Inner thighs & love handles go away!!!! HEEELLPP!! add picz!

Any recomendations on HOW IN THE WORLD to get my jiggly inner thighs to tone down! My lower half (putting aside the stretch marks from pregnancy) would like pretty darn good if I could get those puppies to suck themselves in! Lol.

Any toning excercises in mind I could do at home? Or any easily affordable machines for at home use that helped you?

Also, LOVE HANDLES!!! What did you do! And would love to see pics of pear shaped gals that slimmed down their inner thigs/love handles!!!


  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Totally need to know how to get rid of these thighs too!
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 547 Member
    You can't spot reduce you have to cut down your overall body fat % and they will go down with it. As for toning exercises look toward various types of lunges and deadlifts. Ab work for love handles could be side planks or dumbbell side bends. Just keep in mind, that you'll be building muscle but you have to burn the fat for it to show. The good news is the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn throughout the day when you're not working out. So get some resistance training and cardio mixed in with a solid diet and the results will come.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    You can't spot reduce you have to cut down your overall body fat % and they will go down with it. As for toning exercises look toward various types of lunges and deadlifts. Ab work for love handles could be side planks or dumbbell side bends. Just keep in mind, that you'll be building muscle but you have to burn the fat for it to show. The good news is the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn throughout the day when you're not working out. So get some resistance training and cardio mixed in with a solid diet and the results will come.

    Thank you! I guess cardio and small weight lifting will be my 'beginning point' once again. My diet is very solid as is, but there comes a time when it all slows down with no workout routine. I guess it is all about patience. you must be patient while building the muscles before you see the results begin that you would like.

    What would be a good routine to begin with. My strength isnt horibble. I pack my 35lb 14 month old around so my strength isnt weak. But it could be alot better.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 547 Member
    What does your schedule look like? How many days a week and how long per day do you think you can dedicate to weights/cardio?
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I could attempt to wake up BEFORE my son and work with my stationary bike for 30 minutes in the am. I work 9 hours during the day, and then pick him up from daycare and get home by 6:00. from 6:00-10:00 I am doing housework, feeding my hungry cub, bathing him, cleaning sippy cups, getting him ready for daycare tomorrow, story time, misc. ect.) He generally is asleep by 10:00PM (working out while he is awake is IMPOSSIBLE because he is at that age where he can't sit and do ONE thing for an hour, his attention span is very small and I am doing it just me and him. And he is honery. Lol.)

    But I am HOPING to dedicate from 10:00pm-11:00pm to working out. Then showering and hopefully down for the night by 11:30 or midnight. (Hoping that I am not too tired to do my sationary bike in the mornings. Lol)
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 547 Member
    Given your schedule it almost sounds like you'd be better off working out in the morning all together and resting at night. If it were me I'd prefer to kick back after you put him to bed and get some sleep. You're already obviously active enough, which means you shouldn't need a ton of cardio.

    I would do a 3 day split since you're so busy. Start with a quick stretch, then 5 minutes on the bike to get your heart rate up. Day one do chest and shoulders, another day do legs and back and then hit arms on another one with a day off in between. After lifting for maybe 30-40 minutes do another 15 on the bike and be read for your day. Obviously you'll need to tweak this to your preference as to what muscles on what day you want to work them. On two of the off days I'd do some HIIT type cardio on the bike for about 20 minutes in the morning. So it would look roughly something like this:

    Mon - Chest/Shoulders w/ moderate cardio
    Tues - HIIT cardio
    Wed - Legs/Back w/ moderate cardio
    Thur - HIIT cardio
    Fri - Arms w/ moderate cardio
    Sat-Sun - rest

    Throw in ab workouts on maybe 2 of the lifting days and you got yourself a plan.


    If you're looking for exercise examples for each muscle group this site is great:
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Given your schedule it almost sounds like you'd be better off working out in the morning all together and resting at night. If it were me I'd prefer to kick back after you put him to bed and get some sleep. You're already obviously active enough, which means you shouldn't need a ton of cardio.

    I would do a 3 day split since you're so busy. Start with a quick stretch, then 5 minutes on the bike to get your heart rate up. Day one do chest and shoulders, another day do legs and back and then hit arms on another one with a day off in between. After lifting for maybe 30-40 minutes do another 15 on the bike and be read for your day. Obviously you'll need to tweak this to your preference as to what muscles on what day you want to work them. On two of the off days I'd do some HIIT type cardio on the bike for about 20 minutes in the morning. So it would look roughly something like this:

    Mon - Chest/Shoulders w/ moderate cardio
    Tues - HIIT cardio
    Wed - Legs/Back w/ moderate cardio
    Thur - HIIT cardio
    Fri - Arms w/ moderate cardio
    Sat-Sun - rest

    Throw in ab workouts on maybe 2 of the lifting days and you got yourself a plan.

    I think that sounds like a great/easy way to start up again. I know I want to jump into it strong, work on all muscles on all days, and would love to do the bike on all days but your schedule/routine for me is probably more practical for my schedule. Unfortunitally My job now is at a desk, but Ive been told cleaning house does burn calories! Lol. Thank you for all your help.

    Do you recommend eating something with protein after a workout? I am usually never hunger after a workout, nor do I want to eat back the calories I just burned! But would it be BETTER for me?
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 547 Member
    Absolutely, I was the same way for a while where I had zero appetite after working out. I recommend ON whey protein powder, gets you 24 grams of protein and whey is quickly dispersed to help recovery. I like the extreme milk chocolate flavor but I think they have sample packs so you can try all of them. I'd suggest slamming back a quick protein shake immediately after your lifting days at the very least if not all five. That said I'd still try and get a real breakfast in a little later so you're not starving throughout the day.

    Good luck and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Absolutely, I was the same way for a while where I had zero appetite after working out. I recommend ON whey protein powder, gets you 24 grams of protein and whey is quickly dispersed to help recovery. I like the extreme milk chocolate flavor but I think they have sample packs so you can try all of them. I'd suggest slamming back a quick protein shake immediately after your lifting days at the very least if not all five. That said I'd still try and get a real breakfast in a little later so you're not starving throughout the day.

    Good luck and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask.
    Thank you. I do actually have the whey extreme chocolate flavor 5lb! Everyone told me that If I am not lifting that often I would actually gain weight so I havent been using it!

    (another downfall for me is I don't eat anything but dinner and maybe a light snack throuoghout the day.. oops. I know that is bad, but I have been that way since highschool. I do make sure I get my meat, & veggies in and have a hardy dinner though. But maybe once I incorperate working out again, I will be okay with eating a light breakfast to help kickstart my metabolism, which is the best. changing my routine will be the biggest hardship I think!)
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I could attempt to wake up BEFORE my son and work with my stationary bike for 30 minutes in the am. I work 9 hours during the day, and then pick him up from daycare and get home by 6:00. from 6:00-10:00 I am doing housework, feeding my hungry cub, bathing him, cleaning sippy cups, getting him ready for daycare tomorrow, story time, misc. ect.) He generally is asleep by 10:00PM (working out while he is awake is IMPOSSIBLE because he is at that age where he can't sit and do ONE thing for an hour, his attention span is very small and I am doing it just me and him. And he is honery. Lol.)

    But I am HOPING to dedicate from 10:00pm-11:00pm to working out. Then showering and hopefully down for the night by 11:30 or midnight. (Hoping that I am not too tired to do my sationary bike in the mornings. Lol)

    Try a running stroller. You can burn 150 calories walking for 30 minutes. Do that 5 or 6 times per week and you have really got something. My son when he was young loved the jogging stroller.
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member


    If you're looking for exercise examples for each muscle group this site is great:

    thanks for this site reference. I think I need to start adding some lifting into my routine as well.

    To the OP - good luck - they're so frustrating aren't they!?
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 487 Member
    Given your schedule it almost sounds like you'd be better off working out in the morning all together and resting at night. If it were me I'd prefer to kick back after you put him to bed and get some sleep. You're already obviously active enough, which means you shouldn't need a ton of cardio.

    I would do a 3 day split since you're so busy. Start with a quick stretch, then 5 minutes on the bike to get your heart rate up. Day one do chest and shoulders, another day do legs and back and then hit arms on another one with a day off in between. After lifting for maybe 30-40 minutes do another 15 on the bike and be read for your day. Obviously you'll need to tweak this to your preference as to what muscles on what day you want to work them. On two of the off days I'd do some HIIT type cardio on the bike for about 20 minutes in the morning. So it would look roughly something like this:

    Mon - Chest/Shoulders w/ moderate cardio
    Tues - HIIT cardio
    Wed - Legs/Back w/ moderate cardio
    Thur - HIIT cardio
    Fri - Arms w/ moderate cardio
    Sat-Sun - rest

    Throw in ab workouts on maybe 2 of the lifting days and you got yourself a plan.


    If you're looking for exercise examples for each muscle group this site is great:

    Can you tell me what HITT is??? Is it a program or a website???
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 547 Member
    Thank you. I do actually have the whey extreme chocolate flavor 5lb! Everyone told me that If I am not lifting that often I would actually gain weight so I havent been using it!

    (another downfall for me is I don't eat anything but dinner and maybe a light snack throuoghout the day.. oops. I know that is bad, but I have been that way since highschool. I do make sure I get my meat, & veggies in and have a hardy dinner though. But maybe once I incorperate working out again, I will be okay with eating a light breakfast to help kickstart my metabolism, which is the best. changing my routine will be the biggest hardship I think!)

    You won't gain weight from protein shakes unless they're pushing you over your daily calorie intake limit. Protein by itself isn't going to cause weight gain so don't worry about that.

    I try to keep a constant stream of protein (quicker digesting like whey powder or lean meat after workouts and during the day and then slow digesting like casein powder or cottage cheese mostly at night before bed) throughout the day. The old cliche is that you don't build muscle while you workout you build it while you recover, and it's definitely true.
    FITFORT Posts: 85
    Any recomendations on HOW IN THE WORLD to get my jiggly inner thighs to tone down! My lower half (putting aside the stretch marks from pregnancy) would like pretty darn good if I could get those puppies to suck themselves in! Lol.

    Any toning excercises in mind I could do at home? Or any easily affordable machines for at home use that helped you?

    Also, LOVE HANDLES!!! What did you do! And would love to see pics of pear shaped gals that slimmed down their inner thigs/love handles!!!

    Thanks for posting...I've been thinking on this a while now. My legs are definitely stronger as a result of running, but....those spots are still hanging on!!!! Good luck!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I would eat less and/or move more.
    FITFORT Posts: 85
    Given your schedule it almost sounds like you'd be better off working out in the morning all together and resting at night. If it were me I'd prefer to kick back after you put him to bed and get some sleep. You're already obviously active enough, which means you shouldn't need a ton of cardio.

    I would do a 3 day split since you're so busy. Start with a quick stretch, then 5 minutes on the bike to get your heart rate up. Day one do chest and shoulders, another day do legs and back and then hit arms on another one with a day off in between. After lifting for maybe 30-40 minutes do another 15 on the bike and be read for your day. Obviously you'll need to tweak this to your preference as to what muscles on what day you want to work them. On two of the off days I'd do some HIIT type cardio on the bike for about 20 minutes in the morning. So it would look roughly something like this:

    Mon - Chest/Shoulders w/ moderate cardio
    Tues - HIIT cardio
    Wed - Legs/Back w/ moderate cardio
    Thur - HIIT cardio
    Fri - Arms w/ moderate cardio
    Sat-Sun - rest

    Throw in ab workouts on maybe 2 of the lifting days and you got yourself a plan.


    If you're looking for exercise examples for each muscle group this site is great:

    Thanks for posting! I've been frustrated with the same issues for a while now. Sounds/looks like you know of what you speak!
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 547 Member
    Can you tell me what HITT is??? Is it a program or a website???

    Sorry, HIIT is high intensity interval training. Basically instead of running/jogging/walking at a steady pace for 20 minutes you do it in busts like sprinting. So a lot of the time I'll do 60 seconds max effort and then 120 seconds at a decent pace, wash/rinse/repeat for the 20-30 minutes.

    There are some great articles out there that break it down as to what your heart rate "should" be at during max effort and regular pace but I prefer just to go all out for 60 seconds, take it down and then go all out again, etc etc. The less I have to think during cardio the better as it's definitely not my favorite thing to do.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training....just google it. You can do it outside or on machines.....All about intervals and pushing as hard as you can then recover....then push as hard as you can again and recover.....repeat......
    Given your schedule it almost sounds like you'd be better off working out in the morning all together and resting at night. If it were me I'd prefer to kick back after you put him to bed and get some sleep. You're already obviously active enough, which means you shouldn't need a ton of cardio.

    I would do a 3 day split since you're so busy. Start with a quick stretch, then 5 minutes on the bike to get your heart rate up. Day one do chest and shoulders, another day do legs and back and then hit arms on another one with a day off in between. After lifting for maybe 30-40 minutes do another 15 on the bike and be read for your day. Obviously you'll need to tweak this to your preference as to what muscles on what day you want to work them. On two of the off days I'd do some HIIT type cardio on the bike for about 20 minutes in the morning. So it would look roughly something like this:

    Mon - Chest/Shoulders w/ moderate cardio
    Tues - HIIT cardio
    Wed - Legs/Back w/ moderate cardio
    Thur - HIIT cardio
    Fri - Arms w/ moderate cardio
    Sat-Sun - rest

    Throw in ab workouts on maybe 2 of the lifting days and you got yourself a plan.


    If you're looking for exercise examples for each muscle group this site is great:

    Can you tell me what HITT is??? Is it a program or a website???
  • Bizeebec150
    Totally need to know how to get rid of these thighs too!

  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member

    Mndamon you are giving some great (non-crazy) advice!