


  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    I usually keep some of the pre-prepared milk chocolate Slimfast drinks on hand for days when I'm running late in the morning, or need extra calories in the evening. They have a good amount of protein and vitamins, so I treat them as a supplement, but do not drink them in the place of meals (except the occasional breakfast, which I'll still try to pair with a fruit).

    I find the low carb Slimfasts to be tasty and surprisingly filling. Good luck.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I would definitely not recommend the SlimFast diet. I've tried it several times and it's never worked. All it does is make my pee smell weird and leave me hungry.

    For the same calories (190 per can), there are a lot of other healthy options that would be much more satisfying - an egg with an english muffin, a cup of greek yogurt with fruit, etc.

    One thing to consider - I noticed your comment about healthy eating. Hope this doesn't sound too harsh... I had myself convinced that I was eating pretty healthy too when I was obese. Most of my choices were, in fact, ok but the portions were NOT. I'm not sure if you're measuring or weighing but that might be something to start doing before you look into quick fixes like SlimFast.

    Also, if you feel up to it, make your diary public so we could take a peek and maybe give some helpful advice?

    Good luck hon...
  • vikdexkaykai
    vikdexkaykai Posts: 92 Member
    Be careful with this diet as it does not teach you how to eat! I know a few people that did this diet because it was "easy", lost alot of weight and gained it ALL back, and then some!!!!! Because they didn't learn anything.
    The thing I learnt about trying to lose weight it PREP PREP PREP....lots of preparation with veggies and fruits and cooking (and I hate to cook), !! It's a pain in the *kitten* but if you organize (I make a bunch of chicken breast on my day off and just use different flavor, sugar free bbq sauce), it makes a difference. After I grocery shop, I cut up my veggies and put them in containers. If I don't do this, I find I don't eat enough, get hungry and then make bad eating choices (and feel guilty!!)

    Good luck,
    Jen :)


    I do the same thing. On Sunday's after grocery shopping I boil my eggs for the week, Bake a few days worth of Chicken, Chop all my veggies. Make my fat free greek yogurt mixed with Ranch seasoning dip for the week (for my veggies) and also pretty much plan my meals for the week. It is work but it is worth it to learn how to eat healthier. :)

    I love the ranch seasoning mixed with greek yogourt idea!!
    I'm gonna totaloly steal that. I love to dip my veggies (so I actually eat them raw) but regular ranch dressing has so much fat and calories!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    I put my clients on the SLIM SLOW diet.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    When I want junk food I typically go for some burger king or ice cream.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    Just wondering if anyone has ever tried the slimfast diet? Im having a hard time sticking to foods that are low calorie and all that. So grabbing a bottle of slimfast for breakfast and lunch just sounds easy. HELP!

    Yes, it's easy and convienent. But then, you learn nothing about how to eat properly. You'd probably be better off spending a little time educating yourself about nutrition and how to stay within your calorie goal.

    This ^ This ^^^^ this this this !!!! This thread could stop here. Slim fast once in a blue when in a rush- sure- as a way of life hell no. when your done losing all you need to lose- which I highly doubt anyone ever got to goal on this diet- then what? youve learned nothing - gain it all back.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I hate eating breakfast so sometimes I will have 1 mid morning just for the vitamins and protein.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Yes, it's easy and convienent. But then, you learn nothing about how to eat properly. You'd probably be better off spending a little time educating yourself about nutrition and how to stay within your calorie goal.

    This... You cant drink slim fast for ever....
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    Unless you can do it with self discipline it is not going to work. If you really want to lose weight, put that desire ahead of eating too much!!

  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    Thanks for the information. I don't want to depend on Slimfast all the time, I just need to start with something until I can learn what to eat and how to control my cravings. Im a some what picky eater so chosing what to eat is hard. I dont think that I eat TO MUCH, its just I eat the wrong things. I could eat fruit all day thats not a problem. My husband and i usually eat a decent supper. We have the meat, veggies, potatoes. Its just through the day or lunch I always end up eating something BAD! I dont really snack on cakes and nasty stuff like that. I find most of that stuff sickening. I dont know what to do!!!

    learn about food with high nutrition and what protein and fiber do for a diet. Do you eat white bread, white potato and white pasta? then you dont choose well- educated yourself. Drink soda- must quit that- even if you were a twig- stuff is nasty and full of pointless sugar. Meat? as in? Some are full of fat and calorie dense- chicken and fish are better. Do you eat fish once a week- check out some info on the benefits of doing so. See a nutritionist if any of this sounds daunting or new to you- until you understand which foods you need and get over being picky you will find yourself hungry making wrong choice. Controlling cravings sounds like a plan- getting rid of them seems like it would make life better.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I sometimes struggle eating either breakfast or lunch (95% of the time its breakfast) so I will have a slimfast bar and a couple glasses of water for that meal. I mix it up though, and rarely have a bar on a day I'm home for breakfast time. I figure eating a bar is better than just skipping the meal like I used to do before I started being responsible for food.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member

    Yes, it's easy and convienent. But then, you learn nothing about how to eat properly. You'd probably be better off spending a little time educating yourself about nutrition and how to stay within your calorie goal.

    This... You cant drink slim fast for ever....

    you COULD eat it forever, if you buy it every week!
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    I used it for a bit and lost some weight, then gained it back when I stopped, you are much better off using proper food and MFP to learn what you are doing.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I often have one for breakfast; I buy the ready-mixed ready-to-eat shakes in a can. I was surprised to find that they are 10% sugar so watch out for your sugar for the rest of the day. If I eat breakfast I am always hungry later on but I really do find that the shake keeps me going much longer. I do agree that it doesn't retrain your eating habits though and obviously they aren't really something that you can stay on permanently so maybe bear this in mind. I imagine that some people will look at them in a negative manner but if they work for you, even to kick start your weight loss journey, then maybe they're worth a try.
  • smaugish
    smaugish Posts: 244 Member
    I have a few tins of the powder around in case I need a calorie boost after a swim (I like to swim at least 3/4-1km per sesh) or if I'm running late in the morning or don't have time to eat at lunch. I'm pretty sure I'll be using SF a lot more come September (doing an MA and I have classes 9-5 on a Wednesday)