Mirror, Mirror on the wall...best facial cleanser of all?



  • khara2012
    khara2012 Posts: 1,051 Member
    That's a great idea, too. Maybe I need to invest in some of those hair bands because I do have some bumps under my bangs that I'd never had before!:wink:
  • Icedancer94
    Liz Earle, hands down!
  • Uuuhlexis
    Uuuhlexis Posts: 90 Member
    I sell Mary Kay, so I'll tell you to use Timewise ;)

    But the key is that you want to make sure your cleanser and moisturizer are the same brand. You MUST use moisturizer to balance the pH in your skin, even if you think you have oily skin-moisturize!
    Also, if you don't want sweat running down your face, rub some anti-persperant over your hair line on your forehead (you could get a travel tube if you don't want to share with your arm pits :) )