/post work out ease as I ride so taking food etc isn't possible.

    Slimfast doesn't taste chalky in my opinion though and as long as you see a shake as 200 calories then you still figure out how much you should be eating and are fine to replace the odd shake with 'real' food.

    ALL diets work.. while you stick to them, what doesn't work as others have pointed out is going back to eating how you used to. i am no where near perfect. I've stalled for a while now but it's my own personal struggles not the method I've chosen in the past or future. Any diet will have people say they lost tons then gained it back.. what they didn't do was change.

    If it helps you feel in control of your eating and losing weight initially or as a stop gap later then there is no harm. Education along the way is important for future succes in losing or maintaining.

    Good luck!