People with jobs and/or children...



  • bellanoelle
    bellanoelle Posts: 105 Member
    Options are sweet....I now just leave my kids and walk....they are older ....11 to 20 ...four of them
  • tumblyweed
    tumblyweed Posts: 416 Member
    You are a peach! Thank you for that pick-me-up. Single mom here. Two young girls. Not always easy. :huh:
  • patty43ck
    patty43ck Posts: 248 Member
    I am a busy mom of 3 and I work full-time. I thought I would never find the time to work out until they opened a gym here at my work. I do it on my lunch hour and it has been a lifesaver. I also try to take a quick 20 minute walk at night after dinner. It has been working for me so far.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'm a stay at home mom. i think dieting/exercising while being a sahm is simple. you get to involve your kids!
    i never understand how people that do nothing (aside from dealing with poop machines) can complain.
    granted i only have 2 kids, i might not say that if i had 4 or more.. but i watched my niece everyday when she was a baby while my sister worked. i chose to be lazy. i chose to eat junk all day. if i had done it all again, i would have been more active with the kids when they were small.

    i salute women that have jobs! they have to make decisions about lunch/dinner everyday.
    if you're a sahm, you (generally) plan your meals and do the shopping yourself. you know exactly what you have in the fridge and (rarely) are tempted by fast food/restaurants.

    edit: i'd like to clarify about the parents that are SAHMs that complain they have no time for themselves. that's a lie :P ok carry on
  • Show_Stopper
    Show_Stopper Posts: 656 Member
    Thank you I'm a single mom of a 5 month old baby girl and work full time it's hard but even harder then that is dating while trying to be healthy :laugh:
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    Thanks, I have three kids, work full time and I'm a single mom.

    good for you for taking time for yourself!!

    Thanks OP, I know this is directed to a large group of people but it's nice when people recognize that this IS hard, it's not easy. I have 2 small kids and a full time job, not as big of a workload as most people on here, I'm sure. I started getting up at 5am so I can have my evenings with my family.
  • CAW210
    CAW210 Posts: 73
    Thanks! I have 4 kids, a husband and a full time job 35 miles from home. My family is usually right there with me when I am exercising, and some times join me, so it is a wonderful thing!
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    *Bows deeply* Thank you! I'm a full-time SAHM to two young sons. I've made it a priority to get fit and healthy once and for all. It's not easy juggling motherhood while trying to get into better shape but I want to set an example for my sons.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    It takes some work, but you learn to juggle it all. It never gets easier, you just have to be more creative with your time.
  • lauren3382
    lauren3382 Posts: 372 Member
    Great post OP...thank you!!

    I work full time and have 2 kids. My workout time is my "me" time and I try and get it in 5-6 days a week. It makes my life more balanced and it refreshes me so that I can be a better mom/wife. Like a previous poster said, if you want it bad enough, you will make the time!
  • M3l1s5a
    M3l1s5a Posts: 69
    What a thoughtful post! Thank you! :smile:
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    :smile: It's very doable, you just have to decide what's important to you. I'm a mother of 3. I have a high demanding full-time job that never stops at 40 hours and my kids are very involved in sporting activities themselves. Fitting in the exercise is easy ... it's staying on a diet when you are always on the go that's really difficult!
  • deaddawn
    deaddawn Posts: 42 Member
    don't work but I do have 5 kids. The eating healthier part is easy because I am doing it for them too. I want them to be healthier. The exercise I do when my youngest is napping and tell the others to go play :). I am worried about when school starts. I homeschool my 3 school aged children and I don't know how I am going to fit the exercise in but I know I have to.....maybe some quiet reading time for them, I don't know yet.

    Teach a PE class with them as well? I'll bet there are materials out there somewhere. I don't homeschool but I thought it was interesting the number of homeschool physical activities in my community. We have homeschool swim teams and family swim activities. When they are home I exercise once the kids are asleep. As they get older I've discovered that they can do more things with me. An educational walk through the zoo, the science of bowling (lol), swimming, the science museum, natural science walks, etc.
  • sds76
    sds76 Posts: 215 Member
    don't work but I do have 5 kids. The eating healthier part is easy because I am doing it for them too. I want them to be healthier. The exercise I do when my youngest is napping and tell the others to go play :). I am worried about when school starts. I homeschool my 3 school aged children and I don't know how I am going to fit the exercise in but I know I have to.....maybe some quiet reading time for them, I don't know yet.
    Major kudos to you!! WHy not a phys ed. class where you all workout together?

    we do phys ed.(required anyway) but I need to work out at a greater level than they do right now. But I will def. be counting our phys. ed when we start school. We like to play kickball, baseball, jump rope, nice walks, etc. When the weather is bad we do some kid friendly circuit training or active games on the Wii or Kinect. son just got a weight set(bench, etc) maybe we can incorporate some strength training.
  • joyzeejay
    joyzeejay Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you!!!! I really appreciate it!

    I'm a single mom with a demanding full-time job, I'm in the dance ministry at my church, and I'm a writer (writing my 3rd book) AND I have a social life. Luckily, now that my son is getting older, 12, he loves xboxlive, which leaves me free to work out. Usually, though, I get up at 4am to workout.
  • winninga
    winninga Posts: 77 Member
    THANK YOU! It ain't easy, but it's do-able. I have to sacrifice other things, but it's a priority for me, so I'm glad to do it. I guess now, I don't really see it as a sacrifice. I guess I see it now as exchanging one hobby for a new one. :):)
  • deaddawn
    deaddawn Posts: 42 Member
    I work a full time job, I am sometimes on call and I have two small childern. It was a tough adjustment getting married and having kids but I'm getting better at it.

    I am fortunate. My employer promotes healthly living. There is a gym with traininers at work, online live classes for people working remotely, and discounts on gym equipment and memberships. I work at home a few days a week as well. I can exercise on my breaks when at home. I have a little mini peddler under my desk I can use during boring conference calls when I need to listen but I'm not the one speaking. Coworkers I've talked to have mini steppers, exercise balls and dumb bells in their home office situations.

    If you have a choice in the matter, pick a health conscious and/or a family friendly company with vacation or sick days. Even if the pay is slightly better elsewhere, a company that cares about your health and your ability to balance work and home will be the better choice. If you don't have a choice, take the crappy job and keep looking.
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Thanks! I work full time, have a toddler, two dogs, a husband, working on my master's, oh and somehow fit in exercise. It can be done...just depends on the amount of sleep you need :)
  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    Yes I will say at the end of the day I crawl into bed... I have 6 kids ages 2-15.. my days start early with a 35 mile drive to work! Then I put my day in.. which included a hour at the gym for lunch the go back to work... pick up kids.. go home.. do all the motherly stuff.. run kids every where.. go back to the gym and try to find time for me and my husband.. but I wouldn't trade any of it!
  • alaythea
    alaythea Posts: 29
    I have a daughter and I work part time. I stay home with her 4 days so I try to make sure I work out really hard those day because the other three days my schedule doesn't always allow for a work out or much of one at least. Eating healthy has been a bit of an issue for me. The days I'm at work I hardly get to eat and when I do I grab something quick and it's not always healthy. The other four days are up and down for me.