People with jobs and/or children...

misskatibear Posts: 158 Member
I SALUTE YOU. Seriously. I really really salute you... If you manage to cope with a job and children WHILST exercising and making healthy food choices. Although extremely eager to get a job, I do worry that my current love and time that my exercise takes up that it may slow down the whole process...but seriously, if you have children and work AND manage to exercise a lot - Give yourself a huge, huge HUGE pat on the back because I cannot even begin to imagine how draining that is. Admire you all.


  • lori__lynn
    lori__lynn Posts: 59
    Thanks, I have three kids, work full time and I'm a single mom.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    It's just all about how badly you want it. You want it badly enough, you'll make the time.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    thank you,
    I am a single mom of 2 kids and work full time, it is doable, you just need to schedule it.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    Thanks, that just made my day! I have 4 little girls, 10, 5, 4 and 1 AND I work 40 hours a week. I can't say that healthy eating is always at the top of my list but I do try to work out at least 5 days a week. I look forward to the day that I can retire...only 6,334 days to go! :laugh:
  • darla100
    darla100 Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks..I have 3 kids that are in sports of their own ..and own my own my husband works full time..
  • SaundraM2009
    SaundraM2009 Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you. ;-)

    And you can totally do it. I'm a schedule militant out of necessity, and that's the only way to make this + job + children work. My in-laws hate it because we have to leave at a certain time if we visit, but it's what we need to do to get through.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Haha, thanks :) I started on MFP while working full time which included an hour commute each way as well, having a young son and volunteering 2 nights a week as well. It was crazy, but having the fuller schedule really helped me prioritize things. Now I am unemployed and my son is home for the summer and it is easy to be L-A-Z-Y!
  • angellmoore
    angellmoore Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks, I work full time (12 hour days) and have a teenage daughter. I get up at 4:15 in the morning to get a work out in before work. It's tough most days to get up when I should be sleeping but I truly believe if you want to do something you will find a way so this is my way. :)
  • sds76
    sds76 Posts: 215 Member
    don't work but I do have 5 kids. The eating healthier part is easy because I am doing it for them too. I want them to be healthier. The exercise I do when my youngest is napping and tell the others to go play :). I am worried about when school starts. I homeschool my 3 school aged children and I don't know how I am going to fit the exercise in but I know I have to.....maybe some quiet reading time for them, I don't know yet.
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    I have two kids and work full time and it can be daunting. But... if you want it bad enough, you make the time. And you learn to involve your family as much as possible with exercising and/or eating healthy. And.... you get up at 4am and workout!!!!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    It's just all about how badly you want it. You want it badly enough, you'll make the time.

    That's how I feel. I work full time and have a 5 year old little boy...I just make it a priority and I make it work. I actually have a social life too, imagine that! Plus I'm the queen of extremely fast dinner preparation lol
  • TerraGirl17
    TerraGirl17 Posts: 275 Member
    Thanks, I have three kids, work full time and I'm a single mom.

    I am a newly separated, single mom, I too have 3 kids and work full time, I hope it gets easier cause right now I am exhausted!!
  • myangel05
    myangel05 Posts: 23 Member
    You work hard for the things you want. It is easy to push the exercise off and grab a yucky quick meal but in the end is it worth it?!?!

    I have 2 kids work a full time job and make the time to exercise and cook healthy meals for me and my family!

    It is worth the time and effort although doesnt always feel that way lol
  • rmchapman4
    rmchapman4 Posts: 152 Member
    It's just all about how badly you want it. You want it badly enough, you'll make the time.

    I totally concur. I am a wife, mother of 3, PhD candidate, and I work full-time. I am looking for more friends who are similar.
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    2 kids, 60 hour a week job, no family at all, and their mum has minimal contact

    And I couldnt be happier.

    Thanks but don't need or deserve a salute really. Anyone, I mean ANYONE could and would do the same. You deal with what you are given and if you are given more you deal with that too. People can say they cant cope etc but they can, if they had to, they would cope.

    Thats what I have done. Coped. And like I say, I am happy.
  • Skinny_Jeans_Soon
    Skinny_Jeans_Soon Posts: 326 Member
    I have 4 kids, 2 jobs and recently lost 82 pounds. I think the exercising, meal planning etc took as much or more time then my second job.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    :drinker: cheers. 2 little boys and a full time job here!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Thank you! I've got 5 kids (20, 19, 14, 12 & 6) and I work full time. I am blessed with a wonderful husband who does all the cooking!!! (He loves it and he gets home before me!) When he deicided to lose a little weight, he started using the recipe calculator and saw how calorie dense many of his meals were. So, finally, he started to make changes. Made my weight management much easier!! Of course, the booger lost 30 lbs in 4 months.. . .it took me a year. LOL

    But, it really does depend on how much you want to make it work. I salute the single moms out there. You have a heavy burden, to be sure!!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Thanks! It's nice to be reminded of how hard we work!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thank you!! I say the same about full-time homemakers. I'm home with my kids this Summer, and I just don't know how THEY do it all the time. Major kudos to you guys. Everything in life is about managing your priories and making sure nothing, including yourself, falls through the cracks. For years I put myself last, and my health began to seriously suffer. You have to have a will and a way and support system to make it really work. Congrats to everybody making it work!