I HATE water



  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I am a reformed diet pepsi addict.

  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Go get a cold glass of water Right now, and drink it. Just make yourself drink it =) It isn't gonna hurt you! Just make yourself drink it more each day and you'll eventually crave it. I swear..
  • _tjejen_
    _tjejen_ Posts: 38
    I thought I was addicted to diet coke until 2 weeks ago...then I read one too many articles about how bad it is for you and how diet soda can make you put on more weight by naffing with your brain and how hungry/full you feel.

    I replaced it with soda water...and after 2 days of mild headache...I realised it wasnt the diet coke...its the bubbles. Ive progressed now onto regular water and carbonated mineral water as a treat.
  • sneekspeete
    sneekspeete Posts: 136
    I too hated water.it had to be FREEZING cold and then I could choke it down.Someone suggested adding real lemon or lime juice to bottled water so I tried it and could drink that. Way better than plain water for me in the beginning -now I can drink plain water, in fact, that's all I drink now like a gallon a day.Anyway, try adding the lemon or lime juice.
    Be careful of adding those diet drink "sticks "in water. Read labels and avoid sucralose which is splenda (I think) anyway its not good, makes me crave sweets n I already eat way too much sugary stuff
  • tdp8700
    tdp8700 Posts: 24
    Mio. It makes water taste sweet and nice. Just be sure to get the flavors that are 0 nutritional value so that you don't turn a water into a soda. Here are some that I have found to be tasty and 0 nutritional value in both Brand Name and Wal Mart Brand.

    Strawberry Watermelon
    Fruit Punch

    As long as they don't say "Sport, Energy, or Performance" they will likely be 0 nutritional value. Tons of flavors just read the labels. Happy Drinking! :drinker:
  • bubmaster
    bubmaster Posts: 90
    I love water its weird because its tasteless
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    I love apple and cinnamon in my water..... I also really like lemon and blue berries in my water too.

    I am not a fan of crystal light or mio, but i can drink regular water just fine.
  • TinaS70
    TinaS70 Posts: 52 Member
    Drinking water out of a straw also really helps. It seems to make it faster. I also like the propel...lemon is my favorite
  • softballsharie
    softballsharie Posts: 176 Member
    Mio, crystal light, etc. Try drinking one plain serving of water per day, and adding the 0 calorie flavorings to the rest of your servings. Eventually increase the plain water and decrease the flavored water slowly until you are only drinking plain water, or flavored water on occasion. This is how I did it, and I was addicted to Mountain Dew pre-healthy lifestyle. Hope that helps!
  • pensfan1
    pensfan1 Posts: 45 Member
    I too was addicted to Pepsi. 20 oz for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and a glass here and there in the evening. This is the second time I'm quitting Pepsi (cold turkey..not the best idea). Up until yesterday, I had the worst headaches and was really in an awful mood. Today, I woke up headache free. I had to quit all at once because I'm not good at regulating myself...if I have 1 Pepsi, I have 3.

    Anyway, I'm also not a water drinker. Propel Zero is my saving grace. It tastes like a less sweet KoolAid and is great. I'm currently drinking about 70 oz. of water, always flavored with Propel Zero. I like grape, black cherry, and lemonade (which I think is discontinued). Give it a try - you might be shocked at how much water you can drink like this.
  • NoSpandex
    NoSpandex Posts: 54
    You do not have to force yourself to drink water. The 8 glasses a day, drink whether you are thirsty or not has no medical or scientific basis. If you are thirsty, drink a sugar free beverage that you like (tea, coffee, etc).

  • kierstin1976
    kierstin1976 Posts: 123 Member
    I for the most part only drank water for several years and now I have to put flavoring in it. I got bored with just water.
  • Jwsthe3rd
    Jwsthe3rd Posts: 8
    You know something that is REALLY good, and makes water taste great? Take a gallon of water, drop one or two slices of cucumber in it, and a few fresh slices of strawberry. It tastes amazing!!!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    not really that hard. just drink water instead of soda. period.
  • chm2616
    chm2616 Posts: 434 Member
    I fill up my 32 oz nalgene bottle the night before and add a decaf tea bag to it. The next day I have 32 oz of delicousness! It's a nice change from plain water!
  • deepfuture
    deepfuture Posts: 35 Member
    Not a great fan of water either so i use MIwadi ... great and very low cals . http://www.miwadi.ie/
  • Hksalex
    Hksalex Posts: 144 Member
    I stop drinking soda cold turkey last week when i started by dieting adventure... and i drank 8-10 glasses of water a day... with that i lost 13lbs last week... so if thats not a good reason to stop soda.. idk what is!

    oh and this is coming from a guy that drinks almost 2 liters of soda a day!!
  • jtjunkie
    jtjunkie Posts: 59 Member
    I feel the same. I add watermelon juice to the water for flavor and it helps. It's definitely better than the fake flavored water. I've been at it for a few months now and I still have to have my pepsi once in a while. I see no harm as long as I stay in my calorie range.
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    I absolutely hate water, and always will. The only way I can drink water is if I have it with lemons.
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    My friend was obsessed with Diet Coke and she used Crystal Light to wean off it and get used to drinking water. You can try lemon water, tea, flavored mineral and seltzer water. Also, you don't have to just chug water, you can get a decent amount of water intake from fruits and vegetables!

    Here is a list of some of the fruit high in water content.

    Apples.... It weights in at about 138g, and is 84% water.

    Banana's..... Nearly every kid's favorite addition for cereal, weights about 114g, and is one of the lowest in water content, at 74%.

    Blueberries come in at about 145g, and are 84% water.

    Cantaloupe, one of the more popular summertime fruits weights in at 160g, and is 90% water.

    Grapefruit is a popular breakfast food, but it weights in at 123g, and is high in water, at 91%

    Strawberries, everybody favorite for pie's, topping on ice cream. The fruit weights in at 149g and is one of the highest in water content at a whopping 92%.

    Watermelon weights as much as the cantaloupe at 160g but is higher in water at 92%.

    Some Veggies high in Water.

    There's no doubt there are more fruit eaters than there are veggies eaters. However, did you know....

    Lettuce is the highest of the veggies in water. Weighting in at only 20g, it has a water content of 96%.

    Those little green pea's ....they weight about at 72g and are only 76% water.

    Carrots are good for the eyes, but they weight about 72g and are 84% water.

    Potato's, the main staple in most meals weight in at about 112g and is only 79% in water.

    Popeye's favorite veggie, spinach comes in at 28g and is 92% water.

    Zucchini only weights 65g, but is 95% water.

    Edit: here is the link: http://voices.yahoo.com/water-content-fruits-veggies-1757551.html?cat=51