Oh so hungry!!!



  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    [/quote]Y ou are consuming too much sugar for breakfast which is causing insulin spikes and dips (this is why you feel like you are starving). Avoid sweet foods at breakfast and you'll feel much better.

    100% Agree with this.
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    Make it a cheat day! But remember, if this is going to be your cheat day, it's all you get for the rest of the week...(that's what I would do). :smile:

    Have you looked at her diary? Every day is a cheat day based on how much fast food gets eaten... sometimes 3 different places in one day! You need to learn to eat about 300 calorie small meals of real food every couple hours. You cant binge on empty calories every day and then eat a carrot today and expect to feel full and satisfied.

    Meal frequency has no effect on weight loss.
    She can eat all her cals in 1 sitting and lose weight.

    I'll agree that eating fast food isnt optimal for weight loss but if the foods she chooses fits her macros, she will lose weight.

    I think what the last post is trying ot say is eat little and often to keep her feeling full? not necassarly that it will help with the weight loss. I also think this method keeps your matabolism up as well .... ?
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Make it a cheat day! But remember, if this is going to be your cheat day, it's all you get for the rest of the week...(that's what I would do). :smile:

    Have you looked at her diary? Every day is a cheat day based on how much fast food gets eaten... sometimes 3 different places in one day! You need to learn to eat about 300 calorie small meals of real food every couple hours. You cant binge on empty calories every day and then eat a carrot today and expect to feel full and satisfied.

    Hey Jxnsmma... Easy to talk when you read one thing and then block all your information from everyone else. What does your diary look like. Nice how you take this past Saturday as an example... did you bother to look at the exercise? That's just the exercise, we weren't able to cook that day because we spent the entire weekend building a basement apartment for someone.

    Let's see... Friday, July 13: I spent 9 hours stuck on the tollway that day and gee... sue me... that morning I got an early start and picked up a coffee at McDonalds from an oasis.

    Saturday, July 14: Already mentioned that one.

    Only 2 days since I starts up on here again did I go over on my calories TWO DAYS!!!

    And guess what Jxnsmma... I ended up sick with a stomach flu all freakin day today... gee... that explains why I wasn't doing so hot yesterday, doesn't it???

    It's nice to see how judgemental you can be by grazing through a weeks worth of logs and making such a statement as you did. You can count that your rude heartlessness will be made known. And guess what... I'm down 12lbs! I have been making a lot of changes and it's been paying off... I've been working on this before I started logging again and just started logging again to have some support since most of the people I was talking with have dropped off the program or completely given up.

    My diary isnt blocked, it was open to all of my friends. Ive now made it public so you can see i practice what i preach. I cant log on the weekends cuz i live in the country with no internet access...

    And its not rude heartlessness, its nothing but fact. nothing that I said wasnt from what I read in your diary. I didnt say anything about you personally, call you a name, or say anything about your appearance or anything like that. I said you eat a bunch of fast food and then the next day eat a carrot and a banana and expect to feel full on it! and that to feel full and satisfied you need to eat good food often.