Inner thighs & love handles go away!!!! HEEELLPP!! add picz!



  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I could attempt to wake up BEFORE my son and work with my stationary bike for 30 minutes in the am. I work 9 hours during the day, and then pick him up from daycare and get home by 6:00. from 6:00-10:00 I am doing housework, feeding my hungry cub, bathing him, cleaning sippy cups, getting him ready for daycare tomorrow, story time, misc. ect.) He generally is asleep by 10:00PM (working out while he is awake is IMPOSSIBLE because he is at that age where he can't sit and do ONE thing for an hour, his attention span is very small and I am doing it just me and him. And he is honery. Lol.)

    But I am HOPING to dedicate from 10:00pm-11:00pm to working out. Then showering and hopefully down for the night by 11:30 or midnight. (Hoping that I am not too tired to do my sationary bike in the mornings. Lol)

    Try a running stroller. You can burn 150 calories walking for 30 minutes. Do that 5 or 6 times per week and you have really got something. My son when he was young loved the jogging stroller.

    I definitally thought about this. But it has been in the upper 90s and VERY humid lately and I hate for my little guy to get too hot. I think once the fall hits and it starts cooling down (If we can do without the rain for a little while) than this can definitally be something worth investing into!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I wish we could spot reduce haha

    However, continue to eat right and do cardio/weights. For your strength training routine start incorporating some plie/sumo squats, squats with a medicine ball between your legs, cable cross (if you have access to one), double leg lifts, etc.

    You can also take the medicine ball and press with your thighs....that is a good one.

    I am sure you can google some great exercises for that area of the body! :)
  • andyc2288
    andyc2288 Posts: 3 Member
    try to build muscle by doing squats
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I would eat less and/or move more.

    I do. I eat less than recommended but enuogh nutrients for my body, and am a mom which keeps me moving all the time when I am not at work. So I need a DIFFERENT approach, but thanks.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Moderate calorie deficit.
    Moderate cardio.
    Lift heavy.

    I am "pear". I have a 28" waist and 40" thighs. My latest progress pictures are here:
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    try to build muscle by doing squats
    Bump, definitally something Ive been contemplating. When I was pregnant I developed a condition called incompetent veins, causing hernias. So doing squats is a struggle on my legs somewhat after doing a some, so I have to limit myself somewhat. But I think after strength training for a little while, and healthy dieting, I will be able to do squats better!
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    Squats and deadlifts are the kings of lifting, will definitely help if you can get those into your workout.
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    Thanks to mndamon for the sound advice.

    I have a lot of the same problems, and I'm trying to build muscle and lose fat. My only problem right now is knee pain. I did body pump yesterday and didn't do any weight on squats. I feel OK--only hurting a little. I'm trying to really focus on technique and taking strain off of the knees.

    I'm going to start using the squat machine in the gym and push my legs and slightly lean on the bar, so that it forces me to utilize the other muscles in the legs and butt.

    Are there any other exercises I could do to isolate muscles with less knee strain?
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    Deadlifts are great for getting a lifted round booty! You really get nice definition! Plie squats are great too :smile:
  • TheAnie
    TheAnie Posts: 180 Member
    Given your schedule it almost sounds like you'd be better off working out in the morning all together and resting at night. If it were me I'd prefer to kick back after you put him to bed and get some sleep. You're already obviously active enough, which means you shouldn't need a ton of cardio.

    I would do a 3 day split since you're so busy. Start with a quick stretch, then 5 minutes on the bike to get your heart rate up. Day one do chest and shoulders, another day do legs and back and then hit arms on another one with a day off in between. After lifting for maybe 30-40 minutes do another 15 on the bike and be read for your day. Obviously you'll need to tweak this to your preference as to what muscles on what day you want to work them. On two of the off days I'd do some HIIT type cardio on the bike for about 20 minutes in the morning. So it would look roughly something like this:

    Mon - Chest/Shoulders w/ moderate cardio
    Tues - HIIT cardio
    Wed - Legs/Back w/ moderate cardio
    Thur - HIIT cardio
    Fri - Arms w/ moderate cardio
    Sat-Sun - rest

    Throw in ab workouts on maybe 2 of the lifting days and you got yourself a plan.


    If you're looking for exercise examples for each muscle group this site is great:

    I love this advice, and love the link for exercise references. Thank you!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Bumping to pick up the body building link later. I'm just starting with upping calories/protein and lifting. I'm excited to see what the results will be!
  • MelBee29
    MelBee29 Posts: 73
    hi i'm a stay at home mom and i have been doing this workout now for the past 2wks its really good and you can gradually increase the weights its a 90 day program on youtube called or check out
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    I wish you lived closer!! You would be my perfect work out buddy! My son is about the same age, we could stick them together in the pack and play and let them hang while we worked on our fitness lol. But alas.... a state away is still a very long distance!
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    You can't spot reduce you have to cut down your overall body fat % and they will go down with it. As for toning exercises look toward various types of lunges and deadlifts. Ab work for love handles could be side planks or dumbbell side bends. Just keep in mind, that you'll be building muscle but you have to burn the fat for it to show. The good news is the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn throughout the day when you're not working out. So get some resistance training and cardio mixed in with a solid diet and the results will come.

    What he said.^^^^^ You have to burn the fat for the muscle underneath to show. I used to have a dumpy bottom half for years until I got my diet in order and made exercise a priority. My profile is open if you want to look at some of my pics. Good luck. :)
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    mdamon, you rock dude!
    Great, solid advice.
  • icesk8ermom
    icesk8ermom Posts: 82 Member
    try to build muscle by doing squats

    A good kettle bell workout will not only get the squats but cardio!
  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    Given your schedule it almost sounds like you'd be better off working out in the morning all together and resting at night. If it were me I'd prefer to kick back after you put him to bed and get some sleep. You're already obviously active enough, which means you shouldn't need a ton of cardio.

    I would do a 3 day split since you're so busy. Start with a quick stretch, then 5 minutes on the bike to get your heart rate up. Day one do chest and shoulders, another day do legs and back and then hit arms on another one with a day off in between. After lifting for maybe 30-40 minutes do another 15 on the bike and be read for your day. Obviously you'll need to tweak this to your preference as to what muscles on what day you want to work them. On two of the off days I'd do some HIIT type cardio on the bike for about 20 minutes in the morning. So it would look roughly something like this:

    Mon - Chest/Shoulders w/ moderate cardio
    Tues - HIIT cardio
    Wed - Legs/Back w/ moderate cardio
    Thur - HIIT cardio
    Fri - Arms w/ moderate cardio
    Sat-Sun - rest

    Throw in ab workouts on maybe 2 of the lifting days and you got yourself a plan.


    If you're looking for exercise examples for each muscle group this site is great:

    I just started a schedule last week and everyday when I'm done I use to track what I did. I'm working with a friend of mine who has worked out for years and the example that he is giving you here is almost exactly what I do. It really is starting to show only a week in and I have already lost 2 lbs. I'm thrilled with the results and can't wait for it to really start showing. GOOD LUCK AND KEEP WITH IT! If you want to see my plan just view my proile. The weight itself has been a little off since I am confused with some of the machines and what exactly I'm lifting but the ammount of reps is all correct. Cheers!
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    Thanks to mndamon for the sound advice.

    I have a lot of the same problems, and I'm trying to build muscle and lose fat. My only problem right now is knee pain. I did body pump yesterday and didn't do any weight on squats. I feel OK--only hurting a little. I'm trying to really focus on technique and taking strain off of the knees.

    I'm going to start using the squat machine in the gym and push my legs and slightly lean on the bar, so that it forces me to utilize the other muscles in the legs and butt.

    Are there any other exercises I could do to isolate muscles with less knee strain?

    I used to have some nasty problems with my left knee so I feel your pain there. The only thing I can suggest is when it comes to anything involving the legs like squats, deadlifts, lunges, etc is that you not try and overload the weight.

    Personally since I don't know exactly what's wrong with your knees I don't feel comfortable telling you to fight through the pain like I did, because it could cause further damage. Your doctor (if you haven't already gone) is the best one to ask for this. But I started by walking more, then running more, then lifting with light weights and loading up over time as the muscles got stronger. If it's a joint issue I highly recommend using supplements containing glucosamine amd omega 3s.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I wish you lived closer!! You would be my perfect work out buddy! My son is about the same age, we could stick them together in the pack and play and let them hang while we worked on our fitness lol. But alas.... a state away is still a very long distance!

    That would be wonderful! Especially because I just moved here to IN months ago and don't know anyone! Its
    so much easier to workout in the buddy system! Plus my giant 35lb 14 1/2 month old baby LOVES children.!
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Given your schedule it almost sounds like you'd be better off working out in the morning all together and resting at night. If it were me I'd prefer to kick back after you put him to bed and get some sleep. You're already obviously active enough, which means you shouldn't need a ton of cardio.

    I would do a 3 day split since you're so busy. Start with a quick stretch, then 5 minutes on the bike to get your heart rate up. Day one do chest and shoulders, another day do legs and back and then hit arms on another one with a day off in between. After lifting for maybe 30-40 minutes do another 15 on the bike and be read for your day. Obviously you'll need to tweak this to your preference as to what muscles on what day you want to work them. On two of the off days I'd do some HIIT type cardio on the bike for about 20 minutes in the morning. So it would look roughly something like this:

    Mon - Chest/Shoulders w/ moderate cardio
    Tues - HIIT cardio
    Wed - Legs/Back w/ moderate cardio
    Thur - HIIT cardio
    Fri - Arms w/ moderate cardio
    Sat-Sun - rest

    Throw in ab workouts on maybe 2 of the lifting days and you got yourself a plan.


    If you're looking for exercise examples for each muscle group this site is great:

    I just started a schedule last week and everyday when I'm done I use to track what I did. I'm working with a friend of mine who has worked out for years and the example that he is giving you here is almost exactly what I do. It really is starting to show only a week in and I have already lost 2 lbs. I'm thrilled with the results and can't wait for it to really start showing. GOOD LUCK AND KEEP WITH IT! If you want to see my plan just view my proile. The weight itself has been a little off since I am confused with some of the machines and what exactly I'm lifting but the ammount of reps is all correct. Cheers!

    Have any of you used any fat burning supplements or even vitamin supplements through that you thought was worth a dang?