Fashion Faux Pas - Personal preferences



  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Socks with flip flops.

    CROCS! WHY?! Jesus those are the ultimate lazy person shoe.

    Fanny pack (unless you're at Great America or running or something)

    Dresses that are too low in the back to where everyone can see your back rolls

    Pants that are too light that we can clearly see your zebra striped panties

    Clothing with visible holes (not talking jeans that are hole-y for the sake of being hole-y)

    Clothing that is 5 sizes too big/too small
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    Faux pas I can't stand:

    - There is a name for the type of man who can pull off wearing a sports jersey. It is "Professional Athlete."
    - Small holes in jeans can be done tastefully...but small holes in a sweater is pathetic.
    - Look at your shirt. Now look at your tie. Is your shirt darker than your tie? Then you are a godless sodomite.
    - I'll allow a discreet grass or paint stain on a pair of denim pants. It portrays that "lived-in" comfort. Not food, dirt, wine, or bodily fluids though.
    - While we're on the subject of denim, the closest a man should ever come to denim shorts is helping a woman out of them.
    - Velour...why?
    - No one should see your toes or nipples in public. The only exceptions are the pool, the beach, or for the particularly daring, with someone else at least equally undressed.
    - A hood knocks ten years off of your age and twenty points off of your I.Q.
    - I don't mind you wearing suspenders, but if you wear suspenders and a belt then you missed the point and you are a hipster.


    I think I love you!
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    Faux Pas I can't stand:

    - Leggings aren't pants. So sayeth me.
    - Wear what fits. If your clothes are too tight, you are embarrassing yourself.
    - Wear what fits. You're dressing, not going camping. I can't tell if that is a tent or a shirt.
    - I don't know what that poofy thing you keep doing with your hair is, but I don't like it. The classics are classics for a reason.
    - I will be honest in that I don't mind Uggs in the winter. But God help you if you are wearing Uggs and a skirt. "I'm cold" does not excuse the shoes. What's keeping your unmentionables warm?
    - Don't mix animal prints. In fact, you probably shouldn't wear animal prints. Either an animal was killed for them, or you're wearing something synthetic and it probably looks trashy.
    - 1992 just called and it wants its Scrunchies and sequins back.
    - I don't mind if you wear sweats in public. Just know that I presume you've given up on looking presentable.
    - Why do you have words on your butt? What if I walked around with pants that said 'Lightning Rod' on the front?
    - Don't cake makeup. I won't say 'don't wear makeup.' I'm just saying that a little bit goes a long way. And no glitter.

    I guess the underlying principal is "dress to your figure."

    Wow.. on point with Men and Women.. do you work in fashion?
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    If you ever see me Color blocking, tight clothes, blazers with jeans you reserve the right to kick me in my shin
  • ifitkillsme
    Faux Pas I can't stand:

    - Leggings aren't pants. So sayeth me.
    - Wear what fits. If your clothes are too tight, you are embarrassing yourself.
    - Wear what fits. You're dressing, not going camping. I can't tell if that is a tent or a shirt.
    - I don't know what that poofy thing you keep doing with your hair is, but I don't like it. The classics are classics for a reason.
    - I will be honest in that I don't mind Uggs in the winter. But God help you if you are wearing Uggs and a skirt. "I'm cold" does not excuse the shoes. What's keeping your unmentionables warm?
    - Don't mix animal prints. In fact, you probably shouldn't wear animal prints. Either an animal was killed for them, or you're wearing something synthetic and it probably looks trashy.
    - 1992 just called and it wants its Scrunchies and sequins back.
    - I don't mind if you wear sweats in public. Just know that I presume you've given up on looking presentable.
    - Why do you have words on your butt? What if I walked around with pants that said 'Lightning Rod' on the front?
    - Don't cake makeup. I won't say 'don't wear makeup.' I'm just saying that a little bit goes a long way. And no glitter.

    I guess the underlying principal is "dress to your figure."
    Arrrgh Sweats in public. My mother in law insists that it is ok to wear her "nice" sweats out. There is no such thing as "nice" sweats
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    When women wear their pants so tight they get a camel toe.

    Seriously, how is that comfortable?

    Oh, and Crocs. Don't even wear them for gardening. Please.

    Edited: Sweat pants with ugg boots. You know how sloppy you look? Gross.
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    Faux pas I can't stand:

    - There is a name for the type of man who can pull off wearing a sports jersey. It is "Professional Athlete."
    - Small holes in jeans can be done tastefully...but small holes in a sweater is pathetic.
    - Look at your shirt. Now look at your tie. Is your shirt darker than your tie? Then you are a godless sodomite.
    - I'll allow a discreet grass or paint stain on a pair of denim pants. It portrays that "lived-in" comfort. Not food, dirt, wine, or bodily fluids though.
    - While we're on the subject of denim, the closest a man should ever come to denim shorts is helping a woman out of them.
    - Velour...why?
    - No one should see your toes or nipples in public. The only exceptions are the pool, the beach, or for the particularly daring, with someone else at least equally undressed.
    - A hood knocks ten years off of your age and twenty points off of your I.Q.
    - I don't mind you wearing suspenders, but if you wear suspenders and a belt then you missed the point and you are a hipster.


    You sir... are Fantastic!
  • Devona14
    Devona14 Posts: 171
    Lip-liner darker than the lipstick. I've seen women with a really dark lip-liner around their lips and no lipstick whatsoever. This is not attractive and never has been. Also women that wear lipstick that is too dark for their skin tone. I know a lady that is very fair skinned with red hair that wears a very dark brownish-purple-wine colored lipstick. Does not work!
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    Haha there are some that are awful - Uggs with shorts, Crocs, stains/unsightly rips....but some of the trendier things I really don't mind if done well! Some people rock denim on denim (I do - I wear coloured denim pants with a little blue jean vest. I think I look awesome. :P )...IMO neutrals go with everything including each other.

    Love the tree comment though. I would never have that problem since I don't wear green, but I chuckled at that statement.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Brown top with black bottoms seems nun-ish to me lol!!! Not a fan of navy with black either!

    My faux pas pet peeve is denim on jean pants and a jean jacket worn together lol....I don't know why I just think it looks like denim overkill!

    This and...
    Uggs - If your heal is not on the sole, you need to wear a better boot.
    Socks & Sandals
    Jorts with the pockets that extend past the length of the short.
    Denim with over-accentuated, purposely made tears along the thighs, bum or-- just anywhere areas!
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Wow.. on point with Men and Women.. do you work in fashion?
    I do not work in fashion. I just care about how I present myself and expect those around me to have self-respect as well. Unfortunately, general apathy in the world around me has made me an emotional black hole and a husk of what a caring person should be.

    That said, I'm a narcissistic, egotistic, elitist, dashing, coquettish, gentleman. I'll take that trade-off.
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    Ugg boots. With anything. They're hideous.
    - I don't mind if you wear sweats in public. Just know that I presume you've given up on looking presentable.

    Ohdear, haha. I commit a whole bunch of faux pas.... although the sweats thing I started a few weeks ago. I no longer care how I look nowadays... 5 hours of sleep, 4.5 hours in the pool, and a permanent aura of chlorine kinda has made me a zombie.

    Although Uggs are hideous, they're functional. I have to give them that. In the winter I'll pair them with sweats and a towel after practice when running out to my car... although my legs freeze, my feet stay nice and warm. And for some reason, when my feet/hands are warm, I don't feel as cold as when my hands/feet are freezing.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Sweat pants with ugg boots. You know how sloppy you look? Gross.

    That... or Ugg boots with super super short shorts that look like underwear. WHY??????
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    Green and red is Christmas.

    Red, white and blue is 4th of July.

    Brown and black are a no-no unless you're wearing brown leather boots with a black dress or jeans.

    Clear plastic bra straps showing.... eeeeesh.

  • emmymae22
    emmymae22 Posts: 206
    neon f***ing jeans!!????!!! I DO NOT WANNA WEAR BRIGHT GREEN JEANS! They make me really upset.

    Not that I am against colored denim. I had a dark green pair that were lovely, and I have seen dark red that are pretty but come on ladies. Please for the love of god stop buying neon yellow, green and pink and orange jeans and maybe this trend will go away.

    LOL this is aaaaaaall I'm wearing on the bottom right now! Hot pink, deep purple, bright green and bright orange skinnies from Old Navy.. love them!!!
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    Arrrgh Sweats in public. My mother in law insists that it is ok to wear her "nice" sweats out. There is no such thing as "nice" sweats

    I think we have the same mother in law.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Overkill neon shoes and clothing everyone is working out in....
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    My two pet peeves are:

    1: Flip-flop/Sandles with jeans. - It just looks sloppy to me. Here in Florida, flip-flops are a way of life but, shorts only please.

    2: Sideways hats. - If you wear your hat sideways, you are either a professional rapper or a retard. My guess is on the latter.
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    Poofy hair... CHECK
    Flowers in hair... CHECK (see profile photo)
    Brown & Black... CHECK (have a photo of this as well)
    Grey Tights... CHECK (tights in general because I have to wear them to cover my tattoos at work)
    Blue & Black... CHECK

    I am one big fashion disaster! haha:)

    Things I hate and would never do...

    Denim on Denim
    Neon Jeans
    Socks with Sandals
    Shoes too high that I can't walk in, no matter how cute they are
    clothes (including bras) that are too small
    button down shirts on women that gap in the boob area
    tennis shoes with skirts
    short shorts
    long shorts with a zipper that is like 18 inches long
    mom jeans

    and I hate those work out pants that are colorful, used to be called "beach pants" don't know what they are called now.

    Fanny Packs... ewwwww

    I also agree about denim shorts on men. Not attractive really.

    That's about it for now, I'm sure I will think of something else LOL

    Fun Thread!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Faux pas I can't stand:

    - There is a name for the type of man who can pull off wearing a sports jersey. It is "Professional Athlete."
    - Small holes in jeans can be done tastefully...but small holes in a sweater is pathetic.
    - Look at your shirt. Now look at your tie. Is your shirt darker than your tie? Then you are a godless sodomite.
    - I'll allow a discreet grass or paint stain on a pair of denim pants. It portrays that "lived-in" comfort. Not food, dirt, wine, or bodily fluids though.
    - While we're on the subject of denim, the closest a man should ever come to denim shorts is helping a woman out of them.
    - Velour...why?
    - No one should see your toes or nipples in public. The only exceptions are the pool, the beach, or for the particularly daring, with someone else at least equally undressed.
    - A hood knocks ten years off of your age and twenty points off of your I.Q.
    - I don't mind you wearing suspenders, but if you wear suspenders and a belt then you missed the point and you are a hipster.

    *looks at her toes...*