SO WHAT if I am bragging!!!!



  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I can relate to the "you tall you carry it well" lol...I get that all the time, "why do you need to lose weight"

    Im doing it for ME and the way I want to feel inside and out....

    Great job girl!
    Same here...but being tall definitely contributed to me reaching my highest weight ever...because over time I convinced myself that I was STILL doing OK and 'carrying it well" till one day I realized I was only fooling myself!

    To the OP..brag away! When you've worked hard for something, you deserve to celebrate and flaunt it. Its always funny how people feel its ok to tell you that you don't need to lose any more weight....but they'd probably never have the nerve (or insensitivity) to tell someone when they DO need to lose!
  • Barbellsandthimbles
    Barbellsandthimbles Posts: 205 Member
    You have earned the right to brag! Everyone else can just shove off.
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    you know what you just keep on going. you have every right to brag about your success. its about you and what you are acheiving. if people get annoyed with you doing that perhaps you should find more supportive friends. I would be glad to be among those
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    My BF doesn't talk to me very much and I think this is the reason why... We started on this weight loss journey together, but she got pregnant and gained while I continued to lose. She's had the baby since, but hasn't really put any effort into getting back on. I've tried to help her but I feel like she just sees it as me being pushy and nagging and braggy.

    It sucks.
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    Most MIL are going to pick at you no matter what. If you weren't trying to lose the weight then she might be giving you a hard time for being overweight. Just ignore her and keep at it.
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    who is sick of you bragging? people on MFP? or family? non - MFP friends?
  • ltfitz89
    ltfitz89 Posts: 295 Member
    Keep it up! BRAG AWAY! and for those people who keep telling you "dont worry about it" or "you dont have to lose any more weight" keep bragging to them... they are jealous of your progress and want you to fail. Sometimes the people that should be the happiest for you are only jealous! Rock on!
  • sdavis448
    sdavis448 Posts: 195 Member
    I know exactly what you mean.. my famliy all live in another state, so we facebook chat, and skype alot. I'm really dedicated to this, so tallk alot about my plans, my results, etc..the other day I was skyping my 17 year old sister, and asked if she had noticed any changes.. her response "nope, better go for another run".. :(
    She has also said that I'm not allowed to weigh less then her.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    ugh why do people have to be like that?

    Brag it up!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Well, once you bring up the topic, you are kind of opening it up for their comments. I am not there, so I don't know, but maybe you come off as being obnoxious to them and they really don't want to hear about it? There are only about 4 people that I talk about my weight loss with. Not everyone cares or wants to know about it. Brag about it and plan it here where people understand what you are going through.
  • tansygreen
    tansygreen Posts: 85 Member
    Ahh the old MIL problem!

    My MIL loves to cook. Really big, banquet style meals. She has quite old fashioned food tastes (well she is 71 yrs old) and she lives to feed everyone these huge meals of really fattening foods. She only eats a sparrow's portion herself though. She'll sit at the table and take maybe one small potato, and a few bites of meat.
    Then, whatever you don't manage to eat (which is a lot as she cooks for double the amount of people) she actualy MAKES you take home. I'm not exagerating no-one in our family can say no to taking it home, because she gets all upset about it being a waste, and she won't be able to eat it!

    Unsurprisingly, she's really slim and glamorous, and wears amazing designer outfits that fit like a glove. Also unsurprisingly, many members of the family are overweight or struggling not to be overweight, especially my teenage nieces.

    It's not as simple as saying no, or saying you want to lose weight. There really is a lot of guilt involved, because it's her thing that she does for her family her 'raison d'etre'. I'm actually going there tonight for a meal, which is why I've just had to make sure to do an hour on the bike, and will do something similar tomorrow morning, to try to please everyone, and not go over my calories!!

    Ah well I really do love her, even if it slows the weight loss down a bit - but people from that generation don't understand about weight loss they grew up in world war II, there were food rations(in the UK) and obesity was very rare!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If you're talking about people in your real life getting tired of you droning on about your weight loss, then you need to stop talking about it. You're being rude.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    If you're talking about people in your real life getting tired of you droning on about your weight loss, then you need to stop talking about it. You're being rude.

    Absolutely NOT... In my opinion we all have the right to praise ourselves up. This is a section for motivation and support... if you don't have anything to add that is MOTIVATING and SUPPORTIVE...WHY would you post here? :huh:
  • kjshaffer69
    I talk about my weight loss and workout routine to keep myself motivated as well. I even tried to get some friends to workout with me. I have goals set and seriously want to achieve them.
    There are some in my life who try to sabotage me also. Unfortunately my mother is my worst critic. I have big arms for a woman(family trait) so I lift weights,I figure if they are gonna be big anyway they might as well be tone & defined. Every time someone mentions my weight loss around my mother she always has to comment on how big my arms are and that I need to quit lifting(never anything nice about how far I have come)
    I have lost a total of 44 pounds, and went from a size 14(tight) to a size 10(comfortable) and ALOT of inches!! (okay I'm done bragging) LOL
    Brag away people, you should all be very proud of yourselves!!!
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    Brag on girl, brag on!! I normally only "publicly" (ie FB posts or talk a lot about it) talk about my weight loss journey if I really need pick me ups. It gets on my SIL's nerves...and some of the people I work with. I have learned who I can talk to about it and who I can't. I try to keep my journey mostly to myself b/c I am doing it for ME, not to see how many friends I have to support me. The support is nice in those difficult times!
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    If you're talking about people in your real life getting tired of you droning on about your weight loss, then you need to stop talking about it. You're being rude.

    Absolutely NOT... In my opinion we all have the right to praise ourselves up. This is a section for motivation and support... if you don't have anything to add that is MOTIVATING and SUPPORTIVE...WHY would you post here? :huh:


    BTW, NOT that I need to explain myself, but I dont BRAG and TALK constantly about it. BUt, I do mention it and get excited when I drop more weight and tell those that I THINK should care about my health! I dont DRON-on about it and make it the topic of EVERY conversation!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I have learned to pick and choose who I talk to about weightloss. I can bore people stupid because I am slightly obssessed. It would be like someone trying to talk to me about football. I would be bored and probably would not be able to hide it for long and have to change the subject.

    I do talk to my husband about my journey... a lot... he tries to listen attentively but even his eyes glaze over when it comes to macro nutrients LOL

    Mostly I talk to my best friend and my MFP friends they understand and are supportive.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Not to be rude.. but......I learned that once I got settled into my new 'lifestyle', it was all I talked about, mostly because I was so excited and proud of myself for finally taking control. I also realized how easy it was and I wanted to drop tips to other people about how I did it, how they could do it, etc. Try to remember how you felt before you started your journey, when people talked about their diets and how you could lose weight. It's a big turn off. Sit down and listen to yourself and think about how you feel about others who obsess about something and wont shut up about it. It's annoying! I do however feel your pain about 'wanting' to talk about it. Luckily my husband joined me on mfp and that helped 100%. Also, that's what your MFP pals are for. We are all here to listen and proudly cheer on success! Congrats on your efforts and continue to be proud of yourself, regardless of other's comments!
    When people tell me I'm too thin (even though I'm only 2lbs into the 'healthy' weight category, I just say that no one is used to seeing me in a healthy weigh range, I WAS obese and that I will always be working on being healthy because it's a lifestyle, not a diet!
    Sometimes I do think that they are jealous and sometimes I wanted to smack the people who kept bringing me unhealthy food. Eventually, they caught on and realized that I just don't eat that 'stuff' anymore. I've gotten to the point that if I go to a family dinner (usually potluck), I'll bring my own food and add some of theirs, if it's healthy. I also DO NOT CARE what they think. Eating well and exercising is how I lost my weight and got healthier. This is for me, this is for you!
    Keep up the good work.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    It's great that you're having wonderful success with your weight loss, but most people have a short attention span when it comes to things like this. It's no different than someone who talks about their kids constantly, or their fabulous job, or their amazing husband. People can only take so much of it and then they want to talk about something else.

    People will notice that you are losing weight without you telling them. If there are people you know that don't see you very often, something as simple as posting a new picture of your trim self on Facebook will make the point. Then you can brag to all the people that show an interest. If they are annoyed, they aren't interested.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    If you're talking about people in your real life getting tired of you droning on about your weight loss, then you need to stop talking about it. You're being rude.

    Absolutely NOT... In my opinion we all have the right to praise ourselves up. This is a section for motivation and support... if you don't have anything to add that is MOTIVATING and SUPPORTIVE...WHY would you post here? :huh:

    Truth is, there are plenty of people that don't want or need to hear about it. I am so happy for everyone's weight loss on here, and I love to hear about their progress. I love the fact that I can share it here as well. Truth is though, not many people who aren't doing the same thing want to hear about it. I don't know all their reasons, but when they aren't doing this, breaking that plateau, or picking up a heavier weight, or dropping that last pound to your next mini-goal isn't so exciting. If they don't want to hear about it, they really shouldn't have to listen about it. Post that stuff here where people are genuinely excited about it an understand.