My hip hurts when I run. Help!



  • rheilala
    rheilala Posts: 32
    I haven't gone through and read everyone's comments...but it seems like that you may not have support in your left shoe. It may sound weird but it could be the problem. Have you tried putting in a Scholl's gel in your left shoe..maybe that could help?
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    I will try and be brief with my experience but don't know if that is possible. I started running last year and developed hip pain. My first ortho told me it was a sartorius muscle strain, if I kept running I would get severe pain running down the front of my thigh and would hardly be able to walk. Sent me to PT. PT made things worse. I did keep running as I was training for a half marathon. After I went back he told me it was psoas muscle strain. I finally decided then to rest. I forget how long I took off from running but the pain got worse. I started running again. The pain was still there but a bit decreased. It was like a pain right on the tip of my hip bone. After my half marathon I finally decided for a second opinion. They did xrays of lumbar spine and hips. Nothing then some arthritis. Gave me a steroid injection, told me it was an abdominus muscle strain, and told me to rest. I did rest for quite a while, no improvement, got worse again. They sent me to physiatrist. They put me on pain meds and muscle relaxers which did nothing to alleviate the pain. I final tried a chiropractor. Perhaps slight improvement in symptoms but not much. Finally decided to try acupuncture and I can say I am about 98% pain free. What fixed it for sure, I don't know. I saw about doing an exercise where you stand on a step with the bad leg and dip down the opposite leg, I do 10-15 a couple times a day. I stopped running in my neighborhood where the sidewalk is really at a slant. Those things with the combination of acupuncture I believe have helped me. Also, hip issues are often caused by tight hammies so make sure you are staying limber.... sorry for being so long winded! If you have any questions, feel free to friend me.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Also should note that per the physical therapist and the chiro, my hips were out of alignment so that perhaps also put me back on the road to recovery...
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    why are you asking strangers on the internet?
    there are dozens of types of injury and issue you can have in and around your hip. sound advice for wone might make another worse. see a professional!
    and if you're in pain you stop. you stop until you know the cause of the pain. it's common sense, unless you like the idea of creating a permanent weakness.

    stop being silly.
  • tumaaa1754
    The same exact thing is happening to me right now, what worked the best?
  • slrea2012
    slrea2012 Posts: 31 Member
    Not to sound like a broken record but, " I've had the same issues". I had a strained psoas. It hurt to get in and out of my car and running was out of the question. Rest and a really good deep tissue massage therapist helped, one that specialized in psoas release. Cycling was really the only exercise I could do until my psoas healed.

    By the way, if it is your psoas be patient, it takes a long time for healing. My 2 cents