
Hey all...
I'm Kelly. I've tried this app before, and failed. But since then, I have started a new job, and I'm ready for a new me. I will be more active (working with kids again!!) then I have been (working in a gas station). I will be turning 25 at the end of August, and I am not happy with where I am in my life (health-wise). My boyfriend and I are getting more serious, and I hope one day he will propose. I'd like to feel attractive then, and at my wedding. I feel faarrrr from that now. All my thoughts are about the future...marriage, kids, growing old..but they all depend on my health! I beleive this is the first step!!! I have started a blog on here, and feel if I share my thoughts and concerns, maybe I will be more successful....I look forward to meeting a new happy me someday soon.